Fly paper for freaks 🍀
16.3hh 12yr old ex racer not in work. Grass has been destroyed with all the rain and most of it is now underwater.
TB in at night with adlib steamed hay. Currently gets 2 feeds a day (3 isnt possible sadly as that would help). Turned out with hay but would rather pick at what grass there is than stand at hay for long. He's rugged according to the weather, unclipped and hates being hot so will remove his own rugs (no idea how!) if he decides he's warm enough thanks ?
He is fed twice a day:
Progressive earth pro balance
Science supplements gastric supp
Keyflow pink mash
Grass nut
Dengie meadow chaff
Micronised linseed
He's had vet check at vaccination time and teeth are up to date. Worm counts always clear and another due later this month. I dont believe there's anything sinister going on we've just had a rubbish time with rain affecting the grass and the constant rain in general since the "summer".
He's not a greedy horse and the volume of feed needed to keep him from running a bit too light is over facing him (& getting ridiculous). I increased linseed a bit too much, to reduce volume of grass nuts, and it blew his tiny brain so that isn't a long term option.
So my question is what "ulcer friendly" calorie dense, low sugar/starch feeds do you feed with success?
I've been reading through the ingredients and analysis for loads of different feeds and my own tiny brain is blown ? I know there have been threads on here of feeds that don't look great on paper but do the job I need; I just cant find those threads right now....
I recall a mash being mentioned but I've searched all the feeds I can find that fit that description and nothing jumped out.
Would ERS cubes be an option?
Previously fed rice bran with no success.
Short version: TB fed grass nuts/pink mash/chaff/linseed diet twice daily but needs more "safe" calories from a less voluminous feed
TB in at night with adlib steamed hay. Currently gets 2 feeds a day (3 isnt possible sadly as that would help). Turned out with hay but would rather pick at what grass there is than stand at hay for long. He's rugged according to the weather, unclipped and hates being hot so will remove his own rugs (no idea how!) if he decides he's warm enough thanks ?
He is fed twice a day:
Progressive earth pro balance
Science supplements gastric supp
Keyflow pink mash
Grass nut
Dengie meadow chaff
Micronised linseed
He's had vet check at vaccination time and teeth are up to date. Worm counts always clear and another due later this month. I dont believe there's anything sinister going on we've just had a rubbish time with rain affecting the grass and the constant rain in general since the "summer".
He's not a greedy horse and the volume of feed needed to keep him from running a bit too light is over facing him (& getting ridiculous). I increased linseed a bit too much, to reduce volume of grass nuts, and it blew his tiny brain so that isn't a long term option.
So my question is what "ulcer friendly" calorie dense, low sugar/starch feeds do you feed with success?
I've been reading through the ingredients and analysis for loads of different feeds and my own tiny brain is blown ? I know there have been threads on here of feeds that don't look great on paper but do the job I need; I just cant find those threads right now....
I recall a mash being mentioned but I've searched all the feeds I can find that fit that description and nothing jumped out.
Would ERS cubes be an option?
Previously fed rice bran with no success.
Short version: TB fed grass nuts/pink mash/chaff/linseed diet twice daily but needs more "safe" calories from a less voluminous feed