Winter turnout - every other day?


Well-Known Member
5 February 2012
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Sorry - I know the winter turnout questions have been done to death and it's only May but....!

I potentially may be getting a new job in the next few weeks which means my working hours will be 11-19.00 Mon - Fri. I dont want to leave the horses out in the winter untill half 7ish really as they would only hang around the gate from 3pm when all the others come in. Also my YO is fine with me leaving out untill 5.30 - 6.00pm ( that's what I did previously ) but I font think she would be keen on them being out later, which I do understand. They do offer bringing in services however, my big horse can be a bit of a s*@ t coming in for other people... and I think she and her husband are scared of him which makes him more naughty 😊

I don't want that everyday really as it's not nice for her and I don't him yanked about and told off because she is scared of him. So... I'm thinking of turning out every other day I.e Tuesday, Thursday in the week and both Saturday and Sunday. On the days they would be in I would chuck out between 6.30 - 9.00am or ride then back in for the day. On the turnout days I would ask her to bring them in about 3ish before the other liveries come in or possibly ask my father to do them. Don't want him doing it every day though as he is 70 so don't want to take the pee lol.

They are both fine being in and quite happy, especially when it's raining! We only have an acre field i use for both in winter so I can swap in the spring to their other rested field so there's no grass in the winter.


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11 April 2011
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I would be inclined to see if you can work on helping the YO to build a better relationship with your horse. My horses are out 6- 6 everyday in the winter, although they are happy about it because of the large hay bale. Failing that I see nothing wrong with your plan along as the horses are happy.


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10 December 2008
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I don't think there's anything wrong with your plan, but would have thought that the more your YO handles your horse the better he'll be for her? I'd spend the summer working with your boy and your YO so she's happy to bring him in?


Well-Known Member
5 February 2012
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I don't think there's anything wrong with your plan, but would have thought that the more your YO handles your horse the better he'll be for her? I'd spend the summer working with your boy and your YO so she's happy to bring him in?

The problem with my YO is she is scared of him and has admitted it to me so fair play to her, but her husband would bring him in and his attitude is he knows best ( he thinks! ) and he will sort the horse... Horse can be good as gold, although keen to come in, but has random fits when he will rush the gate, rear and go sideways which can last a few weeks then back to normal. He does prefer to be in, especially at the end of the winter. He will do it with me also but I keep calm and make him wait until I'm ready to walk on - I'm sure it pi***s him off no end but I am not being dragged up the yard lol.

Also if he does play up then I don't hear the end of it... they are in to natural horse stuff and think everything can be fixed by doing Join Up ( rolls eyes ) I do pay them to bring in so it's not done as a favour.


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22 July 2010
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Can you not move yards? Turnout that limited is far from ideal. You ought to be able to find a yard who can handle a horse that is not the easiest to bring in and out. If not can the YO feed hay to yours in the field once the others come in so that they are happier to stay out until you can get there.


Horse servant
2 December 2010
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I think your plan is fine, OP. The best thing, I think is for you to try it and see how it goes. You will soon know if your horses don't like it, though I suspect they will be fine.


Well-Known Member
5 February 2012
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Can you not move yards? Turnout that limited is far from ideal. You ought to be able to find a yard who can handle a horse that is not the easiest to bring in and out. If not can the YO feed hay to yours in the field once the others come in so that they are happier to stay out until you can get there.

I don't really see it as limited. They have always stayed in day and night when the weather is wet and windy and are always happy. I never keep in for two days straight unless exceptional weather circumstances! I don't want to move yards and I dont feed hay in the field as they don't eat it and it gets wet and trashed in the field.

The simple things is that they want to be in! I know everyone seems to think we must keep them out for their ' benefit ' but standing in the rain being miserable and wet with mud fever isn't what they enjoy.


Well-Known Member
24 August 2012
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I think the main problem with that plan is that the less turnout he gets, the more of a pain he will be for them to handle.

Could you get someone experienced to come and bring in for you? I always think that's a better way as then if they are doing it wrong/not good enough for you, you don't share a yard with them so there is no animosity caused!


Well-Known Member
5 February 2012
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I think your plan is fine, OP. The best thing, I think is for you to try it and see how it goes. You will soon know if your horses don't like it, though I suspect they will be fine.

Thanks Wagtail. I know it's not ideal but few things are! They really are ' indoor' horses who like their home comforts lol. As soon as spring is on the way and the grass comes through they wont want to come in 😃


Well-Known Member
5 February 2012
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I think the main problem with that plan is that the less turnout he gets, the more of a pain he will be for them to handle.

Could you get someone experienced to come and bring in for you? I always think that's a better way as then if they are doing it wrong/not good enough for you, you don't share a yard with them so there is no animosity caused!

He won't be worse with less turnout, the reason he can be a git is because he doesn't want to be out as he's happier in. An hour or two of charging round and they are both back waiting to be in.


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12 August 2006
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My yard does every other day turn out, we also don't have the option of a few hours out in the morning.
Mares have 1 day, geldings have the next day and so on - they have 1 field to trash over the winter and thats it.

Yard of 40 horses and not one of them has had an issue with it.

My 2 mares are happy to stay in, they do go out as much as possible but on days they are in they are both exercised and if I can, I hand graze was well.

Your plan sounds ideal, I think what some folk seem to forget is some of us need to work hard to afford the luxury life our horses have and that means doing different/odd/long hours!
I work shifts 24hrs a day (early/late/night) and I manage with minimal help - its doable and you sound committed to keeping the horses as happy and routine as is possible!


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24 May 2006
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Sounds perfectly fine to me as long as your horses are happy to spend the majority of the day in their stables. It annoys me when people say horses have to be turned out all day every day as they all vary in their needs. My mare is on limited turnout in the winter and is always waiting to come in on the days she is turned out.


Well-Known Member
5 February 2012
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Thanks Fairyclare and SallyBatty. I know, I wish I could work 10-3 on the same money ideally but that's not likely to happen lol. Their stables are in a barn with 3 other horses who all stay in if its horrible weather and they can groom each other over the wall, can both look out if the main door up the drive so see people coming and going and I leave the radio on (at a low level) When I skip them out in the eve I walk them around the drive so they do get a bit of a stretch.

I agree turnout is vital but would rather they were stood in the warm,dry with haylage than stood out in the gateway in mud up to their knees in the driving rain.

I appreciateeverybody's comments 😃


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15 September 2010
East Sussex
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Our yard is the same as fairyclare's - geldings out one day, mares the next with one field to trash over winter. They normally go out 7.30-4.30 every other day throughout winter and all are perfectly happy. I make sure I always spend a couple of hours with my horse on his "in" days and give him at least 30mins exercise. We have been there 3 years now and it works well. I think your plan sounds fine, as long as you are able to give them some exercise or at least a leg stretch on the days he is in.


Well-Known Member
5 February 2012
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Our yard is the same as fairyclare's - geldings out one day, mares the next with one field to trash over winter. They normally go out 7.30-4.30 every other day throughout winter and all are perfectly happy. I make sure I always spend a couple of hours with my horse on his "in" days and give him at least 30mins exercise. We have been there 3 years now and it works well. I think your plan sounds fine, as long as you are able to give them some exercise or at least a leg stretch on the days he is in.

On the in days they will still be either turned out from 7am - 9 am or ridden so they will always get out of their stables for exercise no matter what 😃


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5 February 2012
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Also , ( if I get the job ) I will have a word with my YO to see if she's happy for me to bring in late if it's dry - I am a very responsible good livery lol and am used to bringing in when it's dark 😃


Well-Known Member
16 January 2012
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Sounds like a fine plan to me! There are lots of lucky people with turn out through the year on here! Where I live very few places offer all year round guaranteed turn out. Some have the fields closed for 2-3 months and access only to a completely bare mud patch, others are limited to 3 days a week with about a month with none at all. If turnout is all year it is generally on mud by January! But such is the problem with living in greater London unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
5 February 2012
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Hmm. I wouldn't say lucky - a lot of people make sacrifices for all-year, 24/7 turnout (giving up a school, off-road hacking, etc.)

That may well be true...but I keep my horses to ride and compete so I wouldn't give up a school and nice safe hacking for 24/7 in winter. Shoot me down if you like for saying this but I also don't believe that 24/7 turnout in winter suits all horses unless you are fortunate to have a yard that is very well set up for it - AND the horse actually enjoys it.

Some livery around my way do offer all year however, you get an acre field and that's it. No chance to rest it properly, no hedges for shelter some in exposed areas. Some yards have schools - some don't. Turning a horse out on that isn't a great idea to me?!

Not every horse is happy out.


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29 January 2008
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I think the problem you may face is that a lot of horses like routine so having then in some days and out on other days may not suit them, secondly it does not solve the problem of catching in on the 2 days that they are out and you are working. His behaviour does sound potentially dangerous if he rears, especially if it is rainy or slippery and YO could be concerned that she may get hurt. If YO does not want to catch in as she is scared then it is fair to ask her to catch in at all as if your horse is not used to being caught in by YO he may play up more esp if he senses she is not confident in handling him.

Is there someone else you trust who you could get to catch your horse in for you or some way of training your horse not to be difficult at catch in time, if he only does it if he stays out later than he wants to stay out for then you may have to experiment a bit to get a suitable catching in time for him in the winter that does not involve him being difficult.


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24 November 2007
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The big thing to remember with horses is that they don't read the rule books!

Theoretically 24/7 turnout is the most natural and the best.. as everyone tells us, mine go out 24/7 usually from the end of March until it gets too wet, around the end Oct beginning of Nov and then they are in at night. In truth my girls would be most unhappy if they were left out all night in winter and, indeed, enjoy the odd duvet-day when the yard is too icy to take them across or the field (heavy clay) too water logged. I think last winter they had around 6 days in. And they are natives! So, to my mind, if they hate it then a finer bred horse is going to find it even harder to cope with and will be perfectly happy to stay in a few days a week, especially with the routine the OP has mentioned.

I would far prefer that than let the *yard expert* use their methods to bring in, as is OPs other option. A lot of behavioural damage could be done in a short space of time.


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26 February 2012
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Would it be possible to turn them out every day but ask the YO to bring in early. So they get an hour or two out? If your big man is a pain cause he wants to come in would he be better if he's had a little while to stretch his legs etc then come in?
I have to work different shifts and do on call so I know how hard it is to juggle things.
My mare won't turn out if she can't see other horses and I'm normally the first one up in winter so she ends up staying in some days.
She doesn't seem to be bothered if she stays in in winter when the weather is pants. As long as she has something to munch on then she is quite happy.


Well-Known Member
5 February 2012
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Would it be possible to turn them out every day but ask the YO to bring in early. So they get an hour or two out? If your big man is a pain cause he wants to come in would he be better if he's had a little while to stretch his legs etc then come in?
I have to work different shifts and do on call so I know how hard it is to juggle things.
My mare won't turn out if she can't see other horses and I'm normally the first one up in winter so she ends up staying in some days.
She doesn't seem to be bothered if she stays in in winter when the weather is pants. As long as she has something to munch on then she is quite happy.

They will still be turned out from 7 - 9am on the " in " days or be ridden so they won't be spending the whole day in at any time and will still get a few hours turnout ( unless dreadful weather - then I can't even drag them out lol )


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27 March 2006
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Op. If you are happy with this and your horses are happy with this then do it as you know them. In my opinion( having my own yard) horses don't really care whether they are in or out as long as they have exercise and routine.


Well-Known Member
5 February 2012
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I think the problem you may face is that a lot of horses like routine so having then in some days and out on other days may not suit them, secondly it does not solve the problem of catching in on the 2 days that they are out and you are working. His behaviour does sound potentially dangerous if he rears, especially if it is rainy or slippery and YO could be concerned that she may get hurt. If YO does not want to catch in as she is scared then it is fair to ask her to catch in at all as if your horse is not used to being caught in by YO he may play up more esp if he senses she is not confident in handling him.

Is there someone else you trust who you could get to catch your horse in for you or some way of training your horse not to be difficult at catch in time, if he only does it if he stays out later than he wants to stay out for then you may have to experiment a bit to get a suitable catching in time for him in the winter that does not involve him being difficult.

I don't expect the YO to bring him in if she is scared - I did say in my first post that my dad would do it as he is experienced and my boy is used to him BUT as he is older and retired I wouldn't ask him to do it everyday as that's unfair imo.

Also as I said the horse doesn't always play up - he can be fine for weeks/months then have a week or two when he's a git, although this may not happen at all!

One of the problems is the YO offers services but gets funny if you ask another livery or someone else in to do it as she say that's "her job" but unfortunately she isn't always up to the job! She has had a few others that she brings in that she has "trouble" with because they are naughty apparently...she will then get her mob handed husband involved or ask another livery to do it - while she still gets paid for it! She isn't very experienced and her two horses are heavy cobs who plod in dragging their feet, on the end of leadrope and she expects all horses to be the same....mine are a big WB and a TB who have a quick marching walk and then she says they are pulling and running off with her - which they are not they just walk out properly like I have taught them since they were both foals!


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16 May 2015
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I would see how it goes and if your horses are happy then that's fine!!
I would chew my arm off to have the option of turnout you have! All around me there are about 7 livery yards, 6 of them close their fields for 8-9 months of the year. 1 offers 2 days a week turnout. 6 offer 2-3 hours daily in the 'summer' months. The other offers 24/7 in summer.
I've moved to the one that offers the most turnout but even this is not enough during the winter! So OP I think you are lucky with what you have!!!


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26 February 2012
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You know your horses best and if they settle well in the stable then it should work.
My mare wouldn't winter out she likes to come in the stable during the winter.
They are all different so its what works for them.
I think if they are able to go out for at least a couple of hours a day for fresh air and to stretch there legs then great.


Well-Known Member
24 August 2012
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If you are bringing in at 9am some days then I actually think you'd be better off doing that everyday. He is going to get into the routine of being in at 9am and probably be more of a pain more commonly if he is left out later some days. What's the difference to YO in bringing him in every other day? Surely if she doesn't get on with him that's an everday thing!?

WB or not, he should do as asked. Mine are taught to walk out too but if I ask them to slow down for whatever reason, I expect them to do so. I used to dread turning out/catching in some of the bigger horses on the yard I used to work at. Owners said "he's a warmblood, that's just how they are", no its a horse and it needs manners.