Well-Known Member
I've ridden and owned a couple of Irish bred horses - there are many admirable things about them and they do have a hugely popular appeal as all rounders. Ireland is blessed in terms of it's ground in places which provides a brilliant mineral rich start for some lucky horses. BUT I have also known some fairly grim examples of Irish bred/imported to the UK and in some ways Irish horses can be a bit 'bland' in terms of the riding experience I have found. My experience is that they are not as sharp or clever as Arabs, Spanish types, TBs (obviously there are variations in every breed) or some of the natives (connemaras included here!). Those breeds tend to get a harsher press and the ID/ISH benefits from being seen as more easily trained, handled and competed I think.
Mmmm - tell that to my ISH (Connie x TB/ID) - so far from being "bland" she's sharp talented & too clever by half - unfortunately she is ultra spooky & reactive therefore totally unsuitable for parties at present ?