That is how I interpreted the situation with AN and Wiggy, recent article i.e. this month described her as his "partner". First wife was a produce of young event horses when she met AN.
Was anyone else willing AN to get more than 1 fence down?? Or was that just me been unsporting
[/ QUOTE ] No, it was me too! I got the impression that William is willing to let the media 'use' the rivalry angle at the moment to promote his book. The commentator said at the start of the coverage, something like "after what Willaim has said in his book, its clear why there is a strong rivalry ...." (I'm paraphrasing - probably badly).
Nevertheless, fair play to him. I guess if he was the victim of the 'love triangle' he's entitled to make it work for him years later!
maybe, but AN's first wife has been very dignified throughout all this and could always be seen supporting AN at events with the children, time will tell if #2 is as dedicated and supportive
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Oh undoubtedly, and I do feel sorry for her, it must have been horrible.
I was willing WFP to have a fence down i think he's really been a bit silly with the whole AN thing. Ok i stayed with AN a few weeks ago so may be biased that way but what sort of person writes a biography and puts that it is about "my friends, family, ex wife and horses"
Really they're both silly little boys, ok affairs etc are always bad but at the end of the day she can't help falling in love with a different man, they've both moved on, got new partners and had children. Surely it is time to let it rest - not write about it in a book......
At Gatcombe it was becoming v v public, with WFP deliberately crashing into AN and an ensuing shouting match, i really think things in this case have gone too far.
Couldn't agree more - heard a great story (which is TOTALLY unsubstantiated) about Mrs FP #1 turning up on AN's doorstep with suitcase and horses saying "I've come to move in" and Mrs AN #1 turning round and saying "no you haven't, he is MY husband still" Obviously a gutsy lady who, quite honestly, deserves better than AN!
WFP was the injured party... why not. she was a cheating bitch and AN was a cheating bastard. serves them right if it finally comes out. WFP is far better off now anyway, good for him.
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Woahhhhhh unless you know them well i wouldnt say things like that. It didn't happen like that yes they were both married, you can never not condemn that but it happened for a reason and WFP isn't quite as innocent as you like to think.
Was anyone else willing AN to get more than 1 fence down?? Or was that just me been unsporting
[/ QUOTE ]
I was too
He rattled nearly every fence to start with and I was yelling at the tv and cheering when the planks came down. Partly through wanting a Brit to win tho
Just don't particularly like him as a person - think there are far nicer and better eventers around.
Plus have heard some stories first hand about what he's like on the circuit which made him go down in my liking
For Wiggy to mess around on WFP there must have been something wrong to start with. If you are happily married you don't cheat, nevermind how lovely the temptation is.
Having been in the same situation as WFP (i.e. other half walked out for someone else, leaving me with 2 young kids), yes have to admit I was delighted when he won. I know there are supposedly always 2 sides but sometimes the injured party really has no idea anything is wrong. I had to give up my then hobby as ex and new woman were there every weekend. I can understand why WFP wrote about the affair in his book, at least it will stop people speculating. I also hope ANs wife and kids are getting on with their lives now.
i've chatted with them both, wouldn't say they're friends, and i much prefer WFP. i've never seen any sign of an attitude... i spent hours talking to him once, and he didn't even yawn!
he's more caring of his horses too, imho. also, other people can ride them after he's ridden them... not exactly the case with AN horses. (2 friends bought expensive Advanced horses from him. neither could ride them. one friend in particular was a v v good jockey). i think that's quite telling, of how good a job someone has done on a horse.
anyway, we'll have to agree to differ, maybe!
i think it's good PR to play up the rivalry, tbh. years ago Matt Ryan said to me that we need high-profile "goodies" and "baddies" in eventing to catch the attention of the general public... unfortunately, he may have been right.