Worst injury from horses?


Well-Known Member
5 February 2014
Fortunately nothing to bad from falls.....other than chipped vertabrae from landing on my back onto a tree stump.

The worse things have been handling horses or around them but I'm still standing!

Broken finger, horse rearing when putting out
Crushed bruised arm, horse panicked when opening stable door?! dont know how but leadrope and horse pulled door shut on my arm until it came off the hinges
Worst one was a couple of years ago when I was studding my horse and horse tied next door double barrelled me up the bum and sent me 15ft! still getting jip from that now....


Well-Known Member
2 August 2009
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My worst injury in over 50 years of riding happened about 6 years ago....in a controlled environment, a clinic where Sari and I were on our own in a round pen constructed of rope and standards....another horse gave her the evils over the rope and she stag leapt sideways (which apparently I rode) and then gave another sideways leap....as I was flying through the air (Sari is all of 13.3hh!!) I thought "oh...s...t"!! Landed and rolled onto my side...I could hardly move and spent the rest of the clinic mostly lying in my sleeping bag, getting up to go to the toilet or do anything was extremely painful and I am afraid I blame the instructor for not taking charge and insisting on sending me to hospital and ensuring my mare got home safely...I was in no condition to argue!! After 4 days I managed to drive home and went for x rays and doctors appointment...turns out I had a compression fracture of the spine and it was nearly a year before I was pain free...some weeks off work, then shortened hours, then all day with a lie down in the back of my Surf through my lunch break!! I am back riding both Sari and my younger horse and have learned more techniques so I am as confident now as I was then....the thing is it was instant...no warning signals....I wasn't watching the other horse so I didn't know he was going to be aggressive and his novice rider didn't have a clue either!! The silly thing is when packing to go to the clinic I looked at my body protector and decided I wouldn't need it as it was a "safe" situation!! While lying on my matress I decided to always wear it from then on....and I do!!


Well-Known Member
4 October 2012
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Ive been very lucky considering the amount of green/ problem horses Ive ridden and the crazy things I do :p

Broken collar bone 12 years ago, fell off a RS pony and got dragged, also damaged ligaments in my left ankle and it still plays up now.

Broken toes, probably 3-4 times as a result of clipping mostly. I still rode, just bandaged them up and put on a large boot! My toenails are permanently black or funny shaped lol.

bit of concussion after a freak accident where I went unconscious mid-air over a fence. Landed on my head and when I came round I couldn't move arms or legs, saw stars for ages and tried to go on and jump my round. I then realised I couldn't really see the course and got rushed off to a + e. Never felt so sick, was fine though after staying in bed for a while.

Did something to my back, couldn't ride for 3 weeks, I tried every day though ! I did that jumping a horse, on a turn my back just twisted and hurt a lot :S. I also did something that made it agony every time I moved or breathed in, no idea what it was but I had to stay lay down for ages until it sorted itself out. Yeah I still tried to ride but it wasn't very successful !

My most dramatic fall was when a pony got a front leg tangled on a fence and he nose dived, I fell off and he rolled over on top of me. Got away with a slightly bruised hip that didn't even hurt! Pony was also totally fine. got back on after a check over

I was leading two horses and they both spooked, rope took off the skin on my finger and that bled loads. Plaster on and rode straight after.


Well-Known Member
26 August 2011
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One of my 'worst injuries from horses ' was actually from being bucked off a donkey !

I had a good go of concussion but my mum just put me to bed . No scans in those days

This has just reminded me! I was helping to back my friends Sec A many years ago. I was smallest and lightest so was doing the sitting. All was going well until one day a pheasant spooked the pony and it dumped me onto the very hard ground and I partially tore my cruciate ligament. It REALLY hurt and took months to recover from. Pony was only about 11hh!


Well-Known Member
30 May 2013
Usually at the stables
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Too many to count in 28 years of riding, but ended up in hospital 3 time.

First was concussion when pony and i decided to go different directions and i hit the fence. Second was broken collar bone, bruised ribs and impressive bruising when horse bolted into a vinyard and came down on me after the first row of vines. Third was with a compression fracture of t7 and a seriously sore shoulder (shoulder was far more restricting than back initially) when horse reared, spun and came down.

Still riding. Got back on all the horses I've ever come off apart from the bolter.


Well-Known Member
11 December 2013
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I broke my wrist in two places riding a friend's horse several years ago. I've been pretty lucky apart from the usual stiffness the day after a fall!


Well-Known Member
31 December 2012
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Christ, I'm just getting my confidence back after a fall and reading these isn't helping!! I'm starting a 'who has never broken bones while riding" thread!


Well-Known Member
24 July 2010
North Notts
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Oh Lord.
My list makes very depressing reading.
2 Broken fingers
Broken wrist
Broken elbow-required surgery & 1 week in hospital
Broken forefinger
Broken & disconnected shoulder - 2 surgeries & 2 seperate weeks in hospital
Broken wrist & 4 open fractured vertebrae-surgery on wrist & 1 week in hospital
All this in 40 years of riding.
Following the latest debacle I have been diagnosed with osteopenia, hence the broken bones every time I fell off.
Massive loss of confidence.


Well-Known Member
27 July 2012
Between the Moors and the Dales
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Ooo...my favourite boast! Let's start at the top, shall we?

Broken nose - x 2 (now huge and very bent). 1. Throwing myself off a bolting pony at the age of 7. Yes, it was bolting, and it was heading for a busy road. I jumped off and landed face first in a pile of rocks. Pony rolled over top of a car but got up and kept going. Pony survived; when caught several hours later it just had a few cuts and bruises. 2. Age 14. Smack in the face when trying to do PC games on an ex racehorse.

Lost tooth: See 2 above.

Broken neck: Age 15. Well, transverse processes, anyway. SJ trainer with a let's get them jumping the 1.20s before they can trot in a circle attitude. Fine, but this was Africa, and none of our horses were bred for the job, they were all ex-racehorses. Came down a grid totally unbalanced, was unable to pull up, final oxer at about 4'6", horse gets front legs wrapped around pole and somersaults, I land on my head in a headstand pose, horse lands on me. How it wasn't worse, we don't know. Horse ended up with about 800 stitches as it trod on its own face as it fell, literally removing its face as a mask. A facial degloving.

Collar bone: Aged 15 See above.

Ulna/radius: Aged 16. Hairline fracture. Using arm to break a fall at third element of a triple we got very, very badly wrong.

Wrist: Aged 9. Again decamping off a bolting pony. Wrist smashed in 9 places. Days when pins were in their pioneering stages and it was felt that young bones should mend themselves. Wrong. Can't actually bend my wrist when clenched so can't hold a whip in that hand. Awkward for dressage tests.

Fingers: Mostly dislocated, actually.

Ribs: A couple. Usually colliding with cross country fences at speed.

Coccyx: Sitting on a wing of a jump, graceful slide to the ground. Someone else's horse. Couldn't sit down for 6 weeks.

Patella: Aged 16. Bucked off an ex racehorse straight out of the side door and onto my hands and knees on a graded road. Jiggered wrist again. Split knee cap in two. Was not my horse, was petrified it would get hit by a car crossing the road so in panic, started to run home - got picked up by neighbour who spotted riderless horse. Climbed into car, looked at knee, passed out.

Foot: Aged 14. Doing up a Pony Club kid's girth. Pony reared, landed on foot. Crushed a few phalanges and metatarsals.

Toes: Trodden on several times

And in non-horsey incidents, I've completed the set with a fractured humerus (collided with a taxi whilst on my bike); ankle (took an odd shot playing tennis); broken toes (running into a wall); fibula (stress fracture from running on roads - one day it just split); and my nose, again (hitting the wall in the swimming pool in a fly race).

To those low on confidence, if it's any consolation, I believe the fear of falling is far greater than the danger. I came back to riding after 18 years. My second horse was an ex racer. He was an absolute nutcase through significant pain. He would rodeo daily and the only thing that kept me on was the distance to the ground and the fear that at 40, something would probably break if I hit it. It got to the stage where I would shake just thinking about riding and my heart would pump so loudly you could hear it. Then, I got Larry and yes, I was still petrified of falling but he didn't do the rodeo thing. He did tip me in the dirt once and it was actually a huge relief that he had done so. I felt much more able to get on with things after that. Yes, if he shied I'd give my endocrine system a stern talking to but the more I stayed on, the easier it was to say 'well, I can sit that sort of movement'.
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Well-Known Member
2 April 2014
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Shattered my tibia just below the knee falling off a bolting horse in a stubble field. Had plates and pins fitted and then removed. Took a 10 yr break from riding. Then fell off another bolting horse and got bad concussion. I was also double barreled in the chest while leading a nasty mare from the field but luckily just bruising. I'm still riding and bought my first horse in Nov. and he is amazing but I'm still trying to get to grips with cantering in open spaces thanks to my fear of bolting.


Well-Known Member
8 October 2013
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I think HeresHoping is a winner!

Thankfully, I've managed to come away from some nasty falls with just bruising *touches wood* - being chucked off and landing flat on my back on a railway sleeper that was being used in a gateway was a highlight. Needed a cup of sweet tea and about 20mins to get my breath back before getting back on for that one :)


Well-Known Member
14 February 2009
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Ouch! Reading this thread makes you wonder why some people get back on a horse?! Lol

Mine are nothing in comparison, but still bl**dy hurt:

Got bucked clean off an ex racer when I was 18, into a post and rail fence. Dislocated shoulder on impact but it popped itself back in, taken to hospital and was sent home with concussion. Went back less than a week later and xrayed, had fractured my collarbone and 3 ribs.

Practising jump off turns over a 2ft fence, I didn't sit up afterwards and my horse tripped, I somersalted over his shoulder, landed on my knees and my hip dislocated. Laid there for an hour until paramedics came and turned me onto my back, hip popped straight back in :) was back on him, jumping again two weeks later haha

Galloping over the jump field and big man got a bit excited and put in a buck, totally wasn't expecting it and flew off, landed head first. Concussion and a very broken hat :/

Too many dislocated/broken fingers and toes to mention

Still riding, all my falls off my big man have been my fault through imbalance or not paying attention. I've got hypermobile joints though so dislocation is commonplace, although still not a pleasant experience lol

nervous nelly

Well-Known Member
31 May 2013
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Broken wrist falling off a young horse aged 7 - was on the lunge and was told to take feet out of the stirrups and stick my arms out to the side that one was mums fault as she was giving the instructions

Concussion after pony got in a mess half way through a grid and skidded us both into the fence

Pulled all the ligaments in my leg after came off and landed on my feet whilst jumping was on crutches for a while

Whilst out hunting on sisters pony was walking through a river and someone's horse shot down the side of me pony jumped sideways into deeper water, pony panicked and Tried to jump up a vertical backing came back down on top of me and whilst trashing around she kicked me in the face, was very lucky as the resistance of the water seemed to stop any major problems although was quite bruised and very very wet and cold after.

Pony stood on my finger I'm sure it was broken but never actually went to hospital

Was jumping at pony club and not a very we'll run one at that, the striding in the double was move like a bounce than a one students as the course builders gran daughter had a very short striding pony and my pony got in a real mess trying to jump out the ground was awful full of huge rocks I fell off and hit my head on a rock I think that was concussion can't actually remember if I was taken to hospital for that one but at the height of summer I was sat shivering in shirt tie two jumpers show jacket and a coat.

And the best bit every single time the pony was caught before I was seen to got to love my mum


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23 June 2009
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A bruised foot from being stood on. I think I may have been concussed once as a child when I feel off and landed on my back, I found myself lying there but couldn't remember how I got there!


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26 October 2013
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My horse stumbled and fell flat on her face whilst cantering, I shot over her head and put my right arm out to break my fall. I ended up shattering my wrist, I had to have an operation and a metal plate put in.

That's the worst injury out of about 30 years of riding, I've mostly only suffered bruises.


Well-Known Member
15 August 2012
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My worst was my boy bronced me off, then stood on my leg and "span" round breaking my femer, patella and growth plate in one swoop. He's also given me concussion a few times, cracked coxics, whiplash, dislocated hip and knocked me out cold a couple of times. Thankfully that was all as a baby and he's grown up since. I've also broken my nose from my old pony rearing, 1st pony dislocated my arm when leading her around and I still have a few scars from my 2nd pony aptly named "Nipper". I've had a fair few injuries. But that was because I was a stupid child, with a mother and grandfather that gave me the response "get back on and learn to ride" :p


Well-Known Member
12 January 2011
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It does make you wonder why we do it sometimes! So far I have been very lucky (touch wood) and I always seem to land on my head so normal injuries for me are concussion whiplash and winding with a few cracked ribs thrown in for good measure. Hope to god I haven't jinxed myself for my lesson tomorrow! ;-/


Well-Known Member
1 February 2013
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I've been riding for 16 years, I've had some really nasty falls that has left people wondering how on earth I walked away from them, and on the ground accidents, but for some reason I've only ever come away with a broken toe from being jumped on and a bad back from being kicked! I still have problems with my back 6 years later, but I worry that I am long overdue a massive injury!!


Well-Known Member
7 August 2012
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Had too many falls to remember, worse was my ex's, ex, asked me to get on her 17.1 on the lunge, I agree, ex threw my up and over the horse, I kicked him in the hip and he freaked. I stayed on for about 30 seconds with no reins or stirrups and hit my head hard, not wearing a hat (stupidity), hurt my back falling off a bolter, that hurt for years and I never got it seen too, other than that, no real injuries, no broken bones wooo!


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24 April 2009
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Same as you, OP, just brusies and concussion (I was knocked out so probably not mild concussion) despite doing some fairly hairy stuff like team chasing. No broken bones (touch wood!) but I did break the ligament in the end of my ring finger falling off a 12.2. I have actually had concussion on more occasions where horse were not involved at all! I put down my ability to escape much injury in falls to having had lots of practice as a child, being small and light, and in recent years, an ability to avoid falling off at all! I think most of it is just down to luck, I've had many a close escape, both horse and non horse related.


Well-Known Member
17 April 2013
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I've come off very lightly over the years! I think I've probably got pretty tough bones!
I've had concussion from falling off on the lunge.
Broken three toes when a horse reared and came back down on my foot, I iced them in the car on the way to xc schooling, shoved my foot in my boot and jumped a course.
Damaged the ligaments in my thumb catching it in a horses mane when it stopped at a fence.
Damaged the ligaments and tendons in my hand after being kicked during a trot up for the vet.
The worst injury however was falling off my pony and getting trampled on as a child. I don't remember it particularly hurting then, but the injury played havoc with my back for years and ended in a series of expensive chiropractic appointments. So anyone with a slightly sore back, get it sorted now!
Considering I've had my fair share of high speed falls, particularly in xc training I think I've come off very lightly!


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24 July 2010
North Notts
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Ha ha!
'forgot' one broken arm!
Also broken foot from horse standing on it & eating from a feed bucket before getting off.
Didn't count non riding injuries. FAR too many to mention.


Well-Known Member
4 December 2008
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Wow some injuries
In one accident came off in gallop
- Broken colla bone
- Cracked Skull
- Dislocated hip
- Dislocated knee
- Paralised an arm for 2 days
- lost memory
- lost speech
- Tore muscle away from my upper and lower back
- dilocated shoulder

And on other occasions
- diclocated jaw where my mare reared up and knocked it out to the side
and another dicloated shoulder from jumping

Not too bad Im still walking and jumping


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7 April 2012
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I've been pretty lucky really *touch wood* but I was decked at a show about 5 years ago and unfortunately I was pregnant and we didn't know. My son was one of twins and we lost one, I was around 6-8 weeks pregnant, he is 4 and a half now and perfectly fine but I didn't jump again for two years.

I was also decked last summer and landed on my feet, unfortunately I tore both ligaments in my ankle which took ages to heal.

http://s324.photobucket.com/user/riskybusiness2002/media-full/Mobile Uploads/image-18.jpg.html


Well-Known Member
3 April 2008
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Having my lip gashed by face planting a fence is my most memorable injury although I have also broken bones.
The face was far more scary! There was a lot of blood and I had to see a specialist facial surgeon to have it cleaned and stitched.
It was pretty hideous and pretty painful.


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12 October 2009
South Glos
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Hooray able to log in again since upgrade. Sat here in a body brace having compressed and fractured L² vertebrae 2 weeks ago. Have to keep it on for eight weeks. This is the worse in 51 years of riding


Well-Known Member
8 October 2011
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In 21 years of riding I had gotten away quite lightly until last year...

I have:

- Bitten through my lip from being chinned by a horse
- Broken a few toes
- Partially dislocated shoulder
- Lower back injury

At the end of last year I added:
- Fracture of the c6-c7 vertebrae
- Bruised brain

I now wear an air jacket at all times when mounted as my most serious injury was from schooling on the flat.


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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I've ended up in hospital 3 times due to horses.
1. Tore the tendon almost clean off from my muscle in my upper arm and cut the side of my nostril away from my face (it was flapping!) when my old boy and I both fell over. He stood on my arm and kicked me in the face getting back up.
2. Pretty serious concussion on a green pony who leapt about 7ft over a 2ft fence. I almost sat it out, but saw him heading for another and decided to bale out. Don't remember anything for about 8 hours after that.
3. Dislocated little finger when I got it caught in his mane when jumping my boy

My worst ever injury was a fractured cheekbone, eye socket, nerve damage to my face, severely bruised jaw, shoulder and ribs. I slipped on a wet bathroom floor after the toilet cistern leaked in our apartment on holiday in Majorca. It's never made me think twice about going on holiday again. ;)