yellow crusty thing on mojos leg, what is it? *PIC*


Well-Known Member
30 May 2007
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Mojo has like a yellow crusty thing on his front leg! he wont let me touch it as its sore. Any idea what it is?
im going up later to twitch him and clip the area and see.

hes not lame or no heat there

heres the pic:



Well-Known Member
13 February 2008
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Is that the back of his knee - looks like a little bit of a skin infection there. I would keep it clean as best you can and dab some sudocream on. Wouldn't bother clipping it tbh, just wash with warm salty water or hibiscrub if he'll let you, but it might be too raw at the moment. then put on some soothing ointment like sudocreme. Check for any mites or bugs. If it continues weeping/smelly or he is very sore, call the vet.

It's funny, we have a new horse on our yard that has developed something similar in the same place. Suspect that the old owners gave her a thorough bath before coming and used something a little stong or didn't rinse properly.


Well-Known Member
25 July 2008
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It looks like what my cob has, he got leg mites and it came up similar to this on the back of his knee.

He gets pig oil put on it every day, and a good wash before hand.

If its sore he prob wont want you to clip it, so maybe take a pair of scissors and clip it with those as close as possible but it wont aggrevate it further! and it will give you a better idea of what it looks like without the hair in it.

I might want to get your vet out as well incase its a skin infection or reaction or something...


Well-Known Member
26 July 2006
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Mallendars (Common in hairy legged horses)

Soften with cream, so that the crusty skin comes away - NAF Hoof to Heel is good. Once crust has softened, gently wash with warm water or a weak solution of Hibiscrub.

Once clear, pig oil with flowers of sulphur as a leg and feather dressing will protect against mud fever and Mallendars. Sometimes they get similar on front of hocks, called Sallendars.

Not caused by mites or mud fever, but some types of hairy horses are pre-disposed to it (my mare gets the same, if I don't keep her legs clipped).


Well-Known Member
26 July 2006
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Local feed merchants or you can order online. I've found if I keep the back of her knees clipped she doesn't get it, the odd little spot I treat with Hoof to Heel. If you want feathers though Pig Oil & Sulphur is the way to go (though it does have a rather yellow colour to it)!


Well-Known Member
10 August 2005
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Mites - should be easy to get rid of with frontline and then pig oil and sulphur.

On that area treat with washing first with hibiscrub then applying a mix of 1 tablespoon sudocream, 1 teaspoon of sulphur and 5 drops of tea tree oil. Apply daily for a week, then wash again with hibiscrub and gently rub any scabbing off. Repeat until gone - takes a week or two.

However, if you don't get rid of the mites, it will be back.

I so a very very long PM about getting rid of them and keeping hairies with pristine show condition feather if you are interested in getting it, PM me.