Why aren't people binning it?


Well-Known Member
25 March 2015
North West
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I live on a relatively quiet road, semi detached, houses on both sides. I have a lovely hedge in the front garden which is pretty big and is great for privacy, or so I thought. I'm now finding every time I go outside my house, there's dog poo bags, with poo inside, just dumped outside on the pavement. I'm guessing it's because the hedge covers the front of the property and people think no one will see if they drop the bag. I'm fed up with it, why bag it then just drop it on the floor?

Lots of dog walkers go past my house, so I can't exactly go out and confront them because I don't know who the culprit is.

I really don't want to cut the hedge down because it's beautiful and attracts lots of birds.

Do I just stop moaning, pick it up and put it in my bin? The waste doesn't bother me, it's the fact people are too lazy to carry it home :mad:

Could I put a sensor in the hedge so when people walk past it lets out a loud scream :D? It might encourage people to cross the road.

In all seriousness, has anyone had a similar experience, would contacting the council make any difference?


'Do you come here often?'
15 January 2008
End of the pier
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Put a sign up. Dummy CCTV camera. I lost the bap a few months ago and used a powder wound spray to draw big circles around the (unbagged) poos left on my verge, seemed to do the trick (as in, whoever does it thinks they are being 'monitored') but not sure my landlords are too happy :p
The council has erected 'you are being monitored by CCTV/you will get a 1k fine' type signs at the bottom of the lane and along the main road.


Well-Known Member
25 March 2015
North West
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Put a sign up. Dummy CCTV camera. I lost the bap a few months ago and used a powder wound spray to draw big circles around the (unbagged) poos left on my verge, seemed to do the trick (as in, whoever does it thinks they are being 'monitored') but not sure my landlords are too happy :p
The council has erected 'you are being monitored by CCTV/you will get a 1k fine' type signs at the bottom of the lane and along the main road.

When I get home tonight i'm going out to draw circles round them, that's a good idea. I think I will put some CCTV warning signs on the house and approach the council about some signs for the street.


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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When I get home tonight i'm going out to draw circles round them, that's a good idea. I think I will put some CCTV warning signs on the house and approach the council about some signs for the street.

People routinely ignore street sign. Having your own on your hedge will have far more impact, as it’s personal.


Well-Known Member
19 October 2017
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We had this except it was a wall, the council put so many bins in the area but people still just lined the bags up along the wall. I just despair!
We moved... For other reasons.


Adjusting my sails
13 May 2007
Northern Ireland
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We have a Poo Vigilante in the village who walks his dog early in the morning, carrying a can of red spray, and he spirits the piles of poo. I don’t think it makes people pick it up but it does help everyone else avoid treading in it.

We have nearly 30 poo bins in our little village, and still the pavements are filthy. Some people simply will not pick up ?


Well-Known Member
25 March 2015
North West
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One of life's mysteries!!!

Why go to the effort of baggng it to not put it in a bin?

I really don't know, they've done the hard part, putting it in the bin is easy!

As of today, no more bags added to the collection, although I did find a beer bottle in my hedge yesterday but it's not quite as offensive as a bag of sh!t3.


Well-Known Member
21 July 2016
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I live on a relatively quiet road, semi detached, houses on both sides. I have a lovely hedge in the front garden which is pretty big and is great for privacy, or so I thought. I'm now finding every time I go outside my house, there's dog poo bags, with poo inside, just dumped outside on the pavement. I'm guessing it's because the hedge covers the front of the property and people think no one will see if they drop the bag. I'm fed up with it, why bag it then just drop it on the floor?

Lots of dog walkers go past my house, so I can't exactly go out and confront them because I don't know who the culprit is.

I really don't want to cut the hedge down because it's beautiful and attracts lots of birds.

Do I just stop moaning, pick it up and put it in my bin? The waste doesn't bother me, it's the fact people are too lazy to carry it home :mad:

Could I put a sensor in the hedge so when people walk past it lets out a loud scream :D? It might encourage people to cross the road.

In all seriousness, has anyone had a similar experience, would contacting the council make any difference?

put up a dummy camera and a notice saying why it's there. this sort of thing drives me potty. If you have a dog take it home or pout it in a bin nearby. ??

GSD Woman

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9 December 2018
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My wheelie bin sits at the edge of my street. I tell dog walkers that if they need to they can put their poop bags in it. I had one neighbor years ago who used to let their dog poop in my lawn around the edge. Word got back to them that I was going to gather it up and place it on their front porch. The poop stopped.


Well-Known Member
22 May 2014
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Drives me mad. Cannot grasp the concept of bagging it to then leave the bag. Used to live adjacent to a street where a man would take his elderly chihuahua for a ‘walk’ about half a dozen houses down the road to the street corner, let it crap all over the pavement, leave it there, and then go home. Twice a day. The resident of the corner house who presumably was up to their ankles in pavement poo each week even began tying bags to their fence and leaving signs up begging for their use, but it didn’t seem to have much of an effect.

Not sure if there was any proper outcome as we moved away - it wasn’t the sort of place where you’d complain formally about or to your neighbours, if you know what I mean.


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13 June 2013
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I live on thousands of acres of bleak hilly moorland. Since lockdown we have had a marked increase in walkers, some with dogs. There have been a couple of sheep worrying incidents and, though rare, have seen bags of dog poo thrown to the side of the track or actually into the heather. Why?! Why on earth would you bother to bag it to then toss it to the side and leave it there?! Without being enclosed in plastic, the dog poo would disappear relatively quickly. It makes zero sense to me.


'Do you come here often?'
15 January 2008
End of the pier
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There's a guy here who walks other people's dogs (he's not a professional dog walker, he just likes having keys to other peoples' houses) who drops kitchen towel over poo and keeps walking. Really lovely after a few days of wet weather. He completely ignores me/doesn't speak to me though :p


Well-Known Member
27 February 2018
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My wheelie bin sits at the edge of my street. I tell dog walkers that if they need to they can put their poop bags in it. I had one neighbor years ago who used to let their dog poop in my lawn around the edge. Word got back to them that I was going to gather it up and place it on their front porch. The poop stopped.

That's nice of you. I was really pee'd off when I discovered that someone had put bags of dog poo in my wheelie bin recently, such a cheek. If I hadn't noticed and had out a heavy bag of rubbish in, the bags could have split and I'd have ended up with poo in the bottom of the bin. I put a polite but pointed note on it, and it hasn't happened since. It's amazing how little things like that can annoy you!
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Well-Known Member
27 February 2018
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I live on thousands of acres of bleak hilly moorland. Since lockdown we have had a marked increase in walkers, some with dogs. There have been a couple of sheep worrying incidents and, though rare, have seen bags of dog poo thrown to the side of the track or actually into the heather. Why?! Why on earth would you bother to bag it to then toss it to the side and leave it there?! Without being enclosed in plastic, the dog poo would disappear relatively quickly. It makes zero sense to me.

It's so dangerous to livestock and wildlife, too. Lots of dead animals have been found to have numerous bags of dog poo inside them, absolutely awful and so unnecessary. You can really see why farmers don't want footpaths/people walking across their land. I think people leave it on the side, planning to pick it up on the way back, and presumably (or conveniently) forget/don't see it. As for throwing it into the heather, I suppose they think it's off the path/out of sight, and
it saves them taking it home! As for hanging bags of dog poo on trees - just why?!!! ?
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GSD Woman

Well-Known Member
9 December 2018
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I used to walk in a city park and would sometimes bag it until I came back around since some routes didn't have garbage bins. But, I always picked it back up. Where I occasionally walk now I'll tie bags to tree limbs so I don't forget them. I do stick and flick where appropriate.


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7 March 2008
up a hill
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My partner told me a 'tale' of two neighbours, one constantly let his dog poop on the others lawn, despite being asked not too.

So the person who's lawn was being pooped on gathered all the poop up, wrapped it up in newspaper and placed it in a brown paper bag, set light to it, then posted it through the letter box! Presumably in the hope that the recipient would try to stamp out the fire?!!!!

I have no idea how feasible an act, or if even true, but does seem a good way to get revenge.......


Well-Known Member
29 June 2020
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Just stepped in one right outside my gate, in case anyone heard me roaring F***S SAKE DIRTY B*****DS
Because some people think they are "entitled" to do whatever they want without consequences, or care to anyone else. And there are plenty that support that mindset- until it directly impacts them


Well-Known Member
9 October 2014
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I used to walk in a city park and would sometimes bag it until I came back around since some routes didn't have garbage bins. But, I always picked it back up. Where I occasionally walk now I'll tie bags to tree limbs so I don't forget them. I do stick and flick where appropriate.

Why is it that people such as you aren't able to simply tie the filled bag(s) closed and carry it along with you?


Well-Known Member
22 May 2014
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Here’s one - does anyone pick up poo that isn’t theirs (their dog’s, that is!)? There have been times where I’ve picked up old poo when my dog has pooped beside it, but I don’t actively pick up all the old poo we pass each day.


'Do you come here often?'
15 January 2008
End of the pier
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Got someone a beauty this morning, multiple dogs, walking along not paying attention to what they were doing or who's dogs they were accosting ? and not realising I lived in the property their dog was defacating outside as they continued on their way, so I was able to shout EXCUSE ME YOUR DOG HAS DONE A CRAP ON MY VERGE!