You have to laugh . . . .


Well-Known Member
23 December 2010
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Or cry! I saw this on another thread and, well, wow.

So colts need to have there knackers off at ten days old :eek:

And as for my stallion, I'd better get a suit of armor lol. Next time he puts his head on my shoulder for one of his cuddles I better be aware that he actually wants to rip my throat out :D

Joking aside I get the feeling that Prat Parelli doesn't like the fact that stallions may be harder for him to dominate.


Well-Known Member
14 October 2010
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Or cry! I saw this on another thread and, well, wow.

So colts need to have there knackers off at ten days old :eek:

And as for my stallion, I'd better get a suit of armor lol. Next time he puts his head on my shoulder for one of his cuddles I better be aware that he actually wants to rip my throat out :D

Joking aside I get the feeling that Prat Parelli doesn't like the fact that stallions may be harder for him to dominate.

Haha! This bit made me laugh 'Yet every year, every breeding season, people are still hurt, maimed, or killed by stallions. What does this tell you about the potential perils of owning a stallion? In a fight, even a grizzly bear is no match for a stallion.'

team barney

Well-Known Member
5 March 2010
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Stallions have a bad name that is often wholly undeserved and ***** like this article doesn't help any of them. Too many entire's are kept in environments completely unsuitable for any horse's needs. To imply that a stallion is going to rip your throat out, or kill you in some other horrendous way (Parelli have a consistent theme going on this death malarky) is not going to help the plight of the horses stuck in stables 24/7 whose owners only handle them in the breeding season with the assistance of a large stick at all.

And really what sane vet would remove all a horse's teeth? How was the animal supposed to eat, or did he live on bran mash and sugar beet.

Now I don't think it is the best idea to have a stallion as your first horse, but I think there are too many horror stories put out there by ignorant people. I have come across as many "dangerous horse" geldings and mares as I have stallions, if not more so.

There are stallions out there that should be gelded, no to ways about it. But gelding them would not make them different horses it would just destroy their ability to reproduce. I am also of the opinion that there are mares out there that should never ever be bred from.

If I have never handled/ridden stallions in my life and I read an article like that I wouldn't ever want to! Thankfully I know better.

I have to say though I am not entirely shocked that the stallion would do that to his owner, there is only so much Parelli abuse that any horse can take :(


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18 April 2009
West Wales
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Haha! This bit made me laugh 'Yet every year, every breeding season, people are still hurt, maimed, or killed by stallions. What does this tell you about the potential perils of owning a stallion? In a fight, even a grizzly bear is no match for a stallion.'

I havnt watched the clip, but honestly its people like this that give stallions/colts a bad name! It drives me mad!


Well-Known Member
21 November 2008
Back Where My Heart Is :)
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I really can't comprehend how people believe such drivvel!

And am I being really thick in not understanding how you can castrate at 10 days old when their danglies don't drop for some time after?


Well-Known Member
23 December 2010
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I really can't comprehend how people believe such drivvel!

And am I being really thick in not understanding how you can castrate at 10 days old when their danglies don't drop for some time after?

None of it makes much sense. Maybe if we got to level 4 we would be wise enough to know ;)


Well-Known Member
24 February 2011
Kildare, Ireland
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He forgot to mention the fire breathing stallions... Who in the name of god would remove all of a horses teeth though??? it's just flipping wrong! I feel like goin and taking chunk out of him with myself! I'd like ta see him try his seven feckin games on me!


Well-Known Member
1 June 2011
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oh if only someone had removed pats dads balls at 2 weeks old we could all have been spared:D
must remember to watch out for my friends mini stallion trying to rip my throat out, the perverted little monster:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
11 July 2010
Hawkesbury/Blue Mountains NSW Australia
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you know that there are heaps of posts on this site about so and so should not have a horse they doe not know what they are doing... well stallions (and some mares and some geldings) are not for people that are new to horses, inexperienced, without proper facilities etc.

i know that some stallions are just like geldings, and some are not. i have experienced both, (at the first property i worked at, the welsh stallion was a dream, the hunter stallion was a complete jerk). i would not like to have the responsibility of owning a stallion. there are plenty of people out there that think if they get a horse, it should be a stallion for purposes of their ego.


Well-Known Member
25 January 2011
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Can't believe the drivel that comes out of that man's mouth sometimes why is he trying to make people terrified of horses .. you will get your throat ripped out if you aren't studying parelli level 4? what is the harm in leaving the poor wee colts entire until the normal time when they will no doubt with good training make lovely well mannered geldings anyway


Well-Known Member
30 August 2008
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There's good and bad in mares,geldings & stallions. In 23 years I have had more trouble fitting a saddle to a hormonal "wants to kick your teeth out" mare than any stallion, rig or gelding I have been to see!
Oz :)


Well-Known Member
18 February 2011
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oh if only someone had removed pats dads balls at 2 weeks old we could all have been spared:D
must remember to watch out for my friends mini stallion trying to rip my throat out, the perverted little monster:rolleyes:


The fact that the article skims over the part about the stallion with teeth removed, except to mention he still couldn't be handled because he's so mental, is true facepalm stuff, esp as it goes on to mention that punishment is NOT the way to train a horse...

no, just remove its teeth, wrap its hooves in several hundred layers of bubble wrap, cut its tail off (because it's WELL painful when that hits you in the face when they're aiming for flies!) and you'll have a docile, charming creature even a stupid level 1 can handle. I'm interested to hear how anyone who considers themselves a parelli follower actually defends this whole article?!?!


Well-Known Member
7 June 2008
Lancaster, Lancashire
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HA! Pat Parelli just gets more and more comical the more i read/hear. I work on a commercial stud, our stallion block is my allocated section of the yard, and i own a colt. So stallions are my bag. Ive seen through 2 stud seasons here so far and im not dead yet, bring on next year! :D


Well-Known Member
25 January 2011
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get a grip guys... every thing he says is basic common sense.. stallions can be dangerous and you should not own one without sufficient experience

don't think anyone is disputing that stallions need experienced handling, as do some mares and geldings, more the way he has put it to make all stallions out to be man eating psychos which need their teeth removing and that is why we must all remove the knackers of 2 week old foals


Well-Known Member
4 March 2010
Den Haag, Netherlands
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get a grip guys... every thing he says is basic common sense.. stallions can be dangerous and you should not own one without sufficient experience

Nobody has said that they are pussy cats or you should go and get one as your first horse!! But taking out a horse's teeth... on what planet is that acceptable? And please explain how that is 'common sense' because I'm failing to see it!!


Well-Known Member
11 December 2010
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I personally cant comprehend why someone would want to breed from a stallion with such a horrific temperament that it cant be handled even with all its teeth removed!! What kind of a selling point is that in a sire??

Total madness.


Well-Known Member
30 January 2011
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I thought he was saying that the stallion with the horrific temperament should be gelded rather than bred from. His argument, which I thought was scare-mongering and rather badly put, was that there are a lot of stallions out there which would probably be better off as geldings. It takes a lot of knowledge and skill to handle a stallion. He was criticising some methods of stallion handling which are violent and aggressive such as the funnel system, chains and so on. I missed the teeth thing but he would be criticising rather than advocating that.
So, common sense - only knowledgeable and experienced horse people should be handling stallions and a stallion doesn't make a great first horse. It's just a shame that the argument was so very badly put.

I have only ever owned mares so I haven't got the first clue when is best to geld a colt beyond that conventional wisdom is about 6 months, so I won't comment on the ten day thing. If I ever have a colt, which is extremely unlikely, I will seek my vet's advice.


Well-Known Member
14 October 2010
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Well I managed to escape with my life after feeding my perverted people killing stallion this evening :D

You stallion is only lulling you into a false sense of security. When you least expect it, he will strike! :p You should invest in some of this for next time you have to deal with him, until you have passed your level 4 :D
Last edited:


6 May 2011
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Bla Bla Bla, bl**dy hate people's misconceptions regarding stallions. In all honestly i was one of them at some point in the past (didn't know any better - not quite PP standards though thank god) but having spend the last 10 years working with a friends 2 Lusitano stallions which she brought back with her as 2 year olds from the Portuguese stud where she worked handing the youngstock I can safely say I am converted!

Her two have completely different personalities but they are a sight easier to handle than most of the P2P / event horses I've worked with! They happily travel together (side by side in a 2 horse box), turn out alone, boxed the winter next to mares, didn't try to maim/rape/pillage all the little kids on their wizzy little ponies and people riding mares in season at the last competition we went too, in fact we were complemented on our wonderfully behaved horses (having a snooze outside the warmup ring while all the other competitors were crazily throwing their horses over huge jumps). Over there it's unusual to geld, they're turned out with the mares and taught a few boundaries along the way.

Makes me really quite angry! As soon as she found other accommodation they were removed from her previous 'yard' (the parental kind) when her farmer father insisted on wafting a steel pipe about whenever he went near them. Wouldn't mind but the one he insisted needed battering can normally only excite himself to the point of wandering over to ask for cuddles when we're in his field! (Well, until he sees a jump in the school ;)