Worry worry worry with horses


Well-Known Member
28 February 2010
North West
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Does anyone else worry like I do about my horses?! It almost makes it too stressful to have them!

I am paranoid about lameness, worm infestations, colic. Anything!

I guess it doesn't help that we had my mum's cob put down a few weeks ago, and my big TB is still recovering from a DDFT tear... I don't think I can take it if something happens to my beautiful dressage lad, or my gorgeous 2 year old :(

My latest terror is if any of them get that awful EAM disease.

Sick of worrying!


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22 October 2012
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My horse . . . nope. Rarely will I worry about something happening. He is a super lad and has proven good so far so nothing would make me worry. He still comes in with cuts every now and then or a kick mark but generally his quite sensible in the field so makes it easier for me not to worry I suppose.

Other peoples' horses are terrifying. I wouldn't say I took the fear home with me once I've done my final check. But sometimes I'm so paranoid I've forgotten to check/do something I'll go back and double check, even if it's 10/11pm at night. It's not often about lameness or them getting ill but whether I hung up the hay weigher, or if I put a broom away.
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20 April 2009
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I'm like that with my little mare, she seems to know every way in the book to injure herself, get colic etc, she also panics herself so makes everything 10 times worse! If she's too hot she stresses if she's too cold she stresses, if the routine isn't kept the same she stresses. She's a flipping nightmare! But honey hasn't ever injured herself and has only had a very mild bit of colic once and she doesn't stress ..

Spanish Eyes

Well-Known Member
23 February 2012
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Totally with you!

Worry about their health, lameness, their feet, whether it's too hot :)confused: not this year tho!) or too cold. Grass is either too green, or there's not enough of it, and just don't get me started on their diet..........:eek:

Yet, I very rarely worry about the dartmoor ponies we have, who were born and bred on the moors, and are well 'ard.


Well-Known Member
5 May 2010
South Wales
I'm exactly the same- the other night I was seriously questioning why I have them because I work myself up so much. I'm generally a very laid back kind of person who doesn't worry about anything EXCEPT for the animals. I give the horses their 'final check' about 10pm but I then imagine loads of weird noises when I come in so have to go back out then to investigate the non-existent noise :eek: I've even bought some rescue remedy to try and chill me out! I never used to be like this about the horses until i got my first weanling last month, now I panic about everything. Does the panic wear off? If not I'd really have to think about selling her :( ridiculous you may say but that's just me.
10 March 2009
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Tell me about it! I was bad enough at my old yard, but having recently moved Ive got a whole new set of problems to cope with ! Once Ive done a year here I should calm down, but the next worry is icy track down to yard when its freezes, having always only just literally turned my horses out 20 yards away from stables at old yard and rough chippings underfoot.Oh and the mud thats making me worry about mud fever, and the huge expanse of long grass thats making me worry about and colic and laminitis, and Im sure Ill think about something else soon!


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22 September 2007
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I worry about my boy far too much. I'm more on the 'is he happy, content, does he like me side of things. Wimpy, I know.

However, I wouldn't be without him despite the stress.

He has an annular ligament strain and is on box rest 'til spring and I do everything to keep him entertained, grooming, massage, talking to him, ( I sometimes think he feels it would be better if I shut up)! Should I rug him, or not? Is he getting enough to eat or not? Is he too fat/thin? He is barefoot, does he need a trim, or not? Does he prefer radio 4 or radio 1?

I could go on and on............


Well-Known Member
14 March 2010
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Yep, I agree. Denys had a nosebleed this morning and I panicked as my mare used to be a chronic nosebleeder to the point we had her 'scoped and everything. Took me a while to realise I'd probably have a nosebleed too if I'd spent the night out in that wind.

I worry about everything generally, though!


Well-Known Member
15 August 2010
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I worry all the time! I worm in the half term in case they get colic no reason why the should. Worry if not eating which means I can't leave yard until they start again -even if I know they just sleeping. Worry might get colic if I have worked him hard. Check gates, doors, lights and if I have been chatting have to go back and check again!! List is endless:D:D


Well-Known Member
2 July 2009
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Whenever anyone asks how my horse is I always say - he was all right when I left him 10minutes ago/ this morning etc. I am paranoid that if I say he is OK etgc. / great that's asking for something to go wrong!


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3 October 2009
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My oh tells me I worry too much!! P has gone from being out 24/7 to recovering from lami and now on a diet - a whole new regime is in order! So I worry is she having too much, too little, is she sound, lame, is that a pulse??!! But I love her!!


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16 February 2010
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Used to always worry my exmoor had lami and would examine her whilst lunging or everytime someone rode her.

Used to always worry about Rowan, that I wasn't doing something right. Just now I rode him and he wasn't quite right on the right rein (not wanting to collecting and arching his back and bucking) and now I am worried it is something to do with his off hind suspensory :(

My new 3 year old is very gangly and back legs aren't very co-ordinated and a bit "bendy" so am worried this will predispose her to lamness issues although my physio reassures me she will probably grow out of it. I will be worried until she does!


Well-Known Member
5 February 2010
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Certainly do - in fact think I have Munchausen's-by-Pony!

Sadly have passed this on to daughter who has recently got a house rabbit and is constantly getting advice from a "Rabbit Forum!" ( yes there is one!).


Well-Known Member
30 April 2009
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I am a total worrier about everything in life! I inherited it from my Nan who was also a terrible worrier. I have irrational superstitions, for example at the moment I will only wear one of the many different perfumes that I have because I am convinced if I wear a different one something dreadful will happen.
I worry constantly about my horses. I never used to worry as much about our welsh A as he was a tough old boy and I thought he would go on forever but wrap I my WB mare in cotton wool. Ironically the Welshy was the one who had to be put to sleep after breaking his leg in a freak accident in June. I was wearing a brand new pair of knickers that day. I binned them imediately afterward as I was convinced they brought the bad luck that caused us to lose our lovely pony. It drives me mad but I can't stop it! Have to have prescribed sleeping pills or I would lay awake all night fretting and getting into a total state. People never believe that I am like this as they say I come across super chilled, if only they knew!!