I am in disagreement with a friend about what to wear with a tweed jacket. I think shirt/tie(showing) or coloured stock(eventing). She thinks is ok to wear white stock. Who is right??
Well, unless my old age has completely messed my memory up, traditionally a coloured stock was worn with ratcatcher pre the main season, and white with ratcatcher (worn if you weren't a member) after the opening meet. I think its incorrect to wear a coloured stock with a black/blue jacket at any time.
I used to wear a silk cream one with tweed jacket and never had a prob - all these old school rules don't mean so much now............unless you are affiliated to a stuffy club!
It depends.. what are you doing? Are you going to a local show for fun and dont want to spend a fortune, just wear what you have or are you competing at county level? If its a local show you probably dont have to worry much, I mean that in the nicest possible way, our rding club is super friendly and not everyone has the best clothes, we all just have a go and have fun.