Why do people do it????

Biglets Mummy

Well-Known Member
15 October 2012
Visit site
I can't understand why anyone would leave something as valuable as a family pet tied to a post outside a shop - might as well leave your car keys there with them - madness.

What infuriated me even more than seeing some poor lurcher tied outside the co-op this weekend, was that it was driving wind and rain, and the poor ****** was tied so short he couldn't even tuck himself out of the elements. I was an interfering member of the public, untied him and crouched with him to shelter him a bit until his (ungrateful and rude) owner appeared from her shop. I know it's not the done thing to interfere and if I didn't before I certainly did after the gobful I got from his delightful human, but honestly - you cant do that to your pet, it's not fair.

I got a gob full too last week.....Old chocolate lab got himself tangled in his lead outside the cafe at out local country park. I went in to ask for his owners and got a tougue lashing for my concern....