Widening tooth gaps


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25 October 2010
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Has anyone had this done? Little old mini mare has a decent gap, it gets cleaned out every few months but it’s been getting bigger. The dentist mentioned there is a procedure to widen the gap so that instead of packing the food stuffs just goes through. Its was just a quick flush visit and she said it’s not at that stage yet but something to think of in the near future.

Do they need sedated? Is there any major risks? Did it work and give the horse a better quality of life?


Fly paper for freaks 🍀
20 November 2008
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I had two diastema gaps widened by the Equine Dental Clinic in April last year.

The vet who initially came to do teeth, after years of using and a EDT every 6-9mths, and found all the issues was the most expensive part.

The actual procedure by EDC and initial packing was £519 iirc and I think that included a few days worth of danolin.

My horse was ill at the time and losing weight. When the vet found the diastema we thought that was why. After the procedure his head started swelling so thr vet from EDC was back out a couple of time and that cost around £100 a time.

That was a false flag, horse was seriously ill and vet completely ignored it and gave awful advice including putting a horse with gastric issues on 4 bute.

Sorry going off on a tangent. After the initial procedure he was to get a check up after 6wks by the vet. He was seen much sooner due to the swelling (not teeth or related to the procedure). His vet screwed up putting stuff in his gums and prescribed all sorts. EDC vet kindly came out and fixed it as well as advising to stop all thr drugs.

I've had no dental issues since. I'm really lucky that EDC have taken over the dental care of my horses. All 3 are done every 6mths by the vet at edc.

Unsurprisingly I changed vet practice. New practice referred Chip to hospital. While he was there they checked his mouth and he's been seen by their dental specialist too. Glowing report on his mouth and how it was healing/has healed.

The 6 monthly visits are needed to clear out the gaps.

It hasn't affected Chip's eating. His other problems took priority and that involved piling food into him. EDC advised against haylage and that grass was best. I've had to feed mix for condition and I've not had any issues.

EDC did say that if thr widening didn't help there is the option of a "hard bridge" to make chewing easier if the horse struggled with forage

Sorry that's all a bit discombobulated. That time was a bit of a blur due to how sick Chip got.

Edited to add: he was sedated and the procedure was carried out in stocks (standing).

I can't remember there being any risks other than the usual about sedation.

Without it the food would have continued to get trapped and cause an infection. Chip's were quite bad. He'd been malnourished at thr stud until he was 2 and his teeth grew through on an angle, like a diamond instead of straight like a rectangle. Apparently this is fairly common for horses who've been malnourished. I used an EDT every 6mths since Chip arrived aged 2, I have no idea how something so massive went unnoticed for 9 years. The vet spotted it straight away. As you can tell I'm anti-EDT now and pro vet (with appropriate dental training and qualifications)
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Well-Known Member
25 October 2010
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I’ve used edc many times in the past and always liked her. The only reason I currently don’t is she suddenly required sedation for any treatment (not sure if that’s still the case) and I wasn’t going to sedate a 25yo mini who stands like a statue and who she had done multiple times without sedation 😳 also sedation add up when there is 6 to do!

I’m not keen on packing..I’ve seen it fail many times (one being my big lad) so is that standard after the widening?


Fly paper for freaks 🍀
20 November 2008
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Packing was standard AFAIK but I've only had one horse done.

I had an Arab with a dental issue years ago and that was packed too with no issues.

My mums horse had a tooth extracted by EDC and it was packed too. He had multiple return visits by the vet to replace the packing over 6 or so weeks. There were no problem with that either. It was a fractured tooth and a tricky extraction.

I don't know how it would be possible to safely widen a gap without sedation.


Well-Known Member
25 October 2010
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Packing was standard AFAIK but I've only had one horse done.

I had an Arab with a dental issue years ago and that was packed too with no issues.

My mums horse had a tooth extracted by EDC and it was packed too. He had multiple return visits by the vet to replace the packing over 6 or so weeks. There were no problem with that either. It was a fractured tooth and a tricky extraction.

I don't know how it would be possible to safely widen a gap without sedation.
Thanks for all the info. Sedation once or twice for a procedure will be fine it’s just not something I was keen on every 3-6months for small routine stuff.
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31 August 2011
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You could try Esther Skelly Smith for a second opinion though if she feels it warrants more hands on work she will probably refer to Tullyraine. Or potentially UCD via Tullyraine (depending on severity).
A girl at my yard’s horse had diastemas widened recently at Tullyraine tho it didn’t go via Esther.


Well-Known Member
25 October 2010
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You could try Esther Skelly Smith for a second opinion though if she feels it warrants more hands on work she will probably refer to Tullyraine. Or potentially UCD via Tullyraine (depending on severity).
A girl at my yard’s horse had diastemas widened recently at Tullyraine tho it didn’t go via Esther.
Might be worth talking to them directly and see costs etc, she was registered with them for many years before a closer vet opened up. My current vet does to dental work also so I could at least have two quotes if it’s needed lol she’ll be due bloods again soon so that will tie in well with a check up for opinions.


Too little time, too much to read.
8 May 2012
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My oldie had diastemas widened and some packed every six months during the last years of his life. He always ate much better afterwards. He needed sedation though.
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Well-Known Member
29 September 2013
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My 18 year old mini is having hers flushed.

Vet (dental specialist) has warned that he thinks a couple of teeth may come loose once flushed, and depending how loose, may need pulling.

I think we're waiting until he's flushed them to decide whether to widen, pack or bridge any other gaps.


Well-Known Member
25 October 2010
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My 18 year old mini is having hers flushed.

Vet (dental specialist) has warned that he thinks a couple of teeth may come loose once flushed, and depending how loose, may need pulling.

I think we're waiting until he's flushed them to decide whether to widen, pack or bridge any other gaps.
That’s sort of where we are right now. She will get them flushed again in November/december when all the rest are due their yearly then she can advise more then based on that length of time. Thankfully none seemed in anyway loose.