why have a horse if you have it on full livery?


Well-Known Member
16 July 2012
Dublin, Ireland
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This totally!!! I've two children and a ft job.. Horses would suffer if they weren't on full livery. Think op you are being slightly judgemental.
Your initial post isn't exactly respectful op. If folk can't be bothered mucking out and just want to ride and can afford to do so, that's their choice and life is too short to let it annoy you.


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18 April 2013
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Everyone has a horse for different reasons and so long as the horse is being cared for and treated well then I really can't see why it's anyone else's business what they do with their own animal.

I have my horses on full livery. I work shifts which makes it tricky, but not impossible to care for my horses. I could really go up there and see to them myself a few days of the week but I choose not to and to pay someone else to do it because I can. I don't want to waste time with chores when I could be riding. That is only my opinion and I have complete respect for people who want to care for their horses. That's not my business what others do.

Like I said, everyone had a horse for their own reasons. I don't have a horse so I can muck out. So if I can avoid the chore I will. Simple as that. I want to ride so I choose to devote all my time to that.

I can't stand this inverted snobbery against people who use a full livery service. Who cares ?!

Caol Ila

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23 January 2012
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No, the way the OP is phrased isn't judgmental at all. Surely something like "Why use full livery services instead of DIY," gets the same answers, but doesn't make you sound like an ass.

Mine is on full because when I moved to this country, I was doing a PhD and commuting from Glasgow or Edinburgh to the yard and doing that twice a day would have cost as much as full livery and caused a bunch if stress I didn't need. In addition to that, I discovered -- during a stint on a DIY yard -- that my horse fencewalks for about 2178937 hours per day if she is at a yard where all the DIY horses are on totally random and frequently changing schedules due to their owners' work and homes lives. Even if I kept her to the same routine, the fact that everything else at the yard was on different schedules drove her crazy.

I also like being able to go away at the weekends and not worry about her. Terrible, I know! I would also rather ride than clean a stall, but I've met plenty of horse owners who never ever ride, but seem to love mucking out stables. Beats the hell out of me, but each to their own.
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Well-Known Member
14 November 2010
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I have a busy job. I like to keep fit and go to the gym, or cycling, or walking. Occasionally I even want to have -shocker- a social life. I also want to ride, and I want to spend time with my horse. Part livery lets me balance everything in my life, and I reckon it only costs about £10 a week more than DIY once you add up everything. The horse has a better routine than I could give, and outstanding care.

Even if I only have 45 minutes at the yard on busy days, I have time to ride even if only for twenty or thirty minutes. 45 minutes would barely get all my yard jobs done on DIY.

If DIY was my only option, I probably wouldn't have a horse. I love horses and riding, but I love other things in my life too and DIY wouldn't let me balance my life as I would want to. That does not make me a bad person...


Well-Known Member
25 March 2011
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Because I'm in full time education and the only horsey one in my family, thus I study in London, and my family and I live in London. So, I cannot go and care for them every day twice a day myself. They want for nothing, they are very well looked after and get lots of fuss and attention from me because I like to do everything I can when I'm with them. Instead of spending my limited free time mucking out, I spend it grooming, riding, working inhand, cuddling and sorting out and organising their various needs. I'm very lucky to be able to afford full livery, and without it I couldn't have horses. When I get a job I hope to have them on DIY ( and expect I won't have a choice) but that would involve me moving out and closer, which is the eventual aim. I don't like to judge, personally, as long as the horse is happy and well cared for.


Well-Known Member
22 October 2011
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I'm on DIY (but do use assistance of YM services) but I'm lucky that I have horsey by default parents, that enjoy being out In the fresh air doing jobs & pottering about the yard - in essence, I have flexible part livery thanks to Mum & Dad.

Mum took early retirement, so often turns out & mucks out for me in the mornings, so I can have a lie in in the week when I have to be at work. In the evening, I can just ride/exercise or put to bed.

Dad works shifts & was in nights the week before last, so he did mornings for me then. However, horse has been on box rest the last week & I don't think it's fair on either parents or horse they struggle with him, so I've been doing both ends if the day (and subsequently, had no social life this week!).

Sometimes, I do mornings & evenings. Sometimes I just do evenings, sometimes I just do mornings.

I am really grateful to my parents, as I couldn't afford full livery as I'm saving for a house, but it does allow me to have more of a life as well as a horse.

Do I think I'm a worse owner because of it? No. Do I care if anyone thinks I'm lazy or spoilt? No. Do I realise I'm lucky? Oh, yes.


Well-Known Member
3 April 2014
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I am on diy livery now but three years ago I was on a yard that only offered full livery as the yard owner got fed up with diy' ERS that didn't do things properly so insisted everyone had to have full. I must admit as much as I love doing things myself I sometimes miss the full livery. Mostly because it gave me so much flexibility. If I wanted yo poo pick or muck out I could, if not I could just spend more time pampering my horse and enjoying a ride. I didn't have to worry about being up at first light to turn out in winter and back again to bring in before dark. Now I have to do everything myself or it doesn't get done. This meant me having to drive up with kids in tow during holidays despite me being very unwell. I actually threw up in the wheelbarrow a few times as I was poo picking! If I could afford full livery and stomach being around other liveries ( i dont like people!) I would definitely do it again!


Well-Known Member
13 April 2008
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I wouldn't worry- there's another thread currently questioning those who DIY but don't muck out in the morning when the horse is in the field all day! I think some people are just jealous that horses aren't everyone's whole life tbh. So long as the horses are well looked after and the owner enjoys the time they spend with them then why on earth does it matter.


Well-Known Member
26 October 2010
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I have a horse on full livery. why?? Basically because I can and want to!!
I waited til I was in a good enough well paid job before buying my 1st horse and could afford full livery.

Being DIY for me would mean horse having erratic routine diff t/o times etc as i work different areas eveey day so prefer him having settled routine.
Also i don't want to go after work stick him in a field and muck out essentially spending no time with him. I go up all chores are done so I can ride, groom, give him his fav scratch etc all things that would not be done if I was DIY.
so for me being full livery gives me a much better relationship and bond with my horse. I know this as every time I get out my car I'm greeted with OTT neighs :) .Only when I've opened car door sitting in car means hes staring out his window at me but silent open door & screeching starts- he is very 'chatty'!!!


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1 October 2005
New Zealand but from UK
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Interesting. Livery, full or other wise, is virtually non-existant in New Zealand.

We still have so much land available so close to town no one bothers though there are a few places that offer livery service.

I can see it eventually happening around Aukland and Wellington in the next decade or so. Even Cambridge has become a commuter town now, the growth around here is amazing and grazing land being built on. We've just list another 5 acre block to a new house, I was only grazing my horses there just over a year ago. The new expressway has also stolen masses of farmland.


Well-Known Member
1 October 2005
New Zealand but from UK
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Interesting. Livery, full or other wise, is virtually non-existant in New Zealand.

We still have so much land available so close to town no one bothers though there are a few places that offer livery service.

I can see it eventually happening around Aukland and Wellington in the next decade or so. Even Cambridge has become a commuter town now, the growth around here is amazing and grazing land being built on. We've just list another 5 acre block to a new house, I was only grazing my horses there just over a year ago. The new expressway has also stolen masses of farmland.


Well-Known Member
1 October 2005
New Zealand but from UK
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Interesting. Livery, full or other wise, is virtually non-existant in New Zealand.

We still have so much land available so close to town no one bothers though there are a few places that offer livery service.

I can see it eventually happening around Aukland and Wellington in the next decade or so. Even Cambridge has become a commuter town now, the growth around here is amazing and grazing land being built on. We've just list another 5 acre block to a new house, I was only grazing my horses there just over a year ago. The new expressway has also stolen masses of farmland.

Clever pony

Well-Known Member
19 August 2014
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My pony is on full livery and I adore her. The only reason she isn't on diy / half livery is because stables are a good 25 mins away mum and dad aren't horsey at all and school very hard for me :)


Well-Known Member
11 August 2008
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I would not own a horse if I could not keep it on full livery

I have a job, a husband and other hobbies. Caring for a stabled horse full time is a time consuming job, one I don't have the time to do, as I'd rather spend my free time doing other stuff. I don't visit my horse daily only days I'm riding, and I fully trust the yard I'm at to take care of my horses needs for me.

My horse is not a pet, I have it to ride and compete only. Which is what i do and I quite happily pay someone to do the looking after side of things.

As I said if I could not afford to keep a horse this way I'd rather not own one.
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Well-Known Member
31 May 2007
Land of nod
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If I could afford full livery the pony would be on it! I worked with horses from the age of 16 to 34 I have mucked out enough stables in my time, besides I don't bond with pony when I muck out, she is turned out in the field then I muck out!


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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I think it perfectly ok to say , I want a horse I want it cared for well but I don't want to do it myself because it's tying and hard work and I like to do other things .
Horses don't care who cares for them as long as they get good care.
I think it's perfectly ok to own a horse and just get on it when you are doing the thing you enjoy with it like say hunting my other half sometimes only sees fatty on a Saturday .
When I was working I cared for horses who's owners sometimes did not see them for months I don't believe it mattered to the horses at all .
It's the owners job to provide the care a horse needs, there's loads of ways to do that doing it your self is only one of them .


I do find the notion that mucking out somehow signifies that you care more for your horse or have a better bond.

My horse is in part livery for a couple of reasons. I work long hours and although I could just about manage DIY livery, I would be exhausted and would spend more time doing chores than actually riding or spending time with my horse.

I also like the freedom of not being tied to the yard every day. I go down on average 6 days out of 7, but if I am tired, or want to visit my parents or go out for drinks in the evening then I can do it - it means I get a life.

I don't mind doing jobs, but generally I prefer not to - I spend around 2 hours at the yard each evening and the majority of that is riding, grooming and spending time with my horse - not poo picking or filling Haynets, which quite frankly, hardly increases the bond with my horse!

Madam Min

Well-Known Member
2 July 2011
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Both of ours are on full livery simply because we both work full time and although DIY probably would be feasible we'd be pushed. We ride every evening and Saturday and Sunday, at least twice a month we go out competing, the horses want for nothing.

Both of us have ridden and been around horses since childhood and I was a totally pony made but pony less child with a weekly lesson and helping out at the yard on Saturdays. Its not like we are unwilling or dont have the knowledge to care for the horses which I think is sometimes the view of those with horses on full livery.

Hopefully one day, we'll be in the position to buy a place with land but until then as long as we both work the hours we do, they'll be on full livery.


Well-Known Member
7 July 2010
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Aaaahhhh the Sisterhood of the Horsey World!

Honestly, I don't understand all this judging and questioning . . . there are many reasons why someone would want to put their horse on full livery . . . and many reasons why someone wouldn't. I have done everything from full to part to assisted to DIY . . . all suited me at the time I made the decision to do so. What worked for me at one point in time, doesn't necessarily work for me now . . . my life, my knowledge, my experience, my circumstances have all changed since I first loaned or bought a horse . . . and the same is probably true for everyone else here.

So . . . when we had the mares, they were on DIY . . . despite having worked at a RS for years, it was the first time we had sole charge of horses - even if it wasn't ALL the time (we shared them four days a week). The mares were sooooo easy . . . and taking care of them on a part time basis was a great way to get out feet wet. It was a tiny, very friendly yard . . . the mares (both cobs) were easy to do and care for . . . we learned a lot. When we bought Kal, I was working full time for a multi-national tech company so I put him on full livery . . . for two reasons . . . 1) I wanted to ease into ownership (I found it very daunting at first); and b) I was going to be away a lot. After four months, I was made redundant so decided to move Kal to a small DIY yard for the summer where the horses lived out . . . perfect for easing into caring for him myself 24/7 . . . unfortunately he hated the place and I got another job working in London so moved him to a yard with assisted livery . . . I could do him as often as possible, but there was back up for when I was travelling overseas, etc. I was promoted, making serious money, but travelling overseas much more and the woman who was schooling him for me was setting up her own yard so it made sense (money and time-wise) to move him there and have him on schooling/full livery. I didn't like only seeing him at weekends . . . and wouldn't do it again . . . but that's not because he didn't the right care, it's because I missed him (and hated travelling and commuting into London every day). I was made redundant, so I moved him to a DIY yard . . .

. . . every choice I made suited US (me, him and my family) at the time . . . personally, I would never have him on full livery again . . . but that's a lifestyle choice. I will be going back to work soon - and I will NOT be taking another high flying job . . . I am nearly 50, I've been there/done that, I can't take the grind, we don't need a big house any more now that my girls are leaving home, and looking after my horse keeps me fit and active . . . but these are MY choices.

WHY is acceptable to judge someone based on whether they shovel poo themselves or pay someone else to do so?

I just don't get it.



Well-Known Member
4 July 2012
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It wouldn't be for me, I like the general care almost as much as the riding, but I can certainly understand how people would want/need the option.

I would pay for someone to do the poo picking in a heartbeat ;)


Well-Known Member
11 February 2013
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each to their own I say, but I like my horses out 24/7 so I rent fields (I do have a stable, in fact I used to have 6 stables that never got used). The whole thing for me is the peace of it all, I like to go to do my horses every day, even if I can't ride that day the hour I spend doing the poo picking and other chores is great for the soul. I always leave in a better frame of mind than I arrived in


Well-Known Member
15 February 2013
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I could never put mine on full livery, I like to do everything myself. Part of me owning my horses is having the day to day bond I have with them. I understand why people do and its nice to hear that people are happy with their arrangements and have great trust with their yard owners. Its something I would never consider.


28 September 2013
Swansea, UK
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I have my two on full livery because I'm in college and working a part time job, I still go up everyday and help out on the weekends mucking out all the full livery horses anyway haha


Well-Known Member
28 May 2009
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Each to their own. If the horse is being looked after then I don't see a problem. I'm sure there are plenty of reasons for taking advantage of FL....work/family commitments/other hobbies/ allergies/ health problems....I wouldn't expect anyone to have to justify it.


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1 March 2010
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Polarskye you do say it so well, oddly enough in a similar position to myself, but I walked out of a horrible, stressful business (well, business was great, business partner was horrible and stressful), I had a job, was made redundant and this time am going to find myself something nice to do again, without stress and business partner (awful, vile, short man ......)/

If someone wants their horse on full livery then fine, its not hurting me, its not hurting the horse, so why all this vitriol being poured on here? Is there a tiny element of jealousy from those who maybe secretly want to do it, but cant afford it? Harsh comment I know, but true. If the horse is being looked after and it suits the owner, then quite frankly, whose business is it?


Well-Known Member
13 October 2009
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There is definitely a holier than thou element coming through with this post. Have absolutely no intention of justifying my choices for my horses to a complete stranger or feeling I have to explain why I make them.

Isn't it about time someone brought up draw reins again??!


Well-Known Member
13 November 2010
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i'd never presume to judge someone based upon how much **** they shovel.

I've never had a horse on anything other than DIY/my own yards - but I wouldn't have the slightest issue with having mine on full livery and just enjoying them.


Well-Known Member
27 February 2010
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Mine have been on full livery before and if you get a good yard it's lovely. Then one needed to live out, so I moved and now have 3 living out. I do love taking care of them myself but it's hard with shift work etc. This week I seem to have spent all my time poo picking and filling up water tanks. So I've decided to pay someone to poo pick for me especially now the nights are drawing in.

On my days off I love spending all day up there toodling about doing little jobs. I often wonder what I did with my time when I didn't have to do any of that stuff. I think my house was a lot tidier though ☺️