Yard for sale moving & building your own stables whose done it??


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18 April 2016
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Evening all
So this evening we found out the yard is for sale & house (owner lives n the house) she said from day property is sold (only just gone up for sale) we have 4 months she's happy to tell new owners I'm great tenant been there years etc... However I'm not holding my hopes as equestrian property around here is rare someone is bound to buy it who has horses whose been in this situation as it could take ages to sell although can sell quickly it's a how long is that piece of string game gutting it's not even 5mins from my house and at a bargain really don't want to move don't have a choice I've found a new place quickly i no didn't expect too this one is 2mins from my house so closer however current yard has
3 stables feed room tack room hay straw storage 1 1/2 acres all for my own use mains electric & water easy to get too excellent hacking & CCTV
New place is just a field 2 acres no electric water etc.. £40 pcm cheaper have to go through another field to get too hard water hay etc..
Shall I just move it's going to happen sooner or later however in a years time they still MIGHT not of sold love where i am
2: hold onto old place take on new at same time let grass grow just incase we have to move in winter least I'll then have grass
3: sod it off and wait for outcome
Fields are very very hard to get around here so stuck what to do
At new field we have been told i can build stables :) who has built sturdy out of pallets? (Hay shed is currently pallets held excellent in the wind) What floors have you used or what way have you done it on the cheap not much funds available
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Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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Firstly I am sorry you are going to lose what sounds like a very nice place .
I would if it's at all possible rent the new place and stay at the old while the sale goes through .
You can use the time to think through what you would do the new place and get it all planned so your ready when and if the time comes .
I can recommend a 12v solar system for the power they work really well just make sure you get a panels that work in ambient light more expensive but better in poor weather .
You're right it's highly unlikely it will get bought by a non horsy person but if it does you can give up the new place .


Active Member
18 April 2016
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Firstly I am sorry you are going to lose what sounds like a very nice place .
I would if it's at all possible rent the new place and stay at the old while the sale goes through .
You can use the time to think through what you would do the new place and get it all planned so your ready when and if the time comes .
I can recommend a 12v solar system for the power they work really well just make sure you get a panels that work in ambient light more expensive but better in poor weather .
You're right it's highly unlikely it will get bought by a non horsy person but if it does you can give up the new place .

Aww yes I've not even thought about light I've had if off where I've been really, i wouldn't no where to start where does everyone get battery's from do they last long? I'm thinking water wise them huge containers in cages. That's what I'm thinking to rent new place stay at old but i don't no how long is be able to keep up payments on both places probably 6 months I'll be gutted if i moved & it took ages to sell


Well-Known Member
26 January 2009
The Edge of Suburbia, Berkshire.
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Aww yes I've not even thought about light I've had if off where I've been really, i wouldn't no where to start where does everyone get battery's from do they last long? I'm thinking water wise them huge containers in cages. That's what I'm thinking to rent new place stay at old but i don't no how long is be able to keep up payments on both places probably 6 months I'll be gutted if i moved & it took ages to sell

Could you get a hay crop off the 2 acres? (is there room to get a tractor & mower/tedder/bailer in?) If you took it now would be time to grow...what's it like? Off 2 good acres you could get 200 bales of hay, but even half that could be most of your winter requirement?


Well-Known Member
26 September 2013
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Yes looked for years for right place. It was a financial slog but I couldn't be happier you could say my dream come true