WOOHOO! Hacked out alone and survived!


Well-Known Member
28 January 2008
Newmarket, Suffolk
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Decided to bite the bullet today and take Slim out for a hack all alone. I still can't get over how these simple things have become such a huge deal since losing my confidence after a bad fall.

Slim is a great boy, but not very experienced on roads (which is all we have near us
) I've hacked him out with other horses, and by himself, but with sis on a bike. But today was the first time he's been out alone completely.
I actually felt fine, not too nervous, but he was VERY spooky and napped as soon as we go on the road. But determined not to let this get to me, I persevered and pushed him on. The first bit was hard work, as he was not too confident being alone, but gradually he settled. We came across tractors and lorries and plenty of cars and we didn't have any major problems.
Although I have to admit I hopped off and stood with him on the verge when a very large flat bed lorry with a big crane on top headed towards us!
I wasn't about to ask for trouble! The driver was lovely and stopped to wait for me to get pony out of the way
Confidence is getting better and better every week now. I'm hardly cantering about like a fool, but I am getting on with things.
Have had a serious lack of motivation the last couple of weeks though
Probably because this year has been such a battle, and sometimes I just need to get away from horses! But also because I only have a field to school in, can't always find anyone to come hacking with me, and until today, hadn't tried hacking alone.
Hopefully now I've done it, I can do it again, and start getting out and about and enjoying it again.
Very self indulgent really, but I'm just quite pleased with both myself and ponio


Well-Known Member
10 April 2008
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Well Done you. Im having peaks and troughs with my new (december but still feels new lol) horse. I keep trying to force myself to hack him out but i give in. he is nappy and has been known to rear but my friend has had him out with me on her horse and he was a star so i know its just the demons in my mind that is the problem. He is also a spooky pain in the arena so i have been naughty and avoided riding in there as we have fields we can ride in in the summer so have been schooling and jumping up there. With all this rain fields are sodden so i really need to venture in to arena and actually work him insted of sloping round on a loose rein.grrrr
Lost track indulging in my probs - sorry.
Well Done again


Well-Known Member
10 April 2008
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Nope. Would rather just get on and go. He is also a pain to lunge, uses it as an excuse to mooch round at half speed. lazy git that he is.
He is very much the type of horse that has good and bad days. Some days i get the most fantastic work out of him and he really tries, other days He wont he go down one end of the arena because of 'monsters'. My last horse was nappy etc too but not spooky so im still getting used to the whole 'shooting across the school for nothing' carry on


Well-Known Member
20 July 2008
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probably not really scared just doesnt feel like working lol I can always tell when mines scared as she snorts at all those 'monsters' but can still get her near them lol silly ponios


Well-Known Member
26 April 2008
west yorkshire
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well done i know exactly how you feel, been through the same thing myself and i finally plucked up courage to hack out alone on my new boy, its just so fantastic, im sure you will be enjoying lots more hacks out alone, well done


Active Member
14 August 2008
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Well done. I was posting exactly the same thing a year and a half ago. I had no confidense what so ever. Shook every time I thought about going out on my own.

Now Josie and I go anywhere. Yes she still naps, no I dont particularly like it when she does. But the calmer I stay the less she naps.

You should be really pleased with yourself, it's a big step. xx