Ambers Echo
Still wittering on
She has been on gastrogard and sucralfate since last Tuesday (day 9 today) and there is no improvement. If anything she has started losing weight again. I am feeding her as per vet's advice - Switched from Pink Mash to Ease and Excel as more calorific than Pink Mash, 100 mls linseed oil added to each meal. Ad lib hay. Aloe vera juice, equimins advanced supplement and slippery elm. 3 meals a day. Well rugged and no work. She eats everything, eats plenty of hay, plenty of droppings, so how can she still be losing? She is generally settled but yesterday she was moved to a new field with longer grass - literally in sight of her usual paddock which is getting very bare - and she paced constantly till we gave up and moved her back. She is soooo sensitive! But she was not sold as sensitive but as pretty level headed and easy going??? I've a horrid feeling something else is going on and the ulcers are a symptom not a cause. Vet says it's early days. He wants to see her after about 3 weeks. I was meant to start hacking her out in walk next week but think that unless she begins to look better, I should leave that? Or is part of how bad she looks muscle loss and getting her going again would help? I feel so helpless - I was hoping the diagnosis would be the start of recovery but at the moment she is not looking any better. Though apart from the weight issues she looks ok - very shiny. Not girthy. No flinching when you rug/groom her. But there is no getting away from the fact that she has lost and is still losing weight. I feel like I bought a lovely, fit, healthy horse and have promptly broken her. It feels like Ginny all over again and I am getting so upset and worried. I've been told not to worm her while she's on the treatment but I wonder if she is carrying worm burden - though she is - in theory - up to date. Am I panicking too soon or should I be getting the vet out again sooner than planned?