yards + what could you live without?


Well-Known Member
3 September 2004
Have posted recently that we wanted to move yards to get to better grazing – now have seen a few in the area and need to decide at some point if we want to go for any of the vacancies.

Question is now what faults can I put up with (as I find that all yards have some bad points about them, there doesn’t seem to be any one that is just perfect).

This is what I would like on an ideal yard:
Lots of grazing – fields rotated and well managed – all year turnout in small groups
Big stable with plenty of light and air
Assisted DIY rather than livery (where services don’t cost the world) – I feel you get more say in what your horse gets fed and how much then but you still can get someone to muck out during work days when time is tight
Straw bed (so she can forage all the time)
Floodlit arena that can be used without pre-booking and doesn’t get over-crowded
Lots of off-road riding in the surrounding area
Small-ish yard (no more than 20 horses)
Sensible worming programme (by yard or organised by the owners)
Nice friendly atmosphere
No more than 15mins away from home
Can’t think of anything else right now..

If not all of this is available, what would you be able to be without and what is absolutely essential? (bearing in mind that floodlight for example is necessary because I work during the day)
Any opinions welcome –

Happy Bird

Well-Known Member
19 August 2003
London/Kent border
I don't think a perfect yard exists unless it's your own !! I soooo wish I could afford to. Saying that, my yard's great apart from the fact YO started sand school extension nearly a year ago and it's still not finished !

Another couple of things I look for when looking for a yard is: what time can you stay until the evening ? Are other people around at that time? (both essential questions if you work late especially in winter) ... err how much storage space you have (I have none at home but loads of stuff!).. whether children and dogs are allowed and always check you can use your own instructor/vet/farrier/dentist etc etc. I personally would not go to a yard where someone does not live on site even if yard secure.

Lastly, it's better if you know somebody on the yard already and can ask them questions too.

Emma xx


Well-Known Member
14 February 2006
South East
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Well the point about not having to pre book! I agree would be great but never gonna happen on a yard unless they have five olympic size arenas! theres just to many people.
Off road riding as you can always box up and go somewhere, and smallish yard as so long as is managed well shouldnt matter how big!
Good luck in your search!


Well-Known Member
4 February 2006
Stradbroke Suffolk
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I agree with all the above.

Is particulary important to have friendly people you can see yourself getting on with as it really helps in the winter!

I would want somewhere I can let my doggie go to also. having probs at my yard at mo as others have been taking the pi** and letting their dogs poo everywhere


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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I could live without the straw bed, and I could live without the assisted livery. But my circumstances are different.
But could you live without it being a small yard and without the straw bedding?
shame you don't live closer...i know of a perfect yard that is affordable and friendly, with MILES of off road hacking!


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
Parisienne Dressage
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im going to a yard identical to the one youve just described, except it dosent have a floodlite menage (am going to park my car at the school gates and use my car lights in the winter) and its only about8stables with me and two other people. it does however have a horsewalker and individual turnout, oh and my horse is on dust free shavings due to an allergy problem. So for the things you listed ive had to comprimise on the school, which has been a big thing for me as i compete BD every weekend, but im confident ive made the right decision.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
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No I don't think the perfect yard does exist. And everyone of them (unless your own) will have a couple of slight issues. But it depends on what is important to you and what you can put up with and doesn't bother you.

This is what I would like on an ideal yard:
Lots of grazing – fields rotated and well managed – all year turnout in small groups We have rotated fields. Horses turned out in 2's or 3's but not loads of grass but the fields are rested.
Big stable with plenty of light and air Not massive stables but roomy enough and the horses can see outside what is going on.
Assisted DIY rather than livery (where services don’t cost the world) – I feel you get more say in what your horse gets fed and how much then but you still can get someone to muck out during work days when time is tight. No assisted DIY as such but someone will feed for you, muck out, turnout etc etc if you need. No extra cost for this. - Yet
Straw bed (so she can forage all the time) Can have what you want for bedding. I have shavings.
Floodlit arena that can be used without pre-booking and doesn’t get over-crowded. Can use the arena when we want, don't have to book. Does tend to be a bit of a queue from about 6 - 7.30 in winter. You can go in in 2's if no one is jumping or lunging.
Lots of off-road riding in the surrounding area Loads and loads of hacking. Show is 5 minutes away. Loads of fields and gallops and quiet roads.
Small-ish yard (no more than 20 horses) 20 horses on our yard but most people own 2. One lady has 4.
Sensible worming programme (by yard or organised by the owners) Proper programme all worm at same time, via a vets instructions
Nice friendly atmosphere Most of the times. Has had its moments but we all get on most of the time. Just watch now.!!!!
No more than 15mins away from home Half a mile from home.
Security Would say security is good. YO lives there. They have dogs. Gates squeaks when you open and close it!!!! And we only pay £15 a week rent.
Can’t think of anything else right now..

If not all of this is available, what would you be able to be without and what is absolutely essential? (bearing in mind that floodlight for example is necessary because I work during the day)
Any opinions welcome –


Well-Known Member
31 July 2005
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Good Luck!!!

I would just go and see loads, they might not sound right on paper but when you get there you will know if you want to stay there or not. The only thing I can't live without is a school. When we ran our yard (20 horses) we had 2 schools, which you just went and used unless you had booked an instructor and then you had it to yourself.


Well-Known Member
3 September 2004
Hi, thanks for all this advice; I have seen quite a few yards and a couple actually are quite nice, the only thing that puts me off one is the cost of the services, plus possible field restrictions on wet winter days;

The other yard I liked you get to along very small country lanes and I am thinking whether I would be happy driving up there during the winter (I am a new driver) otherwise all seems fine even though it is a bit bigger than what I hoped for.

I want specifically go back onto straw bed as I have tried shavings in current place and don’t like them for my girl (so have been open minded!); and the grazing is totally mismanaged so next year we will have no grass left whatsoever so can’t stay. I also now am spoilt for hacking and don’t want to give that up as it is my main riding activity. The arena is essential for winter months and security , well, it is kind of paramount (current yard has no-one living on site so it would be a bonus to go somewhere where there is)

Worming I put down as it is not managed where we are (another annoying thing about current yard).

The choice is made harder for me in that I still have to pass my driving test and cannot influence how flexible I will be how soon … and when I do I will share the car with other half so there may be days when I can’t have it so other accessibility would be great – bike, bus etc but I may not find the best yard that offers that location. Arrrgh!