Would you complain? Postman


Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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Yes it's simples really ........ fence your dogs in and lock folks out.
That’s what we do.

People apparently found our notice on the gate ‘Please Shut The Gate’ too difficult a concept to understand as being relevant to them, so now the gates are padlocked all the time.

We have our postbox and a presser for the doorbell outside the gate.

I would always assume that a delivery driver might try and find another way in other than the front entrance. Best be prepared.


Well-Known Member
22 September 2015
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Where is the postman supposed to deliver if there’s no mail box outside the property? How are they supposed to know there are dogs (and reactive dogs) on a property if they are new to the route and there are no warning signs?

Assuming it doesn't fit through the letter box, I'd expect them to either leave on the front porch like ever other delivery company has done or leave a card for us to collect from the RM local pick up.

In all the years we've had post and parcels delivered, not one person has tried to physically enter private property before via back gates.

There were warning signs of a dog on our (unlocked) back gates, which is why I was particularly dumbfounded!

But then I also find it odd when one postman bangs on on the door or makes more noise - if I didn't answer the doorbell, there will be a reason for it and I'm not suddenly going to be able answer louder noise!

I appreciate delivering a parcel might be the most important thing to them but it doesn't mean I'm always able to take it.
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Well-Known Member
9 October 2014
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The postman continuing to approach someone who had asked him to go away into the other bit of the garden was weird, yes, especially given that the OP states that they were dressed in their pants at the time. I would complain* about that, since he seemed to be able to understand the request once the OP's partner arrived. Funny that.

*Doubtless @Patterdale will be along presently to tell me that this would be malicious and/or daft :rolleyes: