Winter problems - Is it possible?


Well-Known Member
22 January 2011
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I have a theory with my horse I don't no if any other people have horses like this dont even no if its possible?
But basically my horse has always been abit of a problem (strenght, bolting ect) I knew all this when I brought him and for a while in the summer I managed to complelty turn him around however going into the winter months he turned back into a nighmare. We tried everything from horse whispher's to profesinol schoolers but nothing seemed to work with him. When summer came we started to make some improvment and by agust we were nearly getting back to how he was but recently since winter started he's been back to being a nutcase walking him out and if for a moment you turn him straight he's off I basically have to ride sideways. We havnt changed anything with him and Ive tried riding him regularly and not often but he's the same either way.
So I was just wondering if perhaps it has something to do with the seasons? That he just hates winter and if it is that is there anything I can do about it? Because at the moment he's so awfull through winter that by the time it gets to summer he's picked up so many bad habbits it takes all the way through to agust to get him back then its almost time for the whole prosses to start again.
So if anyone has any experince or advice it would be greatly welcomed


village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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When you say you have changed nothing I'm a bit confused. Surely you must have had to up his feed or give him extra hay or haylage or change his turn out time?

I'd examine those factors very carefully.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2011
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When you say you have changed nothing I'm a bit confused. Surely you must have had to up his feed or give him extra hay or haylage or change his turn out time?

I'd examine those factors very carefully.

We always have very good grass in our feilds so for the exeption of some hay every now and again it stays basically the same


Well-Known Member
26 January 2010
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My mare gets like this in winter it's due to a couple of things the fresher, cooler weather and significantly less turnout. She does get better once she has settled into her winter routine but she still bucks going into canter (doesn't do it in summer) when hacking out because she gets excited and has a lot of pent up energy!


Well-Known Member
23 September 2004
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Its not unusual for horses to be sharp in winter, particularly if on reduced turnout or clipped or on too much hard feed.
Mine are often more forward going during winter while in summer they may have bellies full of grass and act like dopes in the warmer weather.
Turning out 24/7, not clipping, or just a part clip and forage based diet does help.

Mind you, the high winds tonight have made them all prance around tonight like footballers winning the world cup.


7 December 2011
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my cob has turned like this! was great hacking and schooling in summer we seemed to make progress but from october onwards he has resorted to being strong and cantering off with me (used to do this but we cracked the habit in summer) he also has had no change


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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Consider the possibility that your horse has something going on somewhere like arthritis which is significantly more painful in cold wet weather. Try him on bute and see if his behaviour is better. If so, he is in pain somewhere.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2011
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my cob has turned like this! was great hacking and schooling in summer we seemed to make progress but from october onwards he has resorted to being strong and cantering off with me (used to do this but we cracked the habit in summer) he also has had no change

I think I just wrote a message on your post?:L
And its difficult to tell because it seems like the only explanation but it seems weird that a change in weather could make such a difference but I basically cant even walk him he has two speeds. Gallop and jogg sideways


Well-Known Member
22 January 2011
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Consider the possibility that your horse has something going on somewhere like arthritis which is significantly more painful in cold wet weather. Try him on bute and see if his behaviour is better. If so, he is in pain somewhere.

That's the best advice Ive got so far I honestly never though of that.
Thankyou & I will be buying some beaut tommrow