Yard decision to make

Delhi Belly

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18 February 2013
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I've been unhappy at my current yard for some time. I have two horses and the yard has grown from being a nice yard to more and more horses coming and now the turnout is overcrowded and no turnout anyway hardly since about October now, the school is under water, never harrowed and too busy to get in, and it's basically gone downhill. It also isn't cheap.
I went to see some private DIY stables, only four boxes with six acres of grazing but no school. No other liveries there yet. Nice set up, quiet hacking and I would save about £200 per month. Today I got a phone call from the owner to say that I could have two boxes and as she didn't like any of the other people who contacted her, she is going to let me have a say in who else takes the other boxes as she said that we all need to get on. She herself doesn't have horses - she just happens to own the land and stables with her house. The only thing is that I could end up there on my own for a while before anyone else moves there. I have to point out that I dont' mind being on my own. In fact I prefer it - I hate livery yard politics.
It's just a bit daunting making the move, but I also feel a sense of relief that my current situation is coming to an end. Am I doing the right thing? Reassuring hugs and comments needed! :)


Well-Known Member
24 March 2013
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Well, will you miss the school that much? If not, go for it!

I kept at a livery yard for 8 months. The people were nice...but I realise how much nicer it was keeping at home even though I had no one to ride with, to the point that when I next buy I am tempted to wait until I can afford to rent a private yard (saw one not far away for £40 a week, find a friend to share with and I would have been fairly sorted!).

Do it. I guess I am pretty antisocial with a lot of horse people. I get fed up with how many conversations are "my horse is so difficult", "look how difficult my horse is" etc (all whilst the horse is behaving impeccably of course). Raaargh!


Well-Known Member
29 October 2010
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honestly...i wanted a nice quiet private yard.... i went to view one which was myself and someone else and suddenly realised it was TOO quiet.... what happens when iget decked (i have a youngster) and breaking her in .....

A yard with 2/3 other people is perfect.....just 2 people on a yard imo is too quiet...

so as long asyou can get a couple more people on it could work...but lack of school would be a factor for me too given the weather and ground!

Delhi Belly

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18 February 2013
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Well, will you miss the school that much? If not, go for it!

I kept at a livery yard for 8 months. The people were nice...but I realise how much nicer it was keeping at home even though I had no one to ride with, to the point that when I next buy I am tempted to wait until I can afford to rent a private yard (saw one not far away for £40 a week, find a friend to share with and I would have been fairly sorted!).

Do it. I guess I am pretty antisocial with a lot of horse people. I get fed up with how many conversations are "my horse is so difficult", "look how difficult my horse is" etc (all whilst the horse is behaving impeccably of course). Raaargh!
Well I think I will miss the school a bit, but the fields are flat and the owner is happy for me to use them for schooling in summer. And I can of course use my hacking for schooling or even hire an indoor school a couple of times a month with the money I'll be saving.


Well-Known Member
12 September 2012
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Moving sounds good to me. Doesn't sound much fun for you or horses at the current yard. I'm sure it won't be long before you find someone suitable. And as you say you can hire an indoor school if need be.


Well-Known Member
5 December 2010
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do you complete? would you miss the school? if its something you use regularly then you'd have to weigh up the cost of diesel and hire costs.

have to echo the other poster about the dangers of a quiet yard. I had a bad fall at a quiet yard and luckily it was only my arm, but i did wonder after what if it had been more serious, i wouldn't have been found for ages. But saying that the same thing could happen on a hack!

Delhi Belly

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18 February 2013
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do you complete? would you miss the school? if its something you use regularly then you'd have to weigh up the cost of diesel and hire costs.

have to echo the other poster about the dangers of a quiet yard. I had a bad fall at a quiet yard and luckily it was only my arm, but i did wonder after what if it had been more serious, i wouldn't have been found for ages. But saying that the same thing could happen on a hack!

It is something I have considered, but the same could be same for people who have their horses at home - if there is nobody else at home, then it's the same situation. An accident could happen in the home at any time. I've been through my life so far thinking "What if?" and I have to stop thinking like this, or I will never do anything........


Well-Known Member
1 December 2009
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Move and arrange hacks out with friends. Get a good buddy to move with you, not necessarily from that yard, as my guess is you arent the only one peed off with others there.

Marmite Sandwich

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24 May 2013
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i would jump at the chance! If you're not enjoying it where you are, and you have a field to school in then i would definitely say go for it! I moved nearly a year ago and felt the same anxieties but within a week - i felt like id done absolutely the right thing and my horses changed - they were visibly SO much more relaxed. what i hadn't realised was that my tensions and the general yard tensions were actually really affecting my horses.This was only apparent once they moved! Good luck - swallow hard and take the plunge :)


Well-Known Member
5 December 2010
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another quick thing to consider until someone new moves in is seperation anxiety. will the one left behind be ok while you take one away hacking or in the box. One of my lads would have a meltdown if left alone on a yard. if yours are chilled characters tho its probably not an issue


HHOSS Wonder Woman
21 May 2002
West Sussex
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I'd absolutely jump at the chance! I was offered field & stables a couple of years go but couldn't take the owners up on the offer for several reasons, I still think about it & wish it could work but in my case it couldn't. Sounds perfect.

Delhi Belly

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18 February 2013
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another quick thing to consider until someone new moves in is seperation anxiety. will the one left behind be ok while you take one away hacking or in the box. One of my lads would have a meltdown if left alone on a yard. if yours are chilled characters tho its probably not an issue

Where I am now, my two can't see other horses, only each other, so when I go out, they have to get on with it. The native is fine - give her food and she's happy. The TB is a bit stressy but cope ok. She has a feed ball when I go out and is always fine when I get back. In fact she shouts more when she hears the other horses on the yard - when it's quiet, she's fine. But in all honesty if it's an issue, I do have the opportunity for a companion, it's just that I would have to pay for another stable for it, but even then I'd still be saving money! But it's a good point that you have. :)

Delhi Belly

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18 February 2013
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You could spend the £200 saved on hiring really nice indoor schools...I would move :p

My thoughts exactly! I think the decision is made. I am going to jump at the chance which I may never have again. Let's face it, there are ample opportunities to move onto crappy yards, but this is one opportunity that may never come my way again. I don't want to live to regret not taking the option.

Delhi Belly

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18 February 2013
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i would jump at the chance! If you're not enjoying it where you are, and you have a field to school in then i would definitely say go for it! I moved nearly a year ago and felt the same anxieties but within a week - i felt like id done absolutely the right thing and my horses changed - they were visibly SO much more relaxed. what i hadn't realised was that my tensions and the general yard tensions were actually really affecting my horses.This was only apparent once they moved! Good luck - swallow hard and take the plunge :)

Thanks - sounds perfect. I know I'll be fine once I've moved, it's just biting the bullet and getting on with it!

Delhi Belly

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18 February 2013
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Just bear in mind that a private yard with a non horsey YO will mean most likely that you will have to take care of all the maintenance, are you able and prepared to do that?

YO does maintenance - farming background and it has already been discussed. They do have knowledge of managing land, just not horses, and my OH is also pretty handy when I can get him motivated! :)


Well-Known Member
3 March 2012
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Get one of those skyguards response pendants that you press a button and it goes to their control room and they can speak to you and if no response they just send an ambulance, everyone should have one, esp those living on their own, you could have a heart attack walking your dogs


Well-Known Member
22 February 2011
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Is there an option to have all the stables and rent them out offering part livery to help you cover the costs of yours , that way you get more of a say in the field rotation, schooling area etc ?

I moved from a yard to a field with enough grazing for mine and an area of grass which is level and well draining to school in, I love it, less hassle, I come and go as I please and put thing down and they stay there.