Would you bring a 19 year old retired pony back into work?


Well-Known Member
24 February 2009
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My old pony was on loan til his mid 30's when I decided he was looking old (!!) and needed to have him back. A lot of thinking went into it as he had quite a long journey, well about 2 hours but he hadn't travelled in years and hated it. I can honestly say it was the best decision ever made. Within a surprisingly short time he had a fab coat piled weight on and was hacking lightly several times a week! He'd been retired a few years earlier at his loan home and tbh I think he was giving up. Your boy obviously is happy in his retirement but still I would say give it a go! Can you try light work to see how he handles it from where he is? Saving a move before you know it's right? I treasure the last few years with my boy and would never again retire a horse of old age unless it was really desperately needed. X


Well-Known Member
27 October 2011
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Hi, I have loved reading everyones responses, so great to see that people are riding their older horses.

I tried to bring my 19yo back into work, but couldnt keep her sound, dont let this put you off, her problems go way back!! at 20 now she looks amazing and if she was sound I would be straight on board! she stays field sound, but her back and stifles are bad, so after about 3 weeks of walking out she ends up lame again.

My friend owns a 32yo she only retired him last year, he had loads of time off and then she got back on board when he was about 18, he was better in his late teens and early 20's than he was as a youngster.

I think the comment about whether you can try him where he is would be very useful, save you and him lots of stress.

Anyway, I would say do it! I wasted years not restarting my girl, I wish I could turn back the clock, if I had strengthened her back when she was younger then I might be riding her now.

Good luck, he is gorgeous!