My gelding had some herd issues when I first got him, almost 3 months ago now. He was tanking off while being led out of field and we have absolutely got that nailed now , he walks like a dream and behaves wonderfully . This issue we have now is that he forms attachments to certain horses , mostly mares and feels duty bound to look after them. As a result he can be hard to catch, he will circle round them and not let you near. Eventually , we get him and he calmly lets you put his headcollar on and doesnt fight at all. I know all his issues are field related as he has spent his years racing and been stabled - I want him to have the enjoyment of being a horse so have him turned out as much as possible , I know its good for him . His ground manners are wonderful and his ridden work is coming on leaps and bounds. My question is - do I just ride this out and he will eventually chill and realise its ok to leave his ladies or do I need to think about moving him ? This would mean moving yards and I really dont want to do that , if I can avoid it . It is so time consuming , it took almost 3 hours on Sunday .....
PS have tried him with a breakaway head collar, doesnt really make a difference. Seems the only way is to be patient, walk around, not let him graze but keep calm and chilled, and he eventually submits
PS have tried him with a breakaway head collar, doesnt really make a difference. Seems the only way is to be patient, walk around, not let him graze but keep calm and chilled, and he eventually submits