Would it annoy you if...


Well-Known Member
13 November 2012
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Yes. I'd be really annoyed. I don't expect anyone to fetch in for me but I'd very much like to be told others were planning on bringing in so I could decide myself.

The Beast has been out on her own today... She's fine if put out alone but if another horse had been out I'd have been communicating with the owner about fetching in time because she doesn't like to be left behind. And would have offered to fetch theirs in too if needed. It's just considerate.


Well-Known Member
3 April 2008
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We have a yard rule you must never leave a horse alone. If you bring it the penultimate one you must bring in the straggler as well. Its one thing to leave them if you are only bringing in for a brief time to feed etc but absolutely if you bring in at night or for several hours you must bring in the lone one too.

It does cuase some annoyance for those owners who had not prepped a stable or didn't want the stable dirtied. But far better that that leaving alone.
This is what we did at my last yard. We’d always bring in and chuck them some hay and water if needed.
Yes op I’d be seriously annoyed!


Well-Known Member
18 April 2015
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I would try to speak with the others who are there, and maybe agree with someone that if they bring their horse in to bring yours too. I think that sometimes people are afraid to move someone else's horse in case they are upset with it. I had the same situation today, my mare is out with a little pony who adores her, just 2 of them in the paddock, and when I brought her in for work he was going nuts and tearing around the paddock, so I put him in his box and put my other horse (who is turned out in another group) inside too so he wouldn't be alone (it is barn style block) and gave him some hay. When the owner arrived I thought she would be delighted that I had potentially saved her from an injured pony, but she was very sniffy and told me not to do that again! So next time I have to watch the poor little chap tearing around in distress rather than standing calmly eating hay for an hour.


Lurcher lover
6 March 2010
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i would be very angry if mine had been left out on her own, she would have gone ballistic and break through the fence and would therefore damage herself as well. it is common curtesy to send someone a text to say all horses coming in at ? oclock tonight....i have never been on a yard that would leave one horse out on its own without contacting the owner .....yes D.I.Y. is completely do it yourself but how can you if you are not told what is happening especially as it is so easy to contact people thesedays...very thoughtless of whoever decided that all were coming in IMO..


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2 June 2016
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all the liveries went to catch their horses in a group and left my 2 year old on her own . She brought herself in at a flat out gallop up the lane and down the yard . People where literally jumping out of her way as she was in a total blind panic . The Yard manger went mad and no horse has ever been left out alone since. We were very lucky she and nobody else was hurt . If someone did that again to her I would not be happy


Well-Known Member
9 April 2013
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We have a yard rule you must never leave a horse alone. If you bring it the penultimate one you must bring in the straggler as well. Its one thing to leave them if you are only bringing in for a brief time to feed etc but absolutely if you bring in at night or for several hours you must bring in the lone one too.

It does cuase some annoyance for those owners who had not prepped a stable or didn't want the stable dirtied. But far better that that leaving alone.
This.... of course prior warning as well if this is not a normal occurance


Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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It wouldn't have annoyed me, but in my world all neds are soon expected to be able to cope on their own for a few hours, and they quickly cotton on without drama, including the rescues. This seems to be quite rare, though, or at least on this forum it is?

I certainly wouldn't want randomers bringing in a horse of mine unasked. Though I appreciate that the OP simply wanted to be told of others' plans.
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Well-Known Member
15 February 2017
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Can sort of understand how it happened as you live on site they probably thought you or your partner would be back and see the others in and do what you thought was best for yours. It probably didn't occur to anyone that you would be that late back.
Maybe as someone else suggested have a yard "Whats App" group so that you can all post things like this and noone gets left out ?


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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It wouldn't have annoyed me, but in my world all neds are soon expected to be able to cope on their own for a few hours, and they quickly cotton on without drama, including the rescues. This seems to be quite rare, though, or at least on this forum it is?

I certainly wouldn't want randomers bringing in a horse of mine unasked. Though I appreciate that the OP simply wanted to be told of others' plans.

I think it depends, F's naturally anxious anyway but would happily turn out on his own if in the fields nearest the stables (similar to our home set up). Being much further out the way down the road and round the corner was a lot of the issue.
At home we rather decided that it wasn't worth the risk for either of them to stay out if out with the other if no one else was there. We will/have turned them out with supervision. In part this was down to existing physical issues though equally neither off them have ever been able to calm themselves down even if left for extended periods. I can empathise with that!


Lurcher lover
6 March 2010
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mine was ok if turned out first on her own and would cope for a few hours but if she was out with others and they were bought in and left her on her own she would go bonkers.......all the geldings i have had dealings with were happy to be left and apart from neighing a couple of times they were fine....


Well-Known Member
19 January 2012
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Not in my experience. On yards I’ve been at people had common sense, courtesy and respect.

Yes this, or our yard owner would never have left a single horse out alone and he was a cow man at heart and didn’t really like horses!! It’s all about common sense at the end of the day and being supportive of each other.


Well-Known Member
8 June 2015
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I thought it was an unwritten (or sometimes written) rule on all yards that this never happens. I wouldn't want to be on a yard where people think this is acceptable. What other careless things would they think were ok!!?? It would give me a headache.


Well-Known Member
14 February 2014
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Common sense if the horse on its own does not settle bring it in. If reported to YO and nothing is done you need to move.