Why do teenagers think they are invincible?!


Well-Known Member
4 November 2010
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I met a group of teens cycling along an A road in the dark with no lights, reflectors or anything at all the other week. Bleedin' scary that was too. Nutters.

I was a devil of a teenager for trying to kill myself with hatless, bareback, equitational stunts of all sorts. I didn't wear hi vis, but then, I never hacked on roads after dark either. The closest I came was cantering down a verge at dusk because I was later than I expected heading home. Good thing the pony was a saint!


Well-Known Member
2 February 2007
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It's just the nature of teenagers! I'm a head of year in a secondary school, and some of the situations pupils get themselves into are unreal.
I was the same when I was young. No-one wore hi-viz in the 80's/90's and we used to get up to all sorts out all day on our own.
I used to regularly take a short cut home from the bus stop through waste grounds / woods on my own at night! With my 'Walkman' on. And get in 'cabs' with men who just pulled up next to us on the road and asked if we wanted a taxi!
I never tell the pupils at school these things however!!!


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1 June 2013
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I am 14 years old and always wear my hi-vis when hacking, especially on roads, even if they're quiet and it's daylight. I also wear my body protector underneath and have someone with me when hacking alone. It's so important. I don't think I'm invincible, but I am maturer than most teenage girls that are around the same age as me. All they want to do is jump over a metre and have a horse that does everything for them.