GSD Woman
Well-Known Member
Today at work I went in to a room with another person to give vaccines. (Rabies vax in my state have to be given by a vet or licensed tech.) One of the doctors had stopped to speak to the owner and told her she should talk to another vet who does behavior work. That vet's advice tends to be give them Prozac. I casually asked the woman what sort of behavior problems they were having. Dog is 6 years old and was never proper. ly housebroken. Instead of watching the dog or confining it to areas where he doesn't pee the dog is allowed run of the house. He lifts his leg on the daughter's bed. My coworker also trains dogs. We were both amazed that this family is so dense. I made a comment about the dog needing housebreaking 101. "Oh, but he's so smart!" and then she said the thing about marking the bed. I told him he wouldn't get away with that in my house and maybe he needed to come to boot camp. Coworker couldn't believe that this problem was being referred for a behavior consult. Some people have more money than sense.