Yew tree in corner of field

Stevie boy

New User
6 October 2021
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Hi , I moved to a yard 2 weeks ago & all is going well but I’ve discovered a huge yew tree in the corner of the field ( over the fence in neighbours garden . ) the yard manager has put a small piece of tape around the bottom of the tree but I have googled how toxic these trees are . Yard manager tells me they don’t shed so not a problem . Yet common sense tells me I don’t want to risk my horse eating anything that has blown from the tree ! How far away from the tree is it safe to graze ? Or should I move him right out of this field ? Opinions please would be helpful . ???


Well-Known Member
9 March 2008
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Hi , I moved to a yard 2 weeks ago & all is going well but I’ve discovered a huge yew tree in the corner of the field ( over the fence in neighbours garden . ) the yard manager has put a small piece of tape around the bottom of the tree but I have googled how toxic these trees are . Yard manager tells me they don’t shed so not a problem . Yet common sense tells me I don’t want to risk my horse eating anything that has blown from the tree ! How far away from the tree is it safe to graze ? Or should I move him right out of this field ? Opinions please would be helpful . ???
One of my fields is by a church yard and they have huge yew trees adjacent to my wall. The only time there is an issue is when it’s really windy and a branch breaks off and lands in the field.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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Yew is very very toxic and it seeds freely we have one close to a paddock I mow the paddock in ark round it just in case .
we had it locked away when we had loads for burning as a friend felled a yew walk? .I needed to know the dogs could not get any as they carry log
Its a magical very slow growing tree so I won’t kill ours but if it overhung the field I would .