Well-Known Member
I have a little cob that I'd like to get lightly backed this summer. He leads from my other horse and did a few successful long reining sessions this summer. Hopefully will be straightforward to back, although he can have excitable bouncy moments so needs to be a rider that can cope with this. Unfortunately I am a bit too big for him, he is only about 11.3hh and I am 5'6" and 60kg. I've thought about sending him away, but not sure that's worth it if I don't have someone to ride away once backed. I'm wondering whether to advertise him for share/loan to someone competent and small enough to be involved in backing, with close support from a professional instructor which I would pay for, who can then continue to loan him after backing (hopefully long term). He's only 3 so would only want him ridden 2-3 times a week and mostly hacking, but there would be opportunity to go to a few local shows and maybe to also ride my other bigger horse too. Does this sound like something that I could successfully advertise?
Alternatively I could send away to be backed, and then find someone to loan/part loan once backed. But I worry if there's too long a gap while looking for the right person I become one of those 'looking for someone to bring my horse back into work for me for free' people!
Alternatively I could send away to be backed, and then find someone to loan/part loan once backed. But I worry if there's too long a gap while looking for the right person I become one of those 'looking for someone to bring my horse back into work for me for free' people!