you tube vid


Well-Known Member
2 November 2006
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is it just me or does the indoor riding school want closing down why chase ponys over huge jumps with rubbish riders

just hurts people and ponies and they jumps are pretty big

poor ponies


Well-Known Member
2 November 2006
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being extremley cruel to a poor pony who doesnt want to jump as it will probably get a good gobbing in the mouth.

that jump is massive too -poor poor riding school ponies!

and on a worst note what the hell is her jumper all about?


Well-Known Member
3 August 2008
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Hi carmenlucy,

it's nothing to do with the school, it's the appalling standard of riding on the youtube video!

There've probably been countless good riders there, but to watch them is boring to Joe Public, hence the video of bad riding that's on there.

Then Joe Public takes mick out of all of us, says things to poor riders like 'oh you did well to stay on that flighty one', while good horsemanship + training is ignored, + certainly not filmed.

Every competitor pays the same entry fee...

All bests, BS

Thunderbirds R Gone

Well-Known Member
5 February 2009
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it's nothing to do with the school, it's the appalling standard of riding on the youtube video!

There've probably been countless good riders there, but to watch them is boring to Joe Public, hence the video of bad riding that's on there.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think the point is, is that those people shouldn't be jumping those jumps on those ponies.

The jumps are far too big, the riders should be jumping small cross poles etc until their jumping technique is established and they are in control. This is purely the teachers fault, I hope nobody got hurt.


Well-Known Member
5 May 2009
Cheshire - born and bred!
I once went to try out a horse at this livery/riding school the lady said i could try looking after him (the horse) for a week to see what he was like eg mannners and that.
so i did and after like 2days there i was waiting for my dad to pick me up and was speaking to a lady who had 2 shire's on the yard she was also whatching the jumping lesson and there was a very young girl about 10 on a 16.2 jumping about 3ft6 she came off 6 times!! because she could hardly stay on the horse and i said to the woman how stupid she obv cant jump that hight and she said the YO has a price list and when the instructer thinks you are ready to go up the lesson price goes up because its ''more expensive for the horses jumping this height'' i was shocked
and she said it works because they say to the parents the childs moved up because there so amazing at showjumping ect
im not to keen posting vids of me riding on youtube i once put a vid of math my new horse and me schooling in a lesson and i had had him about a week and i was so happy i kept whatching the vid and decided to put it on youtube
and the comments i got i began whatching and picking faults that wernt there
most of the people dont have vids of themselves either
grr sorry about the rant hahaaa


Well-Known Member
26 May 2005
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I think it's best not to pass judgement without knowing the background

The video is called "Horse Falls" so is going to be clips of the times things go wrong,not when everything comes together to show good horsemanship.
The riders may be quite good for their level but shown making mistakes/having problems,everyone has bad days.


Well-Known Member
3 August 2008
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Hi friends,

I think all our views suggest that maybe the safest way to learn to ride is with a school which is approved by one of the main bodies (eg BHS, ABRS, Welsh Trekking, Scottish Trekking, etc, + with my apologies for not knowing all/getting names wrong, etc x)

I love to have a hack with local folk in a local riding centre, if i'm on hols. On Skye last year, i'd decided on what sounded a great place at Portree, BHS approved, etc, but then we couldn't fit it in with the ferry timetable we'd booked to outer Hebrides, so i booked a hack with a locally advertised Tourist-Info place, further NW on the island....

They were lovely folk running it, i got a lovely, sharp Welsh(!) pony to ride, but hack consisted mainly of very novice riders. Not a problem, i'm happy to walk + enjoy scenery. But - leader didn't have a horse, was on foot, said to those who wanted a canter to wait behind... (we just went down a track to a beach + back again)
So i turned my pony's head away from her disappearing friends, + encouraged others to do the same. I actually trotted up a stone beach, to get others to follow, before they started to kick off (although mine already rearing, cos mates gone back home)...
Then when i turned, they all took off (not surprisingly), so i thought best thing i can do is stay behind + pick up those who fall off. Yep, no surprise, it happened. Novice rider, horse strays onto bank, tipped her off. (She was ok, thankfully, + said 'oh this is where i fell off last time i came here')...

While some may criticise BHS, i remain firmly of the opinion that the levels of training/safety that they + ABRS impose are very important.

I think the you-tube vid says this also?

Like no-one ever told these riders to never get in front of the movement.

All bests, BS (BHSAI + bit more!) x


Well-Known Member
26 July 2005
Well the woman shouldn't have been flapping around the jump when the pony went to take off but it's obvious why she's doing it, clearly the pony has been refusing or running out. Personally I'd put the jump down lower and move it up gradually.

The rest are just unfortunate and I can't see the actual problem, they are just rider mistakes which people make every day, even those at the top have refusals, stops etc and they don't always manage to hang on! In fact the one at the end on the horse that reared and reared after a refusal seemed to be sat quite in balance as the horse reared.