WWYD... which livery yard?


Well-Known Member
22 February 2013
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Hi guys :)

I'm after some opinions.

Scenario: I'm on a yard that I love. Good facilities, nice people. My 5yo green cob is happy there. However, I'm having a few issues.

#1. Grazing is VERY good there. Cob is a good doer, I've struggled with his weight all winter, he's being restricted in terms of hay, no hard feed, ridden 6 days a week, he still scores a 5 on body scoring. No restriction is available, and I've been assured by other liveries that by the time they're out on summer grazing, it will be ankle high and lush.

#2. Although I work full time, I'm not on a great wage. I'm going to struggle keeping him stabled year round (going back to weight issue, if I muzzle, he's going to have to come in during the day). Inclusive of hay, shavings, and bring in of a morning, livery is going to be costing £59 a week, DIY.

#3. Hacking isn't great.

#4. He's a hardy type that ideally I would like living out 24/7/365. Where we are, he's stabled from October through April.

3 and 4 aren't so bad, but 1 and 2 are making me think I need to do something. I've had a few livery options crop up, but I'm really torn on what to do. He is settled and the happiest I've seen him on our current yard, but I'm aware it's going to be a struggle. Having floodlit schools has also been a lifesaver as I work 8-5. Currently 6 miles from home.

Yard 2: Grass livery. Restricted grazing with one other cob, 11 horses on the yard, couple of people to ride with. Menege (no floodlights), no electric. Great hacking. No storage. 4 miles from home. Livery will be a quarter of the price I'm currently paying in summer.

Yard 3: DIY, allows year round turnout but depends on whether others are leaving out (company). School, with floodlights. Electric, basic storage. Hacking isn't great. I've been on this yard in the past, moved off because of the atmosphere. They've had a complete turnover in liveries since, and is (allegedly) much better now.

Yard 4: Grass livery, has everything I'm looking for, but is 14 miles away.

There's another one local that does grass livery, but it's a dairy farm and doesn't do restriction. I've been focusing on ones that offer grass livery, as I'd like to be able to leave him out if possible.

WWYD? I'm confused as to what my best option is. Would you leave facilities / electric behind in favour of turnout, more suitable grazing and better hacking?


Well-Known Member
4 November 2010
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Y2. You can't leave him at a condition score of 5 (I presume on the 0-5 scale) and yard 2 seems to be the best option for dieting him.

Rudolph's Red Nose

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8 January 2011
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Y2 or Y4

I would personally go for Y4 if it meets all that you need and if you dont mind driving the 14 miles there and back each day ... my horse lives out 24/7 and I check him once a day 12 miles round trip and he is very happy with the set up so I am happy.



Well-Known Member
22 February 2013
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Y2. You can't leave him at a condition score of 5 (I presume on the 0-5 scale) and yard 2 seems to be the best option for dieting him.

Yes, 0-5 scale. I've been trying to shed as much off this winter as I can, but their winter grazing still hasn't completely ran out of grass. I'm now panicking about spring grass and lami... he has large fat pads behind his shoulders and a positive gutter down his back. I'm ashamed of the size of him, but efforts don't seem to be doing much :(

The only thing that puts me off about Y2 is the lack of electric and storage. It's going to be a pain ferrying everything to and from the yard on a daily basis, and I only have a small car. There's also the issue of being unable to ride 5 days a week during winter without floodlights. Unless I look into changing jobs, which is an option.

I'm guessing best thing to do is go and look at both 2 and 4? I just wish I could find somewhere that ticked all the major boxes... 2 is screaming the problems above, 4 is screaming "too far". Saying that, majority would be motorway miles so maybe it's worth it? :confused:


Well-Known Member
11 December 2009
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I'm thinking Yard 4. Can you do a deal with someone where you help each other out so you just have to do one trip a day?


Well-Known Member
10 January 2012
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2 sounds good, but when you say no storage do you mean absolutely no storage (sorry that sounds really stupid!) Ie any space for feed and rugs...or does he not need them?
I wouldn't like to have anywhere with zero storage, but then I would hate to drive miles to the yard too...even if it was perfect.


Well-Known Member
22 February 2013
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2 sounds good, but when you say no storage do you mean absolutely no storage (sorry that sounds really stupid!) Ie any space for feed and rugs...or does he not need them?
I wouldn't like to have anywhere with zero storage, but then I would hate to drive miles to the yard too...even if it was perfect.

Yep, I mean zero storage. He doesn't technically NEED them, but I do tend to chuck a LW on him if the weather is horrendous and I want to ride the day after. So I'd have to ferry them round. For the record, I far prefer hacking to schooling. My problem is getting any ridden work in when I work daylight hours in winter.

Y4, I'm hoping I'd be able to arrange for him to be checked am and me do pm, or something along those lines. With him living out, going once a day wouldn't be so bad. In that sense, I'm already doing 24 miles a day at current yard as I'm there morning and night. Y4 would be 28 miles a day.

I think I'm talking myself into going to look at the 4th one, and see if it's worth it. Just wish it was closer!!

Thanks for replies :)

Mince Pie

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13 June 2011
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I moved my lad to a yard that is 10 miles away last year - takes me 20 minutes to get there. Luckily I can afford assisted so only have to go once a day and despite my initial misgivings it is actually easily doable :)

If you can get someone to do him in the morning then yard 4 should be fine for you :)


Well-Known Member
10 January 2012
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Well what about another look at yard 3 - sounds like it has all the facilities you require? Is there anyone there you know that you could ask what its truly like now? What were your reasons for leaving the first time?


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8 August 2012
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14 miles a day there and back will cost around £5 a day in fuel so dont forget to take that into account when working out which is best.

Will you want to ride in winter? If so is no lights at yard 2 an issue?

Can you go and have a look at the yard you used to be on and get a feel for it? Do you know anyone on there to have a chat with?


Well-Known Member
5 February 2011
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Y4 if you can travel the miles, also dont forget that the fuel costs will be much more so it might not be as cheap as it looks. I currently do 11 miles of town/country roads, but I dont own, only share so i dont go everyday.

If not Y2 sounds like the best option.


Well-Known Member
22 February 2013
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Thanks for the opinions, guys.

I'm thinking the negatives of 2 are overruling at the minute, and having driven past the yard this weekend, the "fatty paddock" looks fairly big... with only two horses in there I'm not sure it will be sparse enough for him.

I'm going to try and look at 4 and maybe a couple of others over the next couple of weeks, fingers crossed one jumps out at me.

Thanks again :)


Well-Known Member
30 January 2011
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When you talk to y2 and y4, see if either of them would let you put up a track with electric fencing. That really helped get the weight off my friend's pony last summer as she was using it as a racetrack as well as eating it down. Good luck :)


Go away, I'm reading
18 December 2010
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I would go with yard four....esp if you can get him checked one end of the day.

My yard is about 8 miles from home and I'm up there twice a day. It's perfect for them and my two good doers are coming out of winter with a nice shimer of ribs.
Can't put a price or distance on a yard that let's you manage your horse to be as healthy as poss.


Well-Known Member
22 February 2013
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That's made me feel a lot better, actually. Maybe the travelling is viable. I'm slightly ashamed I've let him got to the size he is to be honest, but I thought the weight would be falling off by now. He's been bouncing round 2 hour hacks like a 2 year old so he's not unfit, but the weight doesn't seem to be going anywhere :( I'd love to find somewhere that would do track system, I've heard great things about it. Unfortunately, most of the yard rounds here seem to pride themselves in their "good" grazing :(