Wintec 500


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11 August 2005
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I'm thinking of getting the Wintec 500 GP for Christmas as I currently ride in a nice leather showing saddle and don't want it to get ruined. It's also not very secure for jumping in.
So, I want a synthetic saddle for knock about, everyday riding&jumping and have decided that the Wintec looks good as it comes in brown (it was drummed into me that tack should always be brown, according to my old bosses, who are well respected judges, and it stuck), has the changable gullet system, the CAIR system whereby the pads are filled with air not stuffing and is available at a local saddlery for £275, which is within reach of a budget.
So, any opinions on the saddle? More to do with the CAIR system and the changeable gullets really, as I can inspect the saddle for comfort&looks etc at the shop.

the watcher

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4 November 2004
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Is this second hand..should be over £300 with CAIR if new?. I have an older one (no CAIR), it is fine for general riding and jumping..but even these don't fit every horse..and no matter what the gullet width, they will always be medium at the back so try and get the one you are looking at on a trial or test basis if poss.


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24 January 2006
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This is just my opinion and it is almost certainly different for other horses and riders so please don't take offence at this but...

Well, I had a brand new wintec 500 with cair as my first saddle for my pony as he was quite fat and was likely to change shape. I had it professionally fitted and checked by another saddler as he changed shape. I can truthfully say though that it was the worst saddle I ever bought.

It always had a tendancy to slip quite badly even with an antislip pad under it and even without a rider when my pony was on the lunge. For jumping it was even worse - the back used to kick up really, really badly as soon as the fences got above about 2'3" and after the fences reached 3'3" it used to slip so badly I had to get off and sort it out. I was struggling to get round three jumps in a row in it, let alone contemplating hunting in it. Other people rode in it too and they all said the same thing.

I ended up switching to the Albion K2 and I sold the W 500 - it was fine for hacking but never withstood anything past that for me. It's just my experience of them though but if you like them and it fits your horse well, go for it. They dertainly are easy to clean

the watcher

Well-Known Member
4 November 2004
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I would agree with wider horses..I had the Wintec cob saddle on a round Highland, and it always slipped so had to sell it..which is why I made the point that this is always going to be a medium saddle with an adjustable gullet


Well-Known Member
24 February 2006
Thumbs up from me! Check out ebay though, lots go for minimal prices, still nearly new or used but vgc.
I bought one second hand off ebay, but without the cair.
I wanted a cheapy saddle that could be used and abused, but that could change shape with my horses.
I've found it really good, though the girth straps are quite short so be prepared to buy longer girths than you would normally use!
It's the only saddle used so far on my gelding that doesn't need a breastplate and constant readjusting.
I use it with a rear riser pad on the ones with high withers, but other than that its fine.
Really good value for money.

The only thing i would advise though is that you don't look into buying one if your horse is very wide, as although you can change the gullet width at the front, at the back the gullet stays the same, which i imagine could cause problems.


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16 October 2006
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I have one on my very fat Welsh B x Arab, also professionally fitted, lovely comfotable, secure ride, looks smart, is light weight & easy to care for. Mine moves a little when Lady does an impression of rodeo horse. I don't think you should have a problem as long as you have a reasonably tight girth and thin numnah and the sadle is professionally fitted and regularly checked.


Well-Known Member
11 August 2005
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Interesting. Thanks for that - I have to ask as I want opinions on it but don't know anyone who's got one. Mixed opinions but mostly good. My horse is a cob but not particularly wide so fingers crossed it'll be ok. I suppose different sadldles suit different animals&you never can tell until you really start to ride in it.

Shall have to see if I can get a fitting/trial as I would be hunting in it/doing a bit of jumping (mostly out on hacks/schooling) in it. That's one of the reasons I want it as mine is a flat, straight cut showing saddle&is difficult to jump in, so much so that I'm borrowing a lovely eventing saddle to go hunting in tomorrow. I suppose if I get a prob with jumping I will have to continue to borrow (if that's ok Alex - thanks so much!


Well-Known Member
7 August 2006
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I tried the 500 but it just didn't fit or look right. The saddle just looked very small on her.

The 2000 was a much better fit for both of us and very comfy.

I know some saddlers stock them so they might let you test the different makes.
If you think you will be hunting or jumping a lot then maybe consider a second hand leather saddle.

Good luck.