why have a horse if you have it on full livery?


Tough but Fair
17 January 2009
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I've certainly mucked out enough horses. If I ever have another one it will most certainly 100% be looked after by someone who is not me. It's not just the physical work involved (in my 60's and have worn out most of my joints), it's the tie of not being able to travel or have a lie-in. Freedom!

Mrs B

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3 May 2010
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I've certainly mucked out enough horses. If I ever have another one it will most certainly 100% be looked after by someone who is not me. It's not just the physical work involved (in my 60's and have worn out most of my joints), it's the tie of not being able to travel or have a lie-in. Freedom!

What's a lie-in? :rolleyes:

windand rain

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25 November 2012
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As long as said horse is cared for it is up to the person paying how much they do or dont. I would still go daily even if they were on full livery but not having to do much but pony pat has a small appeal. Would be nice not to worry about their care while on holiday or juggle grandkids in freezing weather but I enjoy being with them I love poo picking especially in dry weather. I dont like people much which would be the biggest drawback and of course you dont get many liveries full or otherwise which have 24/7 turnout 365 days a year


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18 April 2015
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t people who just can't be bothered mucking out etc really annoy me,. :)

I don't really understand why this would annoy you? Do you feel that people who muck out their own stables are somehow better owners? Mine are on part livery and I go every day, but boxes, giving feeds, filling haynets, turning out / bringing in etc is done by the grooms. This leaves me with time to spend exercising them and giving attention, and I don't think they care who mucks out as long as they have a clean bed. Sure I could do it, but I don't want to, when I am finished at the stable I would prefer to go to do some work or walk my dogs.

I really think we need to get away from this idea of looking at others and judging them for the way that they live their lives. If someone can afford to have their box cleaned and their horse trained then good for them, if they just visit occasionally why does it matter as long as they have arranged good care? We are, after all, not the only people in the world who can care for our horses. Good for you that you enjoy doing the chores, but I really don't think that you should judge others or be 'annoyed' by them if this is not how they prefer to spend their time.


Well-Known Member
9 January 2011
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personally for me i would not have full livery , i was on part livery and absolutley hated it , he felt like he wasnt mine at all , no control over anything , he was getting kept in when should have been turned out , hay taken off him when should have been on ad lib , night rugs left on , hated it , i love diy with options of bring in . turnout ect so can work around shifts , ie bring in when on late shifts , ie this am have farrieer so been down before work and done him and he will get turned out , i love seeing him every day and feel like you get a much better bond with them , xx


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23 February 2009
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Does it matter as long as the horse is looked after properly? It is easy to pass judgement on others without reason. As a previous lady said maybe they don't want to spend hours up the yard doing chores and would rather pay for someone else to do it. Horses take a lot of time and one of the reasons I haven't replaced mine just yet is I don't want to spend all my time up the yard as I like doing other things too. And I can't afford full livery, and wouldn't want to do it again anyway.


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1 April 2018
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I've always had full livery. Usually because DIY wasn't an option unless you want just a field with no shelter, and no where to ride. Plus, I usually worked 7:30-4:30 and wasn't about to drive 15-20 min and do a bunch of morning chores before work.

I think your livery experience can depend on the yard. Most I've been on have been flexible. I still stuff nets, give him a feeding after he's worked, water hay in the evening, bring him in, or have the option to put on a paddock with a friend in the winter.

YO will stuff nets and water hay for me, and has in the past, but I told her I don't mind doing it and it is one less thing for her to do. I'll even pick his box in the evening if he's been in there more (due to weather/not standing in his attached paddock). So there is plenty I can do aside from just showing up to ride, and I do go every day.

However, if I take a holiday, fall ill, or whatever else I know his basic needs are met and the YO can take care of it all. I also have access to 2 outdoor schools, 1 indoor, 1 covered lunging area, a solarium, a covered exercise walker, and so on. So going on DIY just isn't appealing, even if I have the time.


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6 November 2004
North East Scotland
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Personally, I think Id really struggle to have a horse if I had to keep it at livery (even as DIY!). Im very lucky Ive only ever had my horses at home, I hate the thought of the bitchiness I hear about on yards and Im not sure Id cope with being dictated to about when my horse can be turned out etc. or any other rules the YO sets (which are perfectly acceptable Im sure, but Ive always set my own rules).

Its up to the person what they do but personally I couldnt have others looking after my own horses. I just hate the thought of them feeding them / handling / grooming them etc. as I feel thats all part and parcel of owning them and its not just all about the riding.


Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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Before you all scream at me, let me just say that I saw this on a Facebook group and there was some very interesting answers, I'm not attacking anyone, this is only a little discussion and opinion sharing. If you have a horse why have full livery? If you have a job or some other kind of commitment that takes up your time in the day or you do nights then I completely understand but people who just can't be bothered mucking out etc really annoy me, if you want a horse and have time then go up and care for your horse! A girl on my old yard had 3 horses and had full livery even though she only worked from 9 until 3 and only came up on weekends to ride them. I go to my horse everyday to do my yard jobs and love it. I'd love to see everyone's opinions on this. Please keep the thread mature and respectful even if you disagree with someone's opinion. :)
Full Livery as in Full is everything done including riding and tack cleaning grooming, then I don't see the point unless you go abroad for work a bit.

Part livery like we do everything bu tack cleaning and riding and grooming, really suits mums and working people alike, that I can understand


Well-Known Member
28 May 2013
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Full Livery as in Full is everything done including riding and tack cleaning grooming, then I don't see the point unless you go abroad for work a bit.

Part livery like we do everything bu tack cleaning and riding and grooming, really suits mums and working people alike, that I can understand

I think if I ever bought a serious horse again, I might have it on full livery. I love horse sports but I don’t have the time to be as dedicated as I would need to be to do a good horse any justice. I’m happy to have my lovely two light hacking horses at home but there is part of me that misses seeing a horse at the peak of its physical fitness, and really developing. It is it’s own kind of experience, to my mind.

With work being what it is for me, I’d consider having a horse on competition livery or on full livery with a pro. I’d love to watch sessions, go to competitions and maybe ride occasionally, or have the horse at home for breaks or if needed rest for health reasons.

Maybe in a few years time!


Well-Known Member
1 June 2011
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Personally, I think Id really struggle to have a horse if I had to keep it at livery (even as DIY!). Im very lucky Ive only ever had my horses at home, I hate the thought of the bitchiness I hear about on yards and Im not sure Id cope with being dictated to about when my horse can be turned out etc. or any other rules the YO sets (which are perfectly acceptable Im sure, but Ive always set my own rules).

Its up to the person what they do but personally I couldnt have others looking after my own horses. I just hate the thought of them feeding them / handling / grooming them etc. as I feel thats all part and parcel of owning them and its not just all about the riding.

It's lucky that we are all different. Personally, I would hate having my horses at home. I like the social side of being on a yard and would hate the solitude of not having anyone around. I am on full livery (non-ridden), a love the fact that if I am caught at the office late I don't have to worry that my horse has been left out by himself/hasn't got any hay etc.
I have done DIY for the best part of 20 years, and I don't have a lesser bond - in fact its probably stronger as I have time to spend with my horse rather than doing chores.

As they say "horses for courses"


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8 August 2005
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Haven't read all the posts. Why do some people think that they are bonding with their horse when the muck out, brush the yard or poo pick the paddock? I can understand grooming as you are actually with your horse but adjusting the electric fence to give them more grass doesn't count as bonding either. We have 3 horses, all are in work, they jump, do dressage & arena eventing in the winter. We bond with them by grooming, riding & schooling but most of the other stuff is a pain in the @rse. We do everything because cannot afford full livery on 3 horses, someone has to do it & it's us due to finances. I assure you if I could afford it I'd have someone to muck out, poo pick, adjust fences if I could afford it.

The Irish Draft 2022

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9 August 2021
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I actually have done Both My horse is so much happier on full livery I not going to lie I snuggled with full livery at the start because i am a control freak when it comes to making beds. Nobody really does DLY in the area I live in so I had to do full livery. When I want to university it was my only option to be able to keep my horse my parents aren’t horsy so wouldn’t have the interest or experienced in helping me. I have stayed on full livery for the last few years and I love it.

I don’t now why people are so judgmental in the horse world everyone life is different. We all love our horses and enjoy them people shouldn’t be jealous. Edit sorry I only realize how old this thread it pop up on google when I was searching for this forum .


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14 September 2001
Hants, England
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I’ve just noticed this is an old thread so not sure if i’ve replied already, but I say if you can afford it and find a good yard, why not? If I won the lottery the first thing I’d do is employ someone to poo pick as I hate it, oh and empty wheelbarrows after I’ve mucked out. Come to think of it, someone to pick feet out for me would be nice too ?

I did know someone who kept a horse a long way away and saw it and rode once a month. That did strike me as a bit odd, because they can’t have had much of a bond with their horse. I also know of someone on full livery who doesn’t work. She sees to the horse more than the yard does, so I’d consider that a waste of money, but each to their own.

Jim bob

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2 March 2015
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I spent around 8-10 years doing DIY and i do Miss it. I said i wouldnt do full livery as i like doing my horse myself. However i work very long hours. My horse has complex needs which I struggled to meet due to my work pattern. So he is on full livery which suits my horses needs. Also when i am at work i dont have to worry. On the times i can go down after work i do and ride. And when i have days off i am down there all day.


Well-Known Member
22 September 2015
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I've done full/part livery, assisted DIY & DIY over the years.

I'm currently back on DIY - my preference would be Assisted DIY as a minimum - but the yard is almost perfect, so DIY it is!

I miss the lie ins and the need to go down twice a day can feel like a tie at times but I don't miss the cost of 7 day full livery :D

Time wise, I spend the same amount of time (if not more) riding and spending quality time with him as I don't have a 40 minute journey to him I did on the occasions he's been on full/part. I can do all my daily jobs in less time I spent driving to and from him on part livery.


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11 March 2021
East Sussex
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I have had my horses on full livery for about six years now and I'd not change anything.

Pre-Covid, I spent 20 hours a week commuting into the City and then another 50 working. Anything other than full livery was simply not an option. Now I WFH, I do technically have the time to have my horses on DIY or, assisted but to be quite frank, unless there's a decent DIY yard nearby, you can soon end up spending a lot of money and doing all the leg work as well.

There's a shortage of decent yards in my area so, I'd rather pay the premium and know my horse is receiving the best care, than spend maybe 30% less and be running around like a headless chicken and have less time to do the fun bits and, without putting too finer point on it, worrying about my horse. Additionally, full livery yards generally have better facilities - not all, but most. Especially if you're lucky enough to be stabled with a professional. I don't think I could manage now without hot water for example, yet to find a DIY yard that has that!

As so many people have said in this thread, people with horses on full livery don't love their horses any less just because they don't muck them out!


Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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Before you all scream at me, let me just say that I saw this on a Facebook group and there was some very interesting answers, I'm not attacking anyone, this is only a little discussion and opinion sharing. If you have a horse why have full livery? If you have a job or some other kind of commitment that takes up your time in the day or you do nights then I completely understand but people who just can't be bothered mucking out etc really annoy me, if you want a horse and have time then go up and care for your horse! A girl on my old yard had 3 horses and had full livery even though she only worked from 9 until 3 and only came up on weekends to ride them. I go to my horse everyday to do my yard jobs and love it. I'd love to see everyone's opinions on this. Please keep the thread mature and respectful even if you disagree with someone's opinion. :)
I've always thought this, prob because I always think of full livery as FULL, not part so everything is done leaving the owner nothing to do. We had some on full in a yard I worked at . mucking out, feeding watering, exercise tack cleaning full groom you name it. Owner maybe came to ride 2 - 3 times a year.

To me Part is what it says all chores done but riding and tack cleaning and grooming left to the owner


4 July 2012
Formerly Canada....Now Surrey
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I'm on part livery - while all of his needs are met, I still muck out if I get a chance. But I work quite long hours at times, sometimes 50-60 hours/week though I still try to get down to see him 4 times per week....though during the week I'm generally hardpressed for time.

True full livery never appealed to me, even if I could afford it. As much as I hate cleaning tack, it feels very "wrong" to have someone else do it, groom my horse (though some days when I'm pressed for time that would be fab! ??), ride/exercise him, etc. In fact that just isn't what happens back home so was a weird concept for me to get my head around when I learned of it. Full board back home = part livery over here!

NB: just noticed this is a long dead thread that has been revived!
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Well-Known Member
22 July 2007
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I never thought I would go full livery. Couldn't understand why people would have a horse and not bother looking after it. Cue massive life change and a need for support and here we are, on full livery. I'm now eating my own words. I'm still involved with my horse' s care, without the stress of early mornings, poo picking muddy fields etc etc. My horse definitely knows who mum is, and I now have the time for more riding and consistent training. Full livery has been a game changer for me and right now I can't imagine going back to DIY. My horse now has a better routine and has never been happier and healthier, and riding isn't something that is squeezed in if I have time. Love it !

Apologies- just realised this thread is from 2014. I'll leave my comment on tho.
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Well-Known Member
15 April 2013
South Worcestershire
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Well it may be a zombie thread but nothing changes does it? Why on earth do people feel the need to be judgemental? As long as horses are looked after well, what does it matter who mucks out, poo picks the paddocks, cleans the tack or for that matter, schools the horse. I've had horses living at home when I did pretty much everything and on full livery on an expensive yard with all the frills, tbh I don't think my horses noticed the difference and I only noticed when I looked at my bank account. Why can't people just get on with what suits them and leave other people alone?


Coming over here & taking your jobs since 1900
18 September 2008
London but horse is in Herts
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What gets called full livery round here is more like part in that it doesn't include exercise.

Last Friday i had the trimmer coming and my plan was bring in from the field to a stable that was ready, groom, quick ride, hold for trimmer then finish off putting in feeds and haynet made up.

However there had been a mix up in the livery list for the person covering so i ended up diy on that day.

So i got there, mucked out, put wood pellets and Copra to soak, brought in, held for trimmer, put on horse walker instead of riding while i finished bed, made nets and feeds. Finished and put in feed and haynet.

I would have had alot more quality time with the livery option.