Yeah Thanks Tart!!!!


Well-Known Member
24 July 2006
north warwickshire (west midlands)
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i have had people shout out of there cars at me and one of them shouted "get off the road horses dont belong on here" i was walking down a village road and i just smiled and said well horses were here first. and i have been hit by a car before my horse is sooo laid back she is practically horizontal and the car did slow down so i will give it its due but a load of kids jumped out of a bush in costumes of course this is the only time she has ever spooked but i wet myself and all but all she did was swung her bum into the middle of the road and if you were driving you would have stopped if you had a spotty bum (horses not mine) a foot away from your bonnet but no they carried on and 3 more kids flew out of the bush she took 2 steps back and my horse sat on the back of their car ha so they had a huge bum print in there car but then they told the insurers that my horse is out of controll and climbed over the car sorry its so long lol but needed to get that of my chest