Why people put their horses on full livery...


Well-Known Member
25 September 2005
somewhere in pasty land
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This is just my opinion but even if i could afford full livery (which i cant) i think i would still stick to the DIY.I dont like the thought of anybody else doing my horse.I trust the yo and fellow livery with my life but even when i was away on holiday recently i fretted over how he was being looked after and that was just for two weeks and the week i was in hospital.Oh my god does that make me sound like a very paraniod over protective mother????


Well-Known Member
16 December 2005
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We had a full livery at the yard, think the owner was an air stewardess of some kind (only europe though) but meant that when she was at home, she could just ride etc


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9 February 2005
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Because I work 60 hours a week and want to spend my time riding my mare rather than leaving her in the fields while I muck out.

I used to think no one could do my ned as well as me then, um, well, I grew up! Mucking out after all is actually just s*** shovelling!

No one rides her except me and I see her pretty much every day. I can't see that she can tell who mucked out her stable!


Well-Known Member
16 September 2006
I have mine on full livery because I am inexperienced and need all the help I can get. I am learning a lot from YO and other liveries and may go to part-livery next year. There again, I may not, as my work can be unpredictable and it is nice to know that my horse will always be looked after even if I can't go up to see to him myself.

Some people can be very insensitive so I shouldn't worry about what she thinks. You are doing the best for you and your horse and that is all that matters!


the watcher

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4 November 2004
in a happy place
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I think there are SOME people, not necessarily anybody in this thread, who actually enjoy the martyrdom of full DIY, they are the same people who in different circumstances would be slaves to their children, or partner and who spend all their time saying (with forced cheerfulness) that of course it is all hard work but really nobody else can be relied upon.

If I could afford it, I would have at least part DIY, and it is one of the reasons I have taken the 'sharing' route..have done total DIY on my own in just a rented field with a couple of stables - never again!

If I win the Euromillions I would have full livery tomorrow (for the horses and for me, somebody else could muck out my house too!)


Well-Known Member
4 January 2006
North Yorkshire
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I think mucking out is really over-rated - did it for plenty of years but now I am fortunate that I don't have to, so I prefer to spend my time riding.

If I only have an hour to spare in the morning, I would prefer to spend it riding.

I am lucky to be on a yard where my horses are looked after by the same person all the time and I trust her completely.


Well-Known Member
18 November 2005
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I don't have my horse on full livery...he is at home in a rented field with a mobile field shelter. But I can totally understand why people have their horses on full livery and can see the benefits it brings to owner and horse.
I am self employed so don't have regular hours and their is only one of me because whilst my husband can do basic stuff...he is not horsey at all!
So the benfits of full livery that I see is the routine for the horse and having someone there to look after them every day. I am constantly struggling to get back in time to put my horse in at night, if we are out I have to beg favours off friends etc, going away is a nightmare, if I am ill (like now) the show still has to go on because the stable won't muck itself out! And if I did not have to do all the mucking out, rug changing, feeding etc I would have so much more time to ride and do the enjoyable things...and my horse would be even fitter!

H's mum

Well-Known Member
27 November 2003
What a silly thing to say to you... Obviously she's from a self-righteous place...

Don't worry about being on full livery there's absolutely nothing wrong with it - it allows you to spend time WITH your horse rather than doing things FOR your horse - what's the point in having an hour a day with him only to be able to muck out and do jobs for him rather than riding him? I'm sure I know which the horse would prefer!

I have my horse on full livery - have been on diy for years and years prior to starting my own business - Now (shock horror!) I don't even see my mare every day - I just don't have time... but I know that she is well cared for and extremely happy - so what's the big deal? There's no way that I'd sell my horse just because I didn't have time to muck out!

Kate x


Well-Known Member
5 October 2006
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If my boy had to live in then i would do part livery- fortunately he lives out 24/7 so i don't have to worry about s**t shovelling.
Full livery at our yard means full- they do everything including riding and is therefore hideously expensive - totally understand why people have full though if they have horrendously busy jobs and, no, having lessons are not the same as having your own horse to fuss over!
She's probably just got a touch of the green eyed monster .


Well-Known Member
6 September 2006
Kent/Surrey Border
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I would love to have my horse on full livery, but unfortunately he doesn't feel the same... at the moment he is on DIY - I work in London and travel ALOT but luckily Mum goes to him every morning and evening - I just ride in the week then do everything at the weekend (kind of like full livery I guess he he)... problem is, when Mum is away and someone else helps out, they usually get bitten and me and mum get punished - he really is a grumpy sod and doesn't like abyone else. There is no way I could keep him in a yard on full livery - the grooms wouldn't survive!


Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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I would love to go on full livery but i cant afford it.

It would give me more time to spend riding and grooming my horse which can only be a good thing and it would also give me more time to spend with my OH, friends and family as i am constantly rushing backwards and forwards to the yard and hardly see them.

I do love feeding my horse though and putting her to bed after i have ridden so i would want to keep that the same.


Well-Known Member
20 September 2004
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I have to mine on full livery because I work long, stressful hours in the city, and when I eventually get to the yard, I like to be able to spend quality time with my horse - riding and grooming, and not have to worry about mucking out, making hay nets etc.

May not suit everyone, but it works for us - I'm actually on a DIY livery yard but have a fabulous, if mad, freelance groom who does my full livery mon-fri, and I do DIY at the weekend, so the best of both worlds.


Well-Known Member
30 March 2004
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I think it's a bit of a jealousy thing.

[/ QUOTE ]

What??? I think it's more down to people's personal situation and choice. Mine are on DIY because that's how I want to keep them. I don't have anything against people on full livery and am certainly not jealous of them!!! I don't know any of my friends on DIY who are 'jealous' of full liveries! Mind you I'm sure they're very jealous of me on cold frosty mornings when I get up at 5am to muck out before work and they have to stay in bed under the duvet as their horse is on full livery


Well-Known Member
25 October 2005
Beds/Herts/Cambs Borders
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Bit upset about this - just me being sensitive as this is a raw subject for me at the moment.

For the last 4 years I have kept mine and my sisters horses on DIY near my house. I was at the yard every morning and every evening - not much fun when you are a lawyer in the city and that involved getting up at 4.50am and putting the horses to bed at 9/10pm at night after riding. Still, they were 100% worth it and I never begrudged them a second of my time.

I (and the horses) moved recently and my commute has more than doubled. In order to do the horses before work I would need to get to the yard at about 4am and it would be unlikely I'd be at the yard much before 9pm every night. My sister and I made the decision that we would put the horses on FL mon-fri. We felt that the horses would benefit from the set routine and it was unrealistic to expect me to get up at 3 something every morning!

I am finding it a HUGE struggle adjusting to FL. It breaks my heart that I don't see the nags every day and I honestly would do anything (which was reasonable) to go back to DIY but the fact fo the matter is, with my job and my commute its not possible. Yes, I could sell the horses but as long as he is happy (which I feel he is) I would not consider this.

I more than make up for it at the weekend and I do try to get to the yard to ride at least twice a week after work. Its tough riding at 10pm on a scary yard on your own but its worth it.


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13 November 2005
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My ponies are kept ten miles away from my home and on full livery for several reasons, many of which have been mentioned, but the main ones are that they are kept by a very experienced person I can trust and we train for horse driving trials in a 3,000 acre forest with sandy tracks where I can drive for hours and there's NO-ONE else for miles. Fantastic!
Where I live it's a commuter rat-run.
If you think riding on the road is dangerous, try driving a carriage - but at least I've got a longer whip. Anyway, there's almost no roadwork and I drive them nearly every day.


Well-Known Member
6 November 2004
North East Scotland
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I think its odd people keeping their horses on full livery. Although, my main objection is those who dont even see their horse for days on end (just go maybe twice a week to ride) as I think the horse is being wasted.

I just think its a bit pointless owning a horse yet only seeing it for short periods to ride only. I think it'd be like having a dog but keeping it in kennels and just going to see it to take it on walks!

Im not against it as such though, as I know some people lead very busy lives. But I think horses take up a lot of time and we should take on that responsibility. But then Ive always done my own horses since I was 11 years old so I think it depends on what your used to!


Well-Known Member
18 July 2005
north scotland
i work offshore so when i bought him had to have flexible livery, diy when at home full livery when i was working, now he is at home and sometimes i wish he was at a livery yard, because i know that he will be looked after properly when im not there. otherwise i have to rely on a groom who comes once a day in the summer and autumn, and havent discussed winter care yet.


Well-Known Member
25 August 2005
Argggggentina at the moment
I have PF on full livery because it´s all that´s available here. I can do as much or as little as I like and it´s been a while since I did the mucking out! I like it because I get to ride as often as I like now as opposed to fill buckets, fix fences, pick poo, etc.