
Singing Dawg

Lang may yer lum reek
28 August 2010
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This poor fellow was starving in his field so broke through into mine four weeks ago and has been gaining weight ever since. Because of his condition though, which is still very poor, there are people/organisations involved, but today I found him like this. Its heartbreaking. He was given to my neighbour by his old owner who I believe was going to have him put down, but this neighbour said she would rescue him. Not my definition of a rescue. I've emailed these pics to the people involved so hope they will do something very soon, I dread to think what I might find when I go up in the morning. So sad, lovely old boy.

http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l594/singingdawg/Mobile Uploads/IMG_20150108_161821633.jpg

http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l594/singingdawg/Mobile Uploads/IMG_20150108_161715381.jpg

http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l594/singingdawg/Mobile Uploads/IMG_20150108_161706658.jpg


Well-Known Member
7 October 2010
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what would I do? Remove the rug and replace with one that fits, I could not leave any horse like this ever, wouldn't care about any consequences

Singing Dawg

Lang may yer lum reek
28 August 2010
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Well he was like that when I left today, doubt very much if his situation will have improved by morning. I will remove it then if its still on. Am just so desperately sorry for him.


Well-Known Member
28 October 2013
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Oh dear - poor boy. It looks like he has grown since the rug was put on him! ;)

But really, I'd probably try and explain to your neighbour that the rug is simple too small. Do you think your neighbour would mind if you took his rug off, if you explained that it was in his best interests? Perhaps it is just a (hopefully) very temporary solution while she gets him one that is his size. Could you lend her on of your rugs that may fit him until she gets him one, if he really needs a rug?

Perhaps he'll of pulled it off by the time you go and look tomorrow. (I hope so.)


Well-Known Member
20 December 2011
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Sorry ... But if this horse is within your reach, why not just pull off the rug and sort it out?

This. It sounds from your post he is still in your field? And it looks as thought you are stood in the same field as you took the picture? Not sure why you didn't sort it out or at least take it off. Lets hope horse is ok


Well-Known Member
30 November 2005
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I cannot understand why you have taken photos of him like that and not taken the rug off? He is either going to have an accident or the straps are going to cause sores.


Well-Known Member
20 December 2011
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Oh dear - poor boy. It looks like he has grown since the rug was put on him! ;)

But really, I'd probably try and explain to your neighbour that the rug is simple too small. Do you think your neighbour would mind if you took his rug off, if you explained that it was in his best interests? Perhaps it is just a (hopefully) very temporary solution while she gets him one that is his size. Could you lend her on of your rugs that may fit him until she gets him one, if he really needs a rug?

Perhaps he'll of pulled it off by the time you go and look tomorrow. (I hope so.)

It looks like the rug is on completely back to front, not just too small.


Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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You asked what I would do? I would remove that rug, get a more suitable rug and replace it. Then speak with the neighbour. Maybe seen as interfering by some. Fine bring it on.


Well-Known Member
11 April 2011
I live in Kent
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This is not the OPs horse, it is not her place to take the rug off without talking to her neighbours first.
In Swanley, Kent, there is a whole field of horses rugged in a similar way, although their rugs are tied on with twine! They are like little postage stamps on their backs. I have reported them......but no owner can be found. That rug fits him better then theirs!!!
I think the OP needs to tread carefully and gain the trust of her neighbours and help them....better for the horse. If she goes in and has a rant they will just tell her to go away.


Well-Known Member
29 December 2011
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This is not the OPs horse, it is not her place to take the rug off without talking to her neighbours first.
In Swanley, Kent, there is a whole field of horses rugged in a similar way, although their rugs are tied on with twine!y They are like little postage stamps on their backs. I have reported them......but no owner can be found. That rug fits him better then theirs!!!
I think the OP needs to tread carefully and gain the trust of her neighbours and help them....better for the horse. If she goes in and has a rant they will just tell her to go away.

Nonsense!!!! This horse is on OPs field. No one is suggesting she goes off on a rant, just quietly removes the rug and sorts it out, then (if she must) pops in to the neighbour and says, "oh, saw the horse had got into a bit of a mess with his rug so sorted it out. Hope that's ok" .... Or similar.

No rant required, just quiet, positive action.

Eta ... See to have reverted back to my old forum name mid-thread here .....:)


Well-Known Member
28 October 2013
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Nonsense!!!! This horse is on OPs field. No one is suggesting she goes off on a rant, just quietly removes the rug and sorts it out, then (if she must) pops in to the neighbour and says, "oh, saw the horse had got into a bit of a mess with his rug so sorted it out. Hope that's ok" .... Or similar.

No rant required, just quiet, positive action.

Eta ... See to have reverted back to my old forum name mid-thread here .....:)

Agree with this.


Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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This poor fellow was starving in his field so broke through into mine four weeks ago and has been gaining weight ever since. Because of his condition though, which is still very poor, there are people/organisations involved, but today I found him like this. Its heartbreaking. He was given to my neighbour by his old owner who I believe was going to have him put down, but this neighbour said she would rescue him. Not my definition of a rescue. I've emailed these pics to the people involved so hope they will do something very soon, I dread to think what I might find when I go up in the morning. So sad, lovely old boy.

http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l594/singingdawg/Mobile Uploads/IMG_20150108_161821633.jpg

http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l594/singingdawg/Mobile Uploads/IMG_20150108_161715381.jpg

http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l594/singingdawg/Mobile Uploads/IMG_20150108_161706658.jpg
poor boy, tho must admit I agree with others that rug must come off ...........some say it is not the OP horse and not her place to remove the rug. Does that mean should we see a horse with a slipped rug/ twisted rug we would walk away and leave it?? NO! we would not and if the horse is likely to endanger itself then she should remove it. OP I would speak to the person it was given too and tell her your concernes and if she is wormoing it - tending to its feet etc.

He looks pot bellied and most likely needs worming

Just for the record that back strap is very close round his man hood -- be careful when you remove it as he might be sore. I could not leave a horse like this I would have to intervene
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Well-Known Member
30 November 2005
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This is not the OPs horse, it is not her place to take the rug off without talking to her neighbours first.
In Swanley, Kent, there is a whole field of horses rugged in a similar way, although their rugs are tied on with twine! They are like little postage stamps on their backs. I have reported them......but no owner can be found. That rug fits him better then theirs!!!
I think the OP needs to tread carefully and gain the trust of her neighbours and help them....better for the horse. If she goes in and has a rant they will just tell her to go away.

I don't like to interfere with other peoples business - but I could not leave a horse like that when it was within my ability to remove the rug.


Horse servant
2 December 2010
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I wouldn't remove the rug without replacing it with one that fits because we are in for a load of heavy rain and high winds. I think he looks happy enough. Nothing is dangerous and it's a good quality rug so should keep the rain off his back. I think it looks worse than it feels to him to be honest. He looks very content and well fed. I would have a word with the person who 'rescued' him.


Waffled a lot!
7 June 2010
north west
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Can you not go and see your neighbour and have a polite chat? Tell them his rug is hurting him and could you help them find a better fitting one (or offer them one).

Singing Dawg

Lang may yer lum reek
28 August 2010
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I can't explain what the owner is like as it would only be my opinion, but she does have a reputation locally. Last time I went to see her about her sheep being in with my ponies she wouldn't answer her door or telephone.

I am disabled, have heart problems, and need crutches to be able to walk. I will however catch him up and try to take his rug off in the morning. He doesn't tend to move about much, always in the same place, so I just hope he will be ok till then.

Yes he is wormy, and has now contaminated my eight clean acres. His feet are not overgrown, although in need of a tidy up they're not a bad shape. He has lost at least one tooth and does seem to have a problem eating so will need to see the dentist.

What I really hoped for was some advice as to who might help out here, RSPCA and whw are aware but don't seem to be doing anything. Do I just persevere with them, as talking to owner is like banging head off a brick wall, or are there other organisations who may help this lovely old boy and her over three horses, yes, she has more.....


Well-Known Member
19 October 2009
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I would have taken the rug off, horse looks to have a reasonable coat. I would tell the owner the rug came off because it didn't fit - to be honest if they have let the horse stray in to someone else's field and not taken any steps to retrieve him in four weeks then I doubt they'll care

I think for the horse to be properly noticed by the other parties then I would be fencing him back in to his unsuitable field and urging people to act, it's too easy for them to ignore the problem while the horse is on someone's grassy field getting in better condition rather than causing them costs and hassle


Well-Known Member
25 October 2010
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If it had moved itself into my field i would have took the rug off and brought it into my stables. If i didn't have stables i would have still taken it off but not replaced it, that to me is a bit rude. But i would have no issue with someone taking my horses rug off if there was a problem with it. I would then friend the neighbour - could be a great horsey friend that you could mentor! Everyone has to learn.

As for help, i'm sorry but they are so full/busy they won't help in a case like this. The horse has access to a field (albeit yours!) and water. Thats all they care about.
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Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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Poor old chap he looks very sweet .
There's no way I could leave a horse on my land rugged like that I would at least tried to turn the rug the right way round .
Why oh why do people who are not really interested get a horse.


Well-Known Member
25 October 2010
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This is confuddiling me.

There is a neck on the rug, but why bother putting it on lol
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