wwyd dilemma


Well-Known Member
12 July 2010
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No i cannot afford to buy a one bed room flat let alone a house with land! How ridiculous, me and my partner work full time Jobs but the 200 pound that I spend on our elderly unridden horse needs to go towards a flat (renting!) The place in Devon for retirement livery is still 200 a month


Horse servant
2 December 2010
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Heck I feel guilty enough putting my lovely mare to sleep when it was done for her own benefit as she had no future and I couldn't bear to see her deteriorate, knowing I would never be able to turn her out in a field again. So I would feel even worse if I PTS a horse for my own benefit.

However, if your mare has arthritis in her neck, then this can be extremely painful. It may be that she is not enjoying life. There are not many options open to a 20 year old horse that cannot be ridden. And if you don't want her, then you have to ensure her future. The only thing that will do that is to PTS at home. Only you know if you would feel guilty. Everyone is different.


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26 April 2007
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Where did I ever say someone can leave home and buy a house / land as their next home?
It takes years of hard slog but it can be done if you want it .

My views are not unreal. I started with nothing and now have all I want through bloomin hard work and doing a lot of what I've suggested on my posts.

I hate it when people pidgeon hole ' those poor people on the checkout ' as if they can't possibly want to better their lot and never mind they should have the wherewithal to do it. How arrogant .


Well-Known Member
27 July 2010
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You have to do what's best for you and your partner in the long term. You know this horse will never get any better and the day it breathes its last breath will seem like any other day to the horse as long as its not in distress or pain. So having her put to sleep is sad but there are many positives for her and for you.
I have my own land and a variety of old ponies many in their twenties but I would not think twice about having them PTS if I thought my relationship with my husband and family was likely to suffer. You are being realistic and responsible.


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2 December 2008
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i personally think that you know what the right & sensible thing to do is?

I have children around your age & i would give them the same advice. It's time for you to move on with your life & if an elderly, arthritic mare that you can't ride & don't enjoy any more, is stopping that then the kindest option is to have her PTS. This country is over-run with old, un-wanted, neglected & poorly bred horses & i wish that more people, including the charities, you step up to the mark & put these horses out of their misery. I do know how difficult this decision is, i have sadly had to make it three times & currently have my daughter's old event pony who will be 23 in May so it is never far from my mind.

You are grown up & the decision is yours alone to make, but it is what i personally would do. Best wishes.


Well-Known Member
29 October 2010
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Where did I ever say someone can leave home and buy a house / land as their next home?
It takes years of hard slog but it can be done if you want it .

My views are not unreal. I started with nothing and now have all I want through bloomin hard work and doing a lot of what I've suggested on my posts.

I hate it when people pidgeon hole ' those poor people on the checkout ' as if they can't possibly want to better their lot and never mind they should have the wherewithal to do it. How arrogant .

But you said it like suggesting go buy a house with land now??!

Those on an average 20k a year cannot afford to buy a house.... So land is a no no!

I'm grateful I have a job tbh.... I'd love a house with land ain't gna happen anytime soon unless I rent!

Back to the post.....


Well-Known Member
8 April 2010
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I don`t think you`d be doing her a disservice putting to sleep with a bucket full of food.

I have an old mare out on permanent loan, they know if they ever can`t keep her, she can come back to me .... If she ever did come back to me, she`d have one last summer and i`d then PTS before winter set in. I have field livery, and i`m not in a position to cater for a 20 year old aged TB (no matter how much i love her) ...

I really cannot see the big hoohar about PTS ..... Seriously??? ..... It is so much better for ANY horse, ill or not (if it isn`t useful), to go peacefully with it`s owner, instead of being passed about from pillar to post and ending up on a live export meat wagon or worse. There are dead and abandoned horses turning up left right and centre every day at the minute, surely it is better to prevent that happening to our much loved equines.

I know what i`d do, and it wouldn`t be passing her on to someone else .... you have given her a good life, that is what you should focus on.


Well-Known Member
27 December 2011
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CPtrays why can't you add anything of value instead of putting down everyone who says something you don't agree with.
You come across as a miserable old bint.

Crikey...how downright rude!!!!
CPtrays is a realist who has made sensible comments. You however sound like some kind of money crazed Alan Sugar wannabe :eek3:

OP...put your horse down guilt free. And good luck xxx


Well-Known Member
21 June 2010
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I think the best option would be pts OP, You have then guaranteed she will never suffer from pain or hunger or any other form of neglect or abuse. Don't feel bad about it, the decision has to be made with every horse and better that it happens to yours in a place where she knows and is settled, and before she really deteriorates.


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31 March 2013
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i'm not saying pts is 100% no questions asked is what you should do but I don't think it would be the wrong thing to do if that makes sense :) all the best whatever you do

windand rain

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25 November 2012
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Dnt feel guilty if you have to PTS to move on with your life she has no sense of future only cares that she gets her next meal and is loved and not in pain. Sounds to me like after two years of retirement the time has come for both of you. She is in pain if she is arthritic I am so I know. She doesnt have a future her quality of life will deteriorate and so a little time too soon is always better than a little time too late. Bless you there is no market You are heading out into a new life and you should make the best of that She has reached the end of hers and will be out of pain and will never suffer if that is the decision you make it is the final kindness anyone can give an animal just wish it was an option for some humans too


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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OP your choice is your own .
But based on what you have posted I would understand if you PTS your old girl on a nice day with her head in a bucket.
A dignified end at home is much much better than the risk of passing on old lame horse on to god knows where.
It is a hard desision but if I where you I would PTS .

Crugeran Celt

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20 April 2012
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I to have an elderly mare that has had health issues for the majority of her life, bred her myself and she was retired by the age of about seven, is now rising 21 and has been a field ornament for all that time. Luckily I can afford to keep her this way but if ever there was a time I couldn't I wouldn't hesitate to PTS. Having read so many horror stories of horses who have been loaned out to 'forever homes' only to find out they have been either sold for meat or drugged up and sold as riding horses. I would never risk this happening to my mare and feel it is kinder to PTS than to possibly put the animal under huge stress by rehoming to an uncaring new owner. I really don't think making a decision to PTS can be called uncaring, sometimes it is the most caring thing you will have ever have to do for your horse.


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1 August 2010
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It is a horrible situation for you OP but I imagine it is more common than many of us may like to think. A horse is just too big a commitment and expense to keep and pay for for life, come what may. I certainly dont think I can judge because I have never yet had an old horse to keep that I cannot ride or afford quite comfortably. Many people (not talking about the regulars on here who seem to be a nobler breed!) probably only keep horses in their prime and sell them on when still young enough to have a secure (immediate anyway) future. I have certainly done that though I know where all bar one of mine are.

To be honest I think that if an owner gives their horse 2 years of retirement, more if they can, and then has them PTS humanely at home, that is responsible horse owning and people should not feel guilty about it or be judged by others.


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1 April 2012
North Derbyshire
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Crazy horse - you are well named ! A horse is not a pet - it is a working animal and should have a job to do - sometimes the job is companion, but it is still a job. This old horse has had a couple of years enjoyable retirement according to the OP, and the best option here is, as many have suggested, a bucket of super grub and shot by a professional at home. If only all old horses were that lucky. CH your attitude is ridiculous. OP do the decent thing and PTS.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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They are volunteers who support people taking this desision I don't know if anyone is near you but if you ring the BHS they will tell you how it works .
Failing that do have a older horsey friend who would talk with you I would if I knew you and lived near.
The problem with threads like this is they can get a bit heated with everyone giving their views ( as they ought ) but sometimes a bit of one to one is needed .
I for one admire your honesty in posting your dilemma .


Well-Known Member
12 July 2010
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I hadnt and still havnt made any decisions. Any decision will be throughly thought about and will be the best for me and the mare. I could have got rid when I found out the mare was much older than what I thought but I didnt, I gave her a couple years of retirement but now I need to move on in my life. I will not get another horse, I want a life with my long term Oh


Well-Known Member
7 July 2005
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Gosh, prepared to get hung drawn and quartered for this :(
I had a 12 yr old mare, its years ago now, she was unrideable due to Navic was a LOU claim, yes I realise things have now moved on a bit, was basically a pet and I cared for her well, but deep down I wanted to ride and couldnt imagine the next 10 to 20 years not doing so, so I found her a 'forever home' and went on to buy another horse, then months later I received a call asking for more details about her. I couldnt believe it, she was up for sale, the seller hadnt hidden anything and had told the prospective buyer everything, even giving my number to verify! but I wasnt in a position to buy her back :( I never heard from that person again, was so upset about it and regret the day I parted with her, to what I thought was a secure future as a companion. I would never do this again, still beat myself up about it and feel incredibly guilty. What Im getting at OP is IMO if your horse was healthy but old then maybe Id say hang on a minute its not her fault, but she isnt and if you decide to PTS then do not feel guilty, she is an old girl with health issues and deserves a better ending than my poor girl did.

Little Alfie

Well-Known Member
17 February 2012
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OP your choice is your own .
But based on what you have posted I would understand if you PTS your old girl on a nice day with her head in a bucket.
A dignified end at home is much much better than the risk of passing on old lame horse on to god knows where.
It is a hard desision but if I where you I would PTS .


Good luck whatever you decide to do