Why hunting should also be banned in Ireland


Well-Known Member
3 November 2007
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The body in charge of Irish foxhunting is investigating claims that a fox was dug out of its den, tied up and then fed alive to hounds during a top hunt in Westmeath.

The Irish Masters' of Foxhounds Association (IMFHA) has confirmed it is investigating the alleged barbaric incident which is said to have taken place during a Westmeath Hunt meet near Walderstown, Co Westmeath, on November 14.

Such activity is strictly prohibited under the Code of Conduct drawn up by the Irish Hunting Association and sanctioned by the Department of Agriculture and Food. Rule seven states: "In no circumstances will a live fox which has been dug out be thrown to the hounds."

A department spokesman confirmed they had been informed of the investigation and were monitoring the situation. The Westmeath Hunt, founded in 1854, is regarded as one of the country's most prominent hunts.

"It's very early days as yet," said Brian Munn, IMFHA spokesman. "We heard the rumour 48 hours ago. My colleagues have spoken to eyewitnesses and those people have denied that that happened. We have got an explanation but I am very loathe to say too much at this stage.

"Let's be clear about this -- it is very important for us that this sort of thing does not happen. We will be relieved if we discover that this is some kind of malicious rumour. At the same time, if it is true, heads will roll because we cannot have that in hunting -- it will destroy us. People would have to be barred from hunting. We would be anxious to put a message out that this is unacceptable and will not happen again. Ultimately, masters take responsibility."

An employee of the hunt, Noel Murphy, denied the allegations. "It is completely untrue. We have acted within the legislation that we have [sounds horribly familiar]. The hounds caught the fox in the earth and when it was brought up it was dead. We're very outraged with this allegation. There are jobs on the line because of this allegation. We are taking this very seriously. The IMFHA are in constant contact with us about this."

He added: "There is no evidence of this happening, there is no photograph."

But according to a taped conversation with anti-hunting lobbyist Tom Hardiman, the landowner, Michael Murray, who was present during this part of the hunt said he saw incidences of animal cruelty.

"They tied the rope to his leg and pulled him out of the burrow and fed him straight to the dogs. They ate the fox alive. I didn't realise that they were going to do that."

When contacted by the Irish Independent yesterday, Mr Murray said he had no comment to make. "I did tell people about it, but at the moment I am making no comment."

When asked whether he saw a live fox being dug out of a hole and fed to the dogs he said: "At the moment I am making no comment on it. I like foxhunting and have nothing against it. "

Mr Hardiman of the Ban Bloodsports pressure group said. "They say they have a code of practice but they are breaking all their own rules."



Well-Known Member
13 August 2006
where ever my horses are
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Come on, one hunt maybe or maybe not done the unthinkable does that make every hunt in Ireland cruel, is that not tarring everyone with the same brush.
That is like say because one man commits murder that makes every man a murderer.


Well-Known Member
21 November 2005
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Never mind being eaten alive. I would like to see someone try & tie a rope to an alive fox's leg without them getting seriously bitten by it! You just wouldn't be able to do it.


Well-Known Member
7 June 2007
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one hunt + sabatours = one bad rumour

ireland is known as the home of the horse and hunting - there is NO WAY that they would destroy their heritage!!


Well-Known Member
17 March 2007
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"one hunt + sabatours = one bad rumour"

Am I not reading this correctly?

"But according to a taped conversation with anti-hunting lobbyist Tom Hardiman, the landowner, Michael Murray, who was present during this part of the hunt said he saw incidences of animal cruelty.

"They tied the rope to his leg and pulled him out of the burrow and fed him straight to the dogs. They ate the fox alive. I didn't realise that they were going to do that." "

Isn't it the LANDOWNER saying he saw this? Isn't it the LANDOWNER who says ""I did tell people about it, but at the moment I am making no comment." and "I like foxhunting and have nothing against it."

How can you posibly say it is the Sabs, LACS or any Anti when it is coming for a hunt supporter?

I am not calling for hunting to be banned in Ireland because of this 1 incident, I am calling for ALL hunting to be banned no matter where is is.


Well-Known Member
8 December 2005
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"Am I not reading this correctly?"

To be brief, no. It's just the usual anti tactic of wild and unscrupulous rumour in the hope that some will stick. The story, as reported, is fantastical.


Well-Known Member
17 March 2007
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Read the article, a landowner who is pro hunting admits to telling people about it, so how can it be a "wild and unscrupulous rumour"?

If it was from an Anti I would understand your claims of tactics etc as you don't seem to believe anyone that does not agree with hunting BUT THIS IS FROM A PRO.


Well-Known Member
17 March 2007
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Now there's a surprise.
Just because it is against your views you refuse to believe it.

If the reports say that hunters were seen helping an injured animal and nursing it back to health you would believe it as it makes you look good, anything that makes you look bad has to be rubbished by you.


Well-Known Member
3 November 2007
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I'm afraid pros won't accept the bleeding obvious (pardon the pun) even when presented with overwhelming evidence of animal abuse. Recently I challenged a pro's claim that terriermen never bait the quarry. One of the chumps here asked me to provide links to the boasts I claimed terriermen made about just such treament. I did. He then said the quotations were suspect because they appeared on an anti site. I pointed out that the quotation in question first appeared on a site monitored by a prominent terriermen who is a member here and he could vouch for its authenticity. Chump Pro then said the animal abuser wasn't a "real" terrierman so it didn't count etc. Blah blah blah. Bullshit, bluster and blather.


Well-Known Member
7 June 2007
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Reg- if you had read the local papers here, the hunt actually said that they did NOT dig up a fox, the dogs caught the fox in the earth and it was dead when it comes up.

by the by, a man went to court last week because when walking his two dogs, they came across a rabbit and the dogs caught and killed it. someone actually saw it and reported it to the police.

hunting is not animal abuse.

its more barbaric to use a man made gun against a fox, which will 8/10 time not kill directly.

before you jump to conclusions, have you spoken to any of the actual hunt members?

do YOU live in ireland? does it affect you directly? if you think hunting should be banned in ireland then why not america? australia? france? spain?????


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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I'm afraid pros won't accept the bleeding obvious (pardon the pun) even when presented with overwhelming evidence of animal abuse. Recently I challenged a pro's claim that terriermen never bait the quarry. One of the chumps here asked me to provide links to the boasts I claimed terriermen made about just such treament. I did. He then said the quotations were suspect because they appeared on an anti site. I pointed out that the quotation in question first appeared on a site monitored by a prominent terriermen who is a member here and he could vouch for its authenticity. Chump Pro then said the animal abuser wasn't a "real" terrierman so it didn't count etc. Blah blah blah. Bullshit, bluster and blather.

Quite right too.

Is the definition of a Terrierman anyone who has the misfortune to own a terrier?

Of course not! Plonkers such as you will never comprehend the difference.

Also! There has been no corroborating evidence from your quoted source.

If you're going to lie at least make it worthwhile.


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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before you jump to conclusions, have you spoken to any of the actual hunt members?

That would be a first :grin:

Reg, wrighty, monkey moron, LB they are all one and the same.

Same lame excuses, same boring misinformed opinions, same person.


Well-Known Member
3 November 2007
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"Also! There has been no corroborating evidence from your quoted source."

That's true because since I made my nasty bully-boy posts poor old Carreg has only rushed in fleetingly to say he's too busy to post and then scurried off again. Carreg, come back! We'll stop being beastly to you, we promise!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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If you are that confident of your claimed source you could always PM me your log on name and password for the site in question and I could check your claim myself.


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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That's true because since I made my nasty bully-boy posts poor old Carreg has only rushed in fleetingly to say he's too busy to post and then scurried off again. Carreg, come back! We'll stop being beastly to you, we promise!!!!!!!!!!

Talk yourself up if you wish.

But I hardly think a few misguided and ill informed posts by a few nonces such as you, wrighty, monkey moron, and wally. Would ever be enough to have Carreg overly bothered.

I suspect he finds them as rib tickling ridiculous as the rest of us do. :grin:


Well-Known Member
3 November 2007
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"If you are that confident of your claimed source you could always PM me your log on name and password for the site in question and I could check your claim myself."

Carreg can corroborate the source for you. Unfortunately he's run away, the poor dear.


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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So you keep saying but all to no avail.

Like I said. "PM me your log on name and password for the site in question and I could check your claim myself" If you're that confident of the result. ;-)


Well-Known Member
3 November 2007
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Why should I pass you my log-on details when we have an impeccable means of corroborating my claim: Mr "I kill hundreds of foxes and boast about it" Carreg. But where is the poor lad? Perhaps we should send out a search party!!!


Well-Known Member
13 August 2006
where ever my horses are
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Do you even live in Ireland, i guess not. So why do you think you qualify to express your opinions on a country you know nothing about bar a story in a paper. Or is this about the fact you obviously dont like hunting so you just jump on the bandwagon when a story of cruelty appears


Well-Known Member
3 November 2007
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Hang on, can I get this straight: you're saying you can only express opinions on events which take place in your own country? The vast ajority of threads on this site (not just the hunting forum) relate the the UK. What are you doing here? Aching to join the Mother Country again?

Have a pint of poteen and calm down.