Well-Known Member
And milllions of horses the world over cope with that, without getting ulcers.
And like people tolerances and reactions vary enormously.
And milllions of horses the world over cope with that, without getting ulcers.
And like people tolerances and reactions vary enormously.
You seem to be on a constant merry go round of horses and problems and perhaps you need to slow down. The poor mare might not have been sold as stressy but she seems to be now.
Have you gone back to the previous owner for hints and tips of how she was precious kept and managed so you can back track what’s went wrong??
What ARE you on about? I saw this post and did not realise it was you. I have been blissfully unaware of anything you may have said on other posts, but UI does not follow new names it seems, so here you are again sticking your oar in. On its own it is preachy and pointless as per, but not something I would do more than roll my eyes at and scroll past. But this is not an isolated post. My merry go round of 'problems' with horses - as you well know - include a pony who was PTS after 15 months of searching for an answer for a baffling but clearly systemic and progressive condition. During which you basically told me I was making stuff up and lying. Even at the point PTS was being considered you did not let up. The cruelty was breathtaking. And another pony who was retired after a year of 2 X hospital admissions, turning away for a winter and professional rehab livery for a subtle bilateral hind limb lameness related to the SI joint. During which you charmingly told me my vets had seen me coming and were 'ripping the mick'. You target my posts and despite the fact that you have been on UI for over a year and even before that I have not directly responded to any of your posts for YEARS, you simply can't help yourself - you still have to seek my posts out and make sly digs. You pretend you have no interest in me. Well for someone not interested in me you spend a hell of a lot of time following me around the internet. Which is frankly weird. Because I do not have the tiniest, remotest interest in you. I have not knowingly read a single of your posts or threads in years. I do not know if you have 1 horse or 5 or none at all and I don't give a damn about your opinion on anything. You are back on UI where you will now stay.
Thanks for posting this, I was just going to post similar. I was one who felt a bit guilty when Black Beastie posted her ‘no one likes me or my posts’ thread and subsequently started to reply to or like them. However she’s since proved that she hasn’t reformed at all and tbh isn’t worth bothering with, she likes to dish it out but she certainly can’t take it back.You've missed nothing by having this bullying cretin on UI. For someone who posted so extensively about their problems, and was on their own constant roundabout of complaining that no one "liked" them or ever replied to them, the absolute bollocks (and cruel bollocks at that) that they post is beyond contempt.
Oh Def no on the slippery elm I missed you were feeding that![]()
For what it's worth, I'd say it's def. still very early days. I've not followed the story so far, but imo moving homes, even once, can unsettle some horses for a long time. They are herd animals and some horses relate so much to their herd that changing that changes their world.
I think, if this mare would ride out quietly in company, I might start that sooner rather than later. Low key work might help her to chill and settle. I have certainly owned at least one horse that was actually much more relaxed in full work.
Also, just to add that bailey outshine is amazing for getting calories into them.
I'll take her off it then. And the Aloe Vera just in case. I was following a link someone sent me about feeding horses wit ulcers but I should have thought about interactions! Argggh feeling stupid now.
Sorry but what is UI?
Hahaa...she sounds like great fun. If the horse likes to jump it can be a great confidence giver to a nervous rider.Thanks Purbee! She used to jump so extravagantly that she would ping me right off her. But she has thankfully calmed down a bit now. Mostly. x
This is interesting re blocking properties. Can I pick your brains, ester, do you think that Protexin Acid Ease might do similar? It has kaolin and other stuff in it to ‘line the stomach’. I feed it at half quantities as a preventative to the IDx who is on a daily Prascend tablet plus occasional Danilon, might it be blocking their effect, do you think? Never thought of possible interactions...It just blocks the uptake of anything else you are giving because of it's stomach lining properties iirc. (That is not the scientific description, I have mostly just seen _GG_ point it out a fair bit.
User Ignore. It makes the forum a far better place. You dont see their comments, they cant PM you, its not quite blocking but its almost there!
I would agree with you if this wasn't a horse which passed a five stage vetting and then moved home very recently. my guess is a very sensitive horse affected badly by two moves in a short space of time.
My TB took nine months to fully settle and start lying down at night, AE, try not to panic yet.