Why do people want to own thoroughbreds?


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4 March 2009
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Because I love TB's, had an Arab before and he was fab and wanted something slightly different. Wouldn't be without my TB I love the fact she is light on her feet, she doesn't need rugging all the time, yes she does eat a lot but then wouldn't any horse that can be on the skinny side.

It's all about what you as an individual like.. so just because you don't like them don't start having a moan about it. The fact that you have felt the need to express yourself about your loath of TB's seems quite sad.. Go take up running or something.


Well-Known Member
7 December 2011
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I never understand these posts, I love all horses, there is not one breed that I dislike.

I've had cobs and now i have a tb and a cobxtb, and i love them all the same!


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11 December 2008
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Presumably because they are feeling unhealthily rich and wish to subtly donate some money to their local vet :confused:

I think JT would agree with that, even though her mare is gorgeous and loveable :p

I can't lie about the vet bills. It is true. whilst she costs nothing to feed and doesn't wear rugs she has cost a tonne this year. But that's because someone else's stupid warmblood kicked her! Stupid warmbloods! Who'd want to own one of those eh?! :p :D

I'm glad you all think she is pretty too. I only bought her because she looks nice! lol


Well-Known Member
4 November 2010
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I can't lie about the vet bills. It is true. whilst she costs nothing to feed and doesn't wear rugs she has cost a tonne this year. But that's because someone else's stupid warmblood kicked her! Stupid warmbloods! Who'd want to own one of those eh?! :p :D

I had some sizeable (though less sizeable that yours!) vets bills at the start of spring because someone's bloody cob kicked my highland and chipped his radius :mad: Who the heck wants to own one of those? :mad:

Oh yea, he's mine too :eek: :D


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1 May 2010
Rothbury Northumberland
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Because choose carefully and you have a friend for life, just like a dog and no more expensive to keep, our CBxTB is a lunatic, currently on a non returnable loan with my daughter, my xtrotter boy is a bully with anything that will let him,(wouldn't swap him for a lottery win) yet we have had two TBs both easy to handle both quite chunky, the 17hh was spooky in wind and needed more work than we could give him, the current one is 18yrs old, chunky build and doesn't mind wether he works or not, both the x trotter at 8yrs old and the 18yr old TB have a home for life, if for any reason we can't keep them they will be PTS, the TB because of his age and my boy because I hate the thought of him being passed from home to home

Mince Pie

Well-Known Member
13 June 2011
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Can sympathise with that, my cobs vets bills are due to.....

being kicked by my TB! So I guess you could say that the TB is the reason I rang the vet!


Well-Known Member
8 December 2011
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Why do people want to own thoroughbreds?
Your thoughts?

C ;)

Yep...mine is just about everything you mentioned... He eats the same as three elephants, is a bit of a drama queen, needs to be coddled, has a better wardrobe than myself, feet that define 'pathetic', stands like a baby (he is only 4) has trouble cantering on the correct leg (3 yrs with breeder, a few months in pre race training and one year left loitering in a field with minimal care); oh, and he normally causes outbreaks of laughter watching him walk downhill like a drunk... Pretty sure he's got the adolescent boy version of ADHD too... :D

OTOH - he can canter a 10m circle on the wrong leg (a trick in its own right :p) and for a very immature boy you can park a complete novice on him in the school... He has impeccable manners and although he was definitely a heart over head buy as he was in such poor condition and about ready to give up - he won't be going anywhere now... He has a "you can't ignore me" character... :)

This one dragged me out of lurk mode... *Waves to everyone*