Why did you leave your last yard/s?


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13 April 2007
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After reading some of these horror stories I've realised I've been pretty lucky!

For years I kept my pony, and after that, my horse, at home. We sold the land when we were offered a ridiculous amount of money for it- several times what it was worth. There's still horses living on it, as it is unsuitable to be built on.

I moved to a small yard belonging to a friend, just up the road from where I had been originally. Unfortunately we ran out of grass so I offered to move away.

Then I landed at a large livery yard a bit further away. It was absolutely wonderful until the owner died and his family took over. They basically bullied the YM out of her job and now, if you offer an opinion that is different to theirs you are asked to leave (as I was!) After 11 years and a heck of a lot of money, they couldn't even face us on the day we left!! Luckily, we'd already been looking for somewhere else (and had somewhere in mind) as I did not agree with the way the yard was running- or that they'd sent an inexperienced member of staff down to take my 4yo's rug off- she ignored the headcollar on the gate, undid the front straps and surprise surprise, my horse galloped off. He galloped around for 20 minutes apparently, with his rug stuck around his middle. The particular member of staff told me this, whilst laughing and saying 'how funny' it was.

Temporarily, I moved my boys to my friends yard for a couple of weeks. Lovely atmosphere, nice people, small yard. Would possibly have stayed there but she only offers Part Livery and I like them on DIY, and we were preparing my new yard....

I'm now on my own private yard, with loads of grazing, beautiful large boxes, no ridiculous rules or cliques. Lots of off road hacking, no school but access to one a couple of fields away or 2 miles up the road and I do have a grass riding area. Love it, if I have to leave here it'll be kicking and screaming (or i'll sell my horses!) Hopefully there'll never be any reason to leave here!


Well-Known Member
11 April 2014
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I want bother to add mine as i could write a book, but yes, there are aome very sad livery yards around, i dont mean that in a bad way, but we pay a lot for our horses keep and its our down time, and there are livery yards crying out for liveries but they wont change their attitude, there are owners who have to interfere instead of just get on with their own business, its like everyone who should not be has to be the boss and those that are the boss have no idea what they are doing, its not going to change unfortunately


Well-Known Member
26 June 2008
Picardie France
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Where do I start ! a few of the reasons for leaving my last yard and bringing horse home.

* Private yard with only 1 stable free, I had been there for 6 years as 5min walk from my house. The owner decided to let one of their friends come (which there wasn't a stable for), and started making my life hell, making up lies, later understood that this new friend of theirs just wanted my livery space.
* The horses were never ever allowed out (fields were for hay making (3 cuts!!!)) and only then they might be able to go out (september - november), so winter price was pretty much paid all year.
* The horse slept on concrete (no joke!) the very small amount of straw he did get was eaten instantly as only 1 haynet of hay allowed a day.
* I decided to buy my own feed as didn't feed enough, until I realised my feed was feeding the owners horses too
* No access to tap allowed, even when horse came in on 3 legs with severe leg injuries due to BARBED wire fence the owner as used as it was 'cheaper'.
* Restricted times (not before 10 am et not after 5pm)
* Found photos on various sites of the owner and their friends taking my horse out on the road without my permission.

This all happened in the last 3 months of me being there, the final straw was the lies and constant insults when I arrived (by owner and their 'friend' who wanted my space) and discovering numerous photos of my horse out on the road with them (no one asked me to take my horse out !).


Well-Known Member
28 June 2009
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because I moved house as my previous yard would have been half an hour away! fine in the summer, nightmare in the winter!

I moved back to a yard where I'd kept my mare years ago! difference was back in the day it was a massive yard with loads of horses, now its just me! they use the rest of the field for hay and wheat etc!

I was very nervous about being on my own with 2 horses and a mini pony but I can safely say, 1yr old, I've never been happier :) I wont be moving until I'm kicked off because they want to build it or something horrible!


Well-Known Member
7 July 2010
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because I moved house as my previous yard would have been half an hour away! fine in the summer, nightmare in the winter!

I moved back to a yard where I'd kept my mare years ago! difference was back in the day it was a massive yard with loads of horses, now its just me! they use the rest of the field for hay and wheat etc!

I was very nervous about being on my own with 2 horses and a mini pony but I can safely say, 1yr old, I've never been happier :) I wont be moving until I'm kicked off because they want to build it or something horrible!

Sounds like heaven!



Well-Known Member
20 January 2009
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I want bother to add mine as i could write a book, but yes, there are aome very sad livery yards around, i dont mean that in a bad way, but we pay a lot for our horses keep and its our down time, and there are livery yards crying out for liveries but they wont change their attitude, there are owners who have to interfere instead of just get on with their own business, its like everyone who should not be has to be the boss and those that are the boss have no idea what they are doing, its not going to change unfortunately

Spoilsport. :devilish:


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11 April 2014
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I know but i am tired tonight, maybe tomorrow if thread is still going, there does seem to be a very similar trait though with all experiences.


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3 December 2011
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Yard 1 - was great although one of the owners also ran a riding school and would help herself to your hay and bedding., left because they sold it.
Yard 2 - too many rules, crap school, owners who thought they knew everything because they had a share in a racehorse, and so fussy, the day I saw her sweeping the grass was the day I thought enough is enough!
Yard 3 - Yard 1 with the new owners, great for a couple of years but grazing was very poor and the owners horses got first pick on the new grass so there was none left for the liveries, I had two horses there and was feeding two hard feeds and masses of hay right through the summer also sand school was awful.
Yard 4 - left with friends (or so I thought!) from Yard 3, got our own yard, it was fun at first, but twos company and threes a crowd and I was the three. They went off and found another yard which only had room for them, they told me it was coincidence but I found an advert in a tack shop put there by them looking for livery for only there horses, so liars and two faced. kept the yard for a while on my own with liveries but too much work on top of a full time job so moved to
Yard 5 - perfect! great school, loads of hacking, all bedding etc on site, mostly very nice people and great owners. Hopefully wont have to move again.


Well-Known Member
5 January 2008
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Left our last yard as I'd moved house and the journey to the stables was taking over an hour in the evenings, although the final straw came when a livery who I'd considered a friend decided to bad mouth me and try to turn everyone against me. When I tried to establish what I'd done wrong they just blanked me to my face...was all rather childish.

I handed in my notice the same day (had already been to view a new yard 10 mins from the new house) and left at the end of the month and we haven't looked back since. In the short time I've been at the new yard we've come on in leaps and bounds and H seems a lot more chilled about life. We hack alone most nights and have been to our first show and sponsored ride, things that I'd never have been brave enough to do 6 months ago. Add to that we now have amazing hacking and are within hacking distance of the local RC, I couldn't be happier.


Well-Known Member
3 April 2008
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I left because my yard was near my job at the time and my daughters primary school. When she moved schools and I moved jobs it was completely in the wrong direction for us to travel twice a day.


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6 June 2014
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Fell out with the owner although the good thing though is that actually it was a HUGE blessing because now our new yard has much better facilities, friendlier people, great atmosphere, very knowledgable people and a very laid back atmosphere! :D


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9 August 2001
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We've moved on for some good reasons over the years including:
- YO complaining that my stallion escaped from his field (they didn't turn the electric fence on despite being told that he (the horse) would check it frequently) and so they kept him in and asked us to leave when he trod on the grooms toe.
- YM left, leaving non-horsey YO's sister in charge. The last straw was finding her wandering around with a bucket of feed for our then two horses; absolutely no clue as to feeding/ keeping horses.
- YO put our part livery horses out to grass whilst telling us they were coming in every night. I wouldn't have objected if we'd not been lied to as it was summer and the horses liked being out, but the trust was then gone.
- YO from hell. Threw things at the horses if they kicked the stable door. Kept my horse in on his own overnight having turned all others out, including his field friend, because he was a stallion and she couldn't trust him. Groom kicking a horse in the belly. Horses being beaten up. Horse being dyed using hair colouring causing allergic reaction and then seriously considering using bleach to take it out. Electric fencing around the water trough in the field because they were fed up it was drinking all the water (I can't actually remember whether they did that or decided not to when there was outcry to be fair). etc etc.
- very sadly left our last yard when OH set up his own yard. The people were lovely and we were very sad to leave.
It's been such a joy!
We / OH doesn't always get it right as a YO (every owner is different with different views and approaches and not all set ups suit everyone), but he's honest about what he can and can't do and has and hasn't done, and we don't allow bitching.


Well-Known Member
9 August 2001
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thanks fattylumpkin. Best piece of advice I received was from a friend when I moved Mac over here from Ireland. It was that I'd never find a livery yard that was perfect; there's always a compromise and the trick is to find the one where the compromise is something you can live with.


Well-Known Member
26 December 2009
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Jeez, I must be a lucky one!! I have never moved yards. I have been here now for around 15years and occasionally there have been times I thought about moving, but that was for personal reasons, and not for the better of my horse.


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9 March 2012
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Recently moved from DIY to livery. Nice DIY yard, just wasn't doable any more with increasing responsibility at work etc. Livery yard is blissful and although I'm still there until late most evenings, I ride almost every day now.

The move before that (about 3 years ago) I'd moved from livery (not the yard I am now on!) onto the DIY yard, as the livery yard staff were so untrustworthy so I figured as I was doing everything myself anyway I may as well save myself £250 a month.


Well-Known Member
17 May 2009
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I left my last place as i wanted another pony and there was no room for another. Its the best thing i did though, i went from a big yard to a private small yard with one other person and i feel like a different person, i do my own thing and love it


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12 March 2010
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I moved to the other side of the country. Previous one I left when Dylan was PTS (although I still went up sometimes until my sister's horse died).


Well-Known Member
24 April 2009
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I was offered somewhere better. I did keep paying for my previous space until I was sure I wanted to stay there.

Really would like my own yard now. Was most annoyed yesterday when I arrived at the yard to find that someone had moved over all my stuff to make room for the person I have to share a storage room with. Annoyed that, a, I wasn't consulted first, it was just done, b, why, after 11 years of having the same storage space I'm suddenly made to make room when previous available space for sharer was plenty for the previous sharer and c, that I am having to give up storage space now I have four animals at said yard and person I am having to make space for has only one. Grr! So if I move again it will be down to lack of storage space and having to share. Call me selfish but there some things I would rather not share!
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Well-Known Member
28 June 2007
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First yard - Partly because my horses werent coping with 24/7 turnout in winter and no stables available but also the yard owner went to uni and her friend who was a livery took it upon herself to decide she was in charge and basically bullied me and my sister (we were 12 and 17 at the time and very responsible and sensible)

Moved to current yard where I've been for 10 years apart from a couple of years when I moved away for a job. Was at a fantastic yard then although the hacking was dire, and left when I quit my job and moved back home and back to the yard I was on - which is lovely. Decent hacking and facilities, paddocks could do with more maintenance but as a general rule you're allowed to do what you want, theres a good atmosphere and its only 3 miles from my house so.


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11 June 2010
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Badly maintained turnout in summer - actually no maintenance at all.

Next to zero turnout in winter - an hour a day in horribly boggy conditions.



Bullying by YO and family.

Anyone in any doubt why I left?!


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11 December 2004
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I was moving, otherwise I would have stayed.
It was a cracking little yard, good social life, PC club, nothing fancy at all, like a rice paddy in winter, but still, on the whole a good place to be. For 26 GBP a MONTH!
I have been gone a long time now, I think it has changed hugely now - probably just waiting for me to go first ;)

I am leaving this one too. Soon. I hope. :D


Well-Known Member
17 June 2007
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1st yard I left as I was going away for a couple of days but my farrier was due to come… I had got my pony in that morning for farrier and had an arrangement with the YO that she would put my girl out in field once farrier had been. I returned from my trip away to find my pony still standing in her stable- no food or water and standing knee deep in poo- she had just been left and ignored by YO and other liveries whilst I was away- she was very poorly! VERY hasty retreat.

2nd yard was nice or so I thought but when my girl suddenly had acute liver failure we found out they had been supplying us hay that had loads of ragwort in it !!!!! Another very hasty retreat (Pony had to be PTS)

3rd yard I went onto part then full livery, it was a lovely friendly yard with good facilities and hacking and I was there for several years very happily but then things started to go downhill a bit- I was finding that I was having to re muck out my 2 horses daily as they were not done properly (in fact one of the grooms once said to me that they always knew if i had been away for a couple of days as my horses beds were disgusting!!!!!) The final straw came when the YM decided to turn my lovely mare out with 2 other mares known to be bullies! They thought as my mare was so good that she would be OK with them- well she wasn't!!! She got very badly beaten up and still they didn't tell me !! It was only when I arrived after work to find her covered in wounds, swollen and bleeding…. obviously I called vet straight away and looked for new yard

Ended up buying a new house with stables….. have now had my horses at home for 13 years and could never go back to a livery situation…. I am very lucky to have found this solution.