Well-Known Member
Hi all, after some opinions on whether/to what degree to insure, i'll try to keep it brief. My 11yo Cob X has been investigated for various issues over the past 6 years, respiratory (initially thought to be early COPD, but was just the lingering after-effects of a virus), back and lameness issues (resolved after 12 months turned away) and mild sweet itch. Despite him 'passing' a full lameness work up by the vet prior to starting work again, then 6 and 12 months into ridden work, the insurance company refused to remove any exclusions. I've investigated cover with new insurers, but all request his full vet history then add exclusions for cardio-respiratory system, his back and three of his four legs, despite a letter from my vet assuring that he has had no breathing issues for 3 years and no lameness or back issues for 18 months.
So, do I bother to insure? Given that he would only be effectively covered for one leg and colic
? Would a 'disaster cover' type policy be better? Or should I continue to just put the cost of a policy to one side each month as my own little insurance pot? He's never been covered for LOU, just vet cover, rider and public liability. Any opinions/votes welcome!
So, do I bother to insure? Given that he would only be effectively covered for one leg and colic