Winter coat shedding, midges and fly rug


Well-Known Member
6 August 2006
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After a night of rain, the midges are back out in force and driving Eric mad. He still has quite a lot of coat and I haven't put his fly rug on as I was worried it would make him more itchy and worse.

What do others do, should I just go for the rug?

Thanks for any thoughts!


Well-Known Member
16 February 2009
Slopping along on a loose rein somewhere in Devon
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As one whose previous horse had sweet itch and I needed to rug him during the midge-active months; my advice is that an ordinary fly rug will not be sufficient to stop midges from biting - only a "sweet itch rug" can do that.

Have a look at the Premier Equine ones; they are cheaper than Rambo and are quite a roomy fit. Also I saw a Weatherbeeta one which IMO wasn't such good quality, might be more affordable. There will probably be others on the market that I'm not aware of now that I've not got a sweet itchy horse.

Also there is a Facebook group: "Sweet Itch Support Group" which you might find helpful.

Some people would tend to advise feeding garlic; however with an itchy horse this might not be the best thing you could do as garlic stimulates the immune system and will exacerbate any itching. However you may find that feeding Brewers Yeast as a supplement helps.


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25 March 2013
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As one whose previous horse had sweet itch and I needed to rug him during the midge-active months; my advice is that an ordinary fly rug will not be sufficient to stop midges from biting - only a "sweet itch rug" can do that.

Have a look at the Premier Equine ones; they are cheaper than Rambo and are quite a roomy fit. Also I saw a Weatherbeeta one which IMO wasn't such good quality, might be more affordable. There will probably be others on the market that I'm not aware of now that I've not got a sweet itchy horse.

Also there is a Facebook group: "Sweet Itch Support Group" which you might find helpful.

Some people would tend to advise feeding garlic; however with an itchy horse this might not be the best thing you could do as garlic stimulates the immune system and will exacerbate any itching. However you may find that feeding Brewers Yeast as a supplement helps.
The shire highlander sweet itch combo is very hard wearing, cost effective and is ideal for fighting midges in the spring and autumn months. I found the Rambo version made of stiffer mesh to be better for the actual hot days.


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3 April 2008
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The shire highlander sweet itch combo is very hard wearing, cost effective and is ideal for fighting midges in the spring and autumn months. I found the Rambo version made of stiffer mesh to be better for the actual hot days.
The shires highlander is my favourite for midges and proper horrible fly weather.
I have some Amigo Aussies but with ears and tummy cover for warmer weather (such a shame they don’t make them any more)

I’ve not dug fly rugs out yet!
Mine are out over night and stand in by day so they still get turnouts on.


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24 December 2021
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Midges have been really irritating my oldie this year. None of the sprays seem to work, so I mixed essential oil of eucalyptus with sunflower oil and dotted it down his mane and top of tail, and inside his ears. He has stopped scratching so maybe it is doing something.


Well-Known Member
25 August 2010
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Midges have been really irritating my oldie this year. None of the sprays seem to work, so I mixed essential oil of eucalyptus with sunflower oil and dotted it down his mane and top of tail, and inside his ears. He has stopped scratching so maybe it is doing something.
I made a bit of a concoction as well with eucalyptus oil, lavender and lemon oil in coconut oil and it seems to be working


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27 April 2004
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I've had to cave and put the fly rugs on. I tried to hold out for the same reason as the OP. I just make sure it's taken off regularly and she's given a good groom with the shedding blade and Hands On gloves. We're at that therapeutic 'pull out clumps of fur' stage of shedding. Mind you, yesterday they went back into 50 g turnouts. We got a max of 8oC, here...back into sweet itch rug, today.


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6 April 2009
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The midges are horrendous here too. I've had success in the past with avon skin so soft but it's so cold the blooming thing is constantly solid. I've been using nettex summer freedom cream on his stomach where the midges were attacking him and it's really helped. I don't think you could use it on the whole of the horse but if anyone else needs it on specific spots, it seems to be helping.


Well-Known Member
6 August 2006
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Thanks all, some really use info, tips and tricks :) I am not sure that I could clip him - he is rising 4 and not really done anything, I have done some desensitisation work with clippers but not sure it would be enough to clip him out. I'll pop it on him and see how things go!

Thanks again!