Would you buy a horse knowing it’s had SI & Hock injections..?


27 February 2021
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Hi all

Would you buy a horse knowing it has had SI and Hock injections?

Vet history shared begins at the end of last year and shows the injections took place.

Prior to the injections ive been told the horse had no other symptoms, issues or lameness hence no other vet records.

Could I be opening myself up to lots of issues by taking on a horse with previous SI and hock injections or is this quite common when buying a horse?

Horse would be 5 stage vetted before purchase however if there’s no current issues apparent the vetting may miss this or not show anything wrong.

Thanks in advance for any help, knowledge or advice you can give!


27 February 2021
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How old is the horse, what is it currently doing, what do you want to do with it, and how much money do they want for it?

The horse is 12 and 10k. She has predominantly done dressage. I would like to continue with this and also hacking and low level jumping. Thanks


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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The horse is 12 and 10k. She has predominantly done dressage. I would like to continue with this and also hacking and low level jumping. Thanks

No, sorry, I wouldn't pay £10k for a horse that's had that done in the last few months. I would also be very wary of wanting to start jumping a horse which has needed SI and hock injections if it wasn't jumping regularly before it needed them.


27 February 2021
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Thank you so much for all your replies.

What approximate £ would you expect to pay for the horse as described please?

Also I would be keen to know if treatment like this is given regularly/routinely to dressage horses? Could injections like this be given just due to lack of topline etc or for mildly sore hindquarters? (E.g I’ve been told there were no symptoms apparent and the injections are for maintenance).

Ultimately I’m just wondering if this could develop or issues with SI etc become uncovered in a couple of months after the injections wear off and expensive treatment and long rehab might be required etc?

Thanks everyone.


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4 October 2018
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I would consider for a schoolmaster type to step down the levels for a less experienced rider ie to do less pressured work than previously, but not for the job as you describe it. Are such injections common? Yes I would say pretty common in older competition horses but I'd be wary for a horse they have started them at this age. Are such injections things people commonly get comfortable with in looking at a potential purchase? I suspect not really, as you have found from the responses here. What level dressage is this horse working at? ie I think it makes a difference if it is a much higher level than you are planning on. If you are planning to work it at the same level it is currently having problems with, then I would not risk it myself.


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7 September 2004
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Thank you so much for all your replies.

What approximate £ would you expect to pay for the horse as described please?

Also I would be keen to know if treatment like this is given regularly/routinely to dressage horses? Could injections like this be given just due to lack of topline etc or for mildly sore hindquarters? (E.g I’ve been told there were no symptoms apparent and the injections are for maintenance).

Ultimately I’m just wondering if this could develop or issues with SI etc become uncovered in a couple of months after the injections wear off and expensive treatment and long rehab might be required etc?

Thanks everyone.

No one would do a sacro without at least a very strong suspicion of underlying disease and or other primary conditions.

Some vets (not all) will do routine hocks on performance horses without any diagnosed pathology.

I can guarantee you that a horse that has had both done will have had a reason for it, and the fact this is being glossed over by the sellers and the horse is for sale before back in the ring would make me hugely suspicious .

How much is the horse worth? Impossible to tell you without seeing it work and it’s performance record


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24 April 2020
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Also I would be keen to know if treatment like this is given regularly/routinely to dressage horses? Could injections like this be given just due to lack of topline etc or for mildly sore hindquarters?

You don't inject a joint in the hock with steroids because the horse has a lack of topline. I smell a lot of BS with this lady's story and I think she is probably sensing you're not entirely sure what's what and is having you on.

Have you asked to see the X rays and confirmed there are no arthritic changes? Lots of horses have them as routine (every six months to a year) to treat joint issues. Sometimes they work for years and sometimes they don't work at all.


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17 May 2013
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Mine has had both these injections. She's 18 now and has arthritic changes in her hocks, so was injected December last year. She's had 3 lots of SI injections and the middle ones lasted 3 years. But these things tend to last a shorter period each time they are done, so we're definitely on the countdown to retirement. Would I pay £10K for her? Hell no! And having no symptoms before injecting the SI is absolute rubbish! Nobody injects a perfectly healthy horse! Although I have heard of gel injections in the hocks of top level performance horses as routine maintenance.


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25 January 2015
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From what I have come across having horses injected so they can continue at their level of work is fairly common (ETA: In certain circles) - I know some dressage horses who have 5 injection sites that are done on an 'x' monthly/yearly basis. Not saying that it should be done and not saying that I agree with it in all circumstances.

Ultimately you wouldn't have them injected without a prior issue that needed 'fixing' (or masking). I wouldn't touch with a bargepole, and especially not at anywhere near £10k. I would have a horse that had had this for a step down to simple hacking..


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11 September 2007
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£10k?? Good god, no way.
I’ve got a mare with SI and hock issues so I know the complications that come with it and the management needs.
I’d take a punt on one for meat money if I liked it, but would be fully prepared to put it down or have it as an ornament if it broke.


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29 January 2008
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No. It's a crazy price for a horse with problems. SI and hocks - nope. It will almost certainly crop up again. Also how are the suspensories? They probably need checking too.


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11 February 2010
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Bought my mare for £4K just as a happy hacker, she’s got SI and hock issues and before I turned her away for the winter my physio said with consistent and considerable rehab and treatment she MIGHT stand up to hacking when we start off again this year, so sadly I think you’d be better to leave this one be, especially for that money.