Why oh why are people so freaking bonkers!!


Well-Known Member
5 February 2010
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Oh how I wish I had my own little yard with just me and only me :p ... I cannot deal with these over protective bonkers people, its driving me mad!! The amount of b*tching that goes on is unreal, it really does crack me up, why cant people just keep themselves to themselves and not be two faced!! Theres always something going on and no matter what is done they are never happy. Recent one the other day was, the yard forgot to feed the part livery horse its haylage, it was feed by another livery who then said to owner.(Il add this is a great yard and very well run so most likely a genuine mistake, although the horse had surgery last year for colic so i understand her unhappyness but no harm was done). Their at the bottom of the barn so furtherest from the YO horses, so she asked me to swap stables with her as im right beside YO horses, so less chance of it happening again. I said no, she offered money, i said no. I dont like the end shes in and my mare is more settled in the stable she is in as she sometimes box walks when stressed. Then i got a text from said person offering me 200 quid to swap!! What the heck? Seriously!! What must she think of me for even offering that and how bad would i look for accepting :eek: I said no, if i wanted to swap i wouldnt need a wad of cash!! Blooming heck, are people really this crazy!! All for a stable!! She asked not to tell anyone as she apparently thinks alot of YM and groom ... doesnt look that way!! I also heard her saying to another livery the other week "I pay all this money and im stuck down here!" meaning other end of barn, im sorry but we all pay livery, no one is better than anyone else!! I actually think its better not to make friends, then you dont have to worry about falling out with people or feeling odd around folk as its rather awkward!! *Come on lottery ticket* :p
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Well-Known Member
11 July 2010
Hawkesbury/Blue Mountains NSW Australia
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The joys of sharing a yard:). Some people are worry worts about their horse, and I guess she is. I am sure she meant no harm done, she just is trying to sort things. If the yard is mostly good try not to stress out to much about it.


Well-Known Member
1 May 2007
Deepest Wales
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Well, I'd flipping worry too if I was paying to have my horse fed and he got forgotten, especially if the poor lad had had colic before. I'd be bloody fuming. I can totally see why she'd want her horse closer to the YO's horses, in a desperate hope that he wouldn't be forgotten again. However, she's paying for a service that is unreliable so she needs to have a proper sit-down meeting with the YO (or YM) and work out a way to make sure this doesn't happen again. I'd be innovative. The quirkier the solution, the more likely it is to be successful. What about a loud alarm clock set for 1pm (or whatever) every day somewhere the YM/yard staff would hear it. Or stick a humungus dayglo yellow poster on the wall next to YO's horse saying "Don't forget MY horse!!!", then chalk some big dayglo arrows or even footprints on the floor like in hospitals, leading to your horse's stable. Or make a haynet up ready and hang it on the wall outside the YO's stable with a humungus dayglo yellow cartoon label attached saying "This one's for MY horse. Thankyou". Loads more ideas that carry a serious message in an understanding way that leaves everyone friends again. Mind you, if it happened again, I'd a) deduct payment for that part of the livery costs and b) move my horse. If the other livery hadn't noticed and hung the haynet up, the unfed horse could have gone hours and hours without anything in his belly and could easily have had another colic.

Don't be too hard on her. She's clearly frantic about her horse and is trying to find a way to ensure he won't be forgotten again. You'd be doing the same thing if it was your horse. Why not be constructive in trying to help and suggest some of these ideas to her?


Well-Known Member
4 October 2004
West Yorkshire
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Your probably next to the yard owners horse because you do mind your own business.... The other livery is probably down the other end for a very good reason.
Don't blame you for not wanting to move :)


Well-Known Member
11 December 2004
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Or stick a humungus dayglo yellow poster on the wall next to YO's horse saying "Don't forget MY horse!!!", then chalk some big dayglo arrows or even footprints on the floor like in hospitals, leading to your horse's stable. Or make a haynet up ready and hang it on the wall outside the YO's stable with a humungus dayglo yellow cartoon label attached saying "This one's for MY horse. Thankyou". Loads more ideas that carry a serious message in an understanding way that leaves everyone friends again.
:mad: That is nasty. I'd be well and truly unamused if someone thought that was the way to be friendly in my barn! BoF, would you do that to H? How would you feel if you had made a genuine mistake and someone did that to you so that everyone could have a good laugh at you?

As for missing out feeding the horse, Yes, I agree, enough to be annoyed about, and I would be too if my horse wasn't fed, but mistakes happen and the horse did get fed in the end and it didn't get colic. Embarrassing cock-up, I am sure it won't happen again. Quiet private word with the YO and no worries.

As for not liking stables, presumably owners are allocated a stall on the basis of what is vacant at the time and it was accepted, and unless someone wants to swap then owners are stuck with it until one more to their liking becomes available.

OP, I hope your YO doesn't come on here!
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Well-Known Member
5 September 2008
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Our yard has three separate barns, two on the main yard and one at the top which is adjacent to the YO's block. Some people choose to make a fuss about where they are, but as another post said, the boxes are offered based on what's available at the time. I'm lucky in that although my two arrived at different times they're next door to each other, but then I'm in a block that a lot don't like! I'm more than happy though.

In this case I can easily see why the girl got worried about her horse and it was probably panic/desperation that made her offer you the money, not common sense! I wouldn't take it so personally, as I'd say it was more a reflection of her state of min than of anything about you! She's terrified of losing her horse to another bout of colic and not going about things the best way. In your situation I would just quietly point out to her that you can see why she's worried but that you don't want to move and think she would be better off speaking privately to YO. I certainly would never go with the dayglo ideas, to me it seems rude and would seriously get my back up if it was done to me. One quiet word should be enough to resolve the problem if the yard is as good as you say it is.

Ultimately nobody else will ever look after your horse exactly as you would but a goo yard will make you confident that the level of care is good enough.

Chalk it up to her being worried and don't take it personally, I doubt she even thought you'd see it that way.


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1 May 2007
Deepest Wales
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Enfys have you been at the wine gums or something? Of course it's not NASTY to recognise that a problem exists and to try resolve it in a way that keeps everyone either friends or at least with a working business relationship. What do you think might be a better way for this other livery to make sure her horse is fed? Stamp up to the YO and yell at her? Send a rude text? Bitch and whine behind her back? What on earth is wrong with finding a way to carry a SERIOUS message in a quiet, maybe humorous way? I'd bet a million pounds that the YO isn't deliberately thinking, I know what I'll do today to upset one of my liveries, I'll not feed her horse! She's probably rushed off her feet, trying to keep all her liveries happy. So what's wrong with using a friendly way to protect your horse? And as far as the relationship with my own YO goes, I've never had to do anything since she cares as much for all the livery horses as she does for her own. However, the yard I was at before was a totally different story and I tried and tried to protect Sunny. I eventually put laminated notices up at the side of his door to remind staff to give his eye drops - the notice said something like please don't forget my eye drops as you're helping keep me safe and well. I tried similar things so that people wouldn't pinch his head collar and lead rope (needed 3 times daily for eye medication) but it still got pinched. Needless to say, he isn't there any more.


Well-Known Member
22 March 2011
Central scotland
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Having nearly lost a horse to colic in the vet hospital, i can understand her fears of her horse being "missed" at feeding hay times.
From your presentation of her behaviour it sounds like she doesnt trust that it wont happen again. I dont think shes being over protective just trying to get the best for her horse, hardly bonkers behaviour, more extremely bloody worried.
And tbh the way youre slagging her and others off on your post, calling them 2 faced, theyre not on a public forum ranting about things and people on the yard you are , a bit of pot, kettle, black behaviour.
Im quite sure theyre hoping for that lottery win as well.


Well-Known Member
4 February 2008
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I've seen posts resurrected from weeks/months/years before but this is the first time I've seen a dispute/argument resurrected from six months previously! :D.

Geeze guys, sort it out, it's Christmas! ;) :D