Would you use a pessoa lunge system on a 2 yr old?


Well-Known Member
29 May 2006
SE London/Kent
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Just wondering if you think its suitable to use on an unbroken 2 yr old? My initial thoughts were that it may stop them finding their own balance??


Well-Known Member
22 July 2006
Kent, South East
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NO, I dont even start lungening younsters till about 3, maybe late 2 if very well developed! Certainly not a pessoa, you are right it wouldn't develop the right balance! 2 year olds are also growing fast, and trying to build muscle up on them lugening is a bad idea in my opinion *pepare to be ripped apart* Why was you thinking about using a pessoa on your 2yr old any purpose?


Well-Known Member
23 October 2003
Devon UK
No I wouldn't. neither would I be lungeing a two year old as their joints etc are so busy growing at that age you risk irreperable damage.
The earliest to start stuff like that is three, before that and you might end up with a lame horse. I know of several people who did too much too soon with youngsters and they now have lame horses.


Well-Known Member
16 March 2006
South West
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You don't expect muscle development until they are a lot older, so you shouldn't be using a Pessoa unless you are racing a 2 year old and expect it to have a life expectancy of only a few years!! (I disagree with racing 2 & 3 year olds)

Its great to start them on a lunge when young, but the idea is to get them listening to you rather than build muscle. Hours of cantering are also a no no. However if you are looking for more exercises you can long rein and introduce to scary objects.

Great you asked though!


Well-Known Member
29 May 2006
SE London/Kent
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Thanks for all your advice, and it has certainly confirmed my thoughts!!

there are two women down at my stables that have a yearling and 2 yr old hanovarians. The other day i was putting the pessoa on my 6 yr old in the yard (i use it for my 6yr and 10yr olds twice a week for 20 mins), one of the ladies made a comment to me about how they had bought the system to use for their youngsters. I thought this sounded odd, but then thought perhaps they had bought it to use in the future, giving her the benefit of the doubt. However i saw her lunging the 2yr old tonight with it, and they have been using it on the one year old too.

Also, one of these women is "teaching" another girl at the yard with her 3 yr old which she broke herself this summer (she is also very clueless and not a good rider). They work on an intensive regime of taking this poor 3yr old in the school EVERY day for an HOUR, 5 days a week, and this has been occuring over the past 3 - 4 weeks. The horse comes back from its lesson absolutely dripping in sweat - i watched her up there cantering around and full speed and just know that all those horses are going to be ruined.

Oh, and not to mention that they book the school out for their sole use whilst ruining these horses, which really annoys me but is another rant in itself!!!


Well-Known Member
29 May 2006
SE London/Kent
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There is no yard owner or manager, which is such a bad thing. The farmer rents out stables DIY but doesnt have anything to do with the horses other than to collect the money.

Any ideas where i could find info to show them, as they probably wouldnt want me giving them advice


Well-Known Member
24 January 2006
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Just as an idea, if you did find some info on not using pessoas on babies how about conviniently leaving the info on their storage areas/near their stables? That way, it'll be discreet and they may get less upset about it.

Or just give them the link to this thread...

No way should these people even have youngsters, let alone be trying to break them in


Well-Known Member
13 March 2005
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Oh lordy those poor neddies!!! I think a pessoa can be dangerous in the wrong hands on any horse let alone a youngster.

Is the yard and school easily seen from a road? Conld you get a horror struck outsider to come in and give them what for???


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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Forget it!! Sorry to say this but you have to learn to turn a blind eye to this. It is none of your business - leave them to it.


Well-Known Member
17 October 2005
answer no

matey altho hard to watch you have to turn a blind eye
it is wrong we all know that-- but you if you say something will open up a can of worms and you will come of worse probably ending up by having to move your own horse because they wil make you feel uncomfortable-- those horses wont have a long career as they working the socks of them not only that it could upset the balance of development in growing hieght and bones we all know that but they have to learn that one for themselves--

its there horses-- uneducated people always think they know best we all know that but even if you did say they wont listen as those are the type that wouldnt it will be falling on deaf ears as they know best--

try looking it a different way so not to get upset when you see themdoing what they doing-- the horse has food in its belly a stable and a field in with good pasture it has a caring home with vets and farriers -- just doesnt have the right education bit

if and when they get problems and cant get there horses to do things later in life and then come to you and ask or if they ask in the mean time your opnion then you can say
but until then its there horses -- we all see things we dont like
i know its hard for you - if you want to say something then do
nut you might have to find another livery not saying you will but you might