Well-Known Member
Hi all, our mare cut her hind leg 3 weeks ago, it was a U shaped cut and quite deep but just missed the tendon thankfully. It had a bit of a skin flap, vet said she would have stitched it but as it was mid canon bone she said it would be very difficult to fix as so little flesh and a highly movable area. So she cleaned it, dressed it and horse was on box rest for about a week, antibiotics and bute etc. When she started to go out we kept the wound covered and dressed but after about another week the scab wasn’t really forming so she said leave it uncovered and put some of the DermoGel on it to protect it. It scabbed up well and all good, she’s back into work now and sound. The vet has seen it 3 times and was happy with how it was looking.
Yesterday she knocked the scab off it looks reasonably well healed but still not fully there…one half is still a bit sticky. Granulation tissue I think.. We are carrying on with DermoGel over it but obviously with it being so wet it’s taking ages to dry up. No heat or swelling…
I will ring the vet if it doesn’t start to look like it did before.... can anyone recommend anything to keep it reasonably protected in the field? Thanks
Yesterday she knocked the scab off it looks reasonably well healed but still not fully there…one half is still a bit sticky. Granulation tissue I think.. We are carrying on with DermoGel over it but obviously with it being so wet it’s taking ages to dry up. No heat or swelling…
I will ring the vet if it doesn’t start to look like it did before.... can anyone recommend anything to keep it reasonably protected in the field? Thanks