Well-Known Member
Took Daisy for her scan yesterday and yay there are puppies. Counted five but it all becomes a bit of a blurr after a while and they start blending in together, vet said to probably double that, oh boy. Bless her she is not one of these mums who sails through pregnancy, sickness and diorheoa abound, checked her temp and that was normal so know there is nothing nasty lurking, I have had a few nasty surprises though the last couple of mornings Yuck. Vet has given her something to settle her stomach and some "special" food, which she loves but can only have a spoonful an hour at the moment, she's learning to tell the time very well and starts looking at me expectantly when the hour is coming up. So we have four weeks to go, lets just pray for the weather to cool a little bit as she gets bigger.