Your horses imperfections


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29 August 2009
Milton Keynes
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Tinypony made a good point on another thread. We all like to say how wonderful our horses are - perhaps to avoid being thought of as lesser horsemen/women?

So, lets hear your horses imperfections! Personally, I think so long as you're actively working on them, there's no reason to worry!

Ned doesn't travel and I can't practice because I have no trailer. I can't get on by myself without a huge battle, if someone holds him he's fine...though that's not 100% relative as I'm not riding him for a while. He can be a little spooky. He's a bit iffy with the farrier, but getting better quite quickly. He can not be left alone, I'm trying to work on this, but I don't think I'll ever be able to leave him.

Cookie...well...I've not known him long enough to know them all like Ned, but he can bite and if he's feeling particularly energetic, he might not let me catch him right away, but after a wee gallop around, he'll always come round!


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27 January 2008
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Ollie would tell you that he is just perfect (I think he is as well), however he can be a so and so to catch sometimes if he really thinks he doesn't need you. I always manage to but it can be irritating.


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3 July 2013
Highlands from Essex
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she has enough mane for about three fresians and it drives me crazy.

she likes to drag her rugs along the fence line and rip the chest out of them.

she does not have much respect for fencing, she never has had and I remember going to the field with her then owner when my mare was ten days old to find mum calmly grazing and no foal in sight-she had gone through the fence and off for a wander on her own, the flip side of this is she has always been happy to leave the herd with no dramatics or stress when ridden or with a person on the ground.


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29 August 2009
Milton Keynes
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Twiggy2 - You reminded me of Ned's biggest problem haha! I'd forgotten (so traumatic I'd pushed it to the back of my mind!)

The field needs to be like a prison around the edge, or he will be off "home". Thankfully I think he's starting to come around to the fact that the field is his home and Cookie is his friends...doesn't mean I'll be taking my 7ft fencing down any time soon!!


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28 March 2013
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I have an impatient wotsit of a mare that headbutts people. She knows she shouldn't do it, because if you turn around tell her off, she backs off expecting it! But, 2 seconds later, she will do it again. I've given up telling her off, it's a pointless exercise. I just don't faff over her and try to be quick with things like headcollars, boots so that we don't even start the cycle. She is good with kids though!


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13 November 2010
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Alf is super-spooky and reactive, and he will, given half a chance, be rude and obnoxious with the others in his field. I don't mind that when I'm not in there, as he is the boss and that's horses for you - but I would prefer it if he wouldn't chase the others off me when I'm trying to do rugs/pic out feet/have a sneaky cuddle.
Other than that, he is practically perfect!


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28 March 2011
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J the TB is just a little cautious and suspious he needs to loosen up.
He does not like water which we are putting in a lot of work to sort apart from that he's adorable.
Tatty is nuts but he's loyal and brave and well mannered just very nervous.
Fattys a hoot hes his own man but he's lazy unless he wants to do what you do.
Cobface is fun loving and loves work but he's very grumpy with other horses and not to be trusted with them in the field he's bad at standing the lorry and walks out of buildings through the walls and doors if the fancy takes him, the git


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4 November 2010
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Fergs is a spooky git to hack alone. Other than that, relative to his size / conformation and the limitations thereof, he is perfect.

Darach is an escape artist. But he's perfect to handle, catch, sweet (though obviously green) to ride, very trainable and pretty scopey for his type.

J is old and knows what he's doing better than anyone who rides him. His only flaw is his age and the limitations that puts on his work - he is perfect.

Not that I'm biased or anything...


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25 July 2007
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Emil is cheeky and when it's time to go out, a little impatient

He is very sensitive especially his back so if you over tighten girth or pur a saddle on with no cloth he will explode

Other than that he is perfect :)


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7 August 2013
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Scarlet doesn't like travelling and cos of that is a bad loader. She needs sedating to get clipped and is a devil with the dentist, but not needing sedation for that just yet! But as part from that she is perfect for me. Oh and she hates youngsters - foals, fillies and colts!! She is like the equine equivalent of the child catcher!! But I don't mind that as I'm like that with human ones!!


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4 August 2013
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Mine goes into complete meltdown sometimes over the most ridiculous things, it's all ok when I'm with him but he could easily panic someone else. I guess his inperfection is being a bit of a marmite horse!


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19 October 2009
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One of mine cant be led unless you have a bucket, he panics and tanks off if there is no food to distract him. Its a huge problem but we are working on it

The other is pretty good but he gets very angry and posessive when eating so we leave him well alone at mealtimes!

Caol Ila

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23 January 2012
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My horse cannot be turned out in a field with other horses, as she tries to eat them for breakfast. She also needs to be kept in the lifestyle to which she is accustomed, or else she becomes the world's most neurotic fencewalker. But she is gorgeous to ride and to handle.

Meowy Catkin

19 July 2010
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Chestnut mare - is a bit of a worrier and can be stressy.

Grey mare - can be a sod to catch sometimes.

Chestnut gelding - hard to worm and has decided that he's not having injections anymore. We are working on this.


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23 June 2009
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Training imperfections. lol Sophie, still intermittently very difficult with her hooves after years of training. I know it's down to soreness and this has reared it's head again due to her having to have more grass than is good for her due to summer hay shortage over here. She is also still reluctant with the dentist. We have worked hard on this one and made huge progress but she can still lift her head way out of his reach sometimes. I am considering finding a different EDT and a taller one! Lol

Molly (mini Shetland) can have nervous days but we go with the flow.


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4 June 2012
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I can't leave anything with my baby wb unattended, he will chew or pull at anything and everything, including sometimes having a tug of war with his turnout, as I pull it back down to his tail, he grabs the chest and pulls forward! I'm hoping he will grow out of it when he finishes teething, as it drives me up the wall. I've tried spraying stuff in bite stop but he appears to like the taste...

Albertus H

12 July 2013
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Boo is look at :p

He's a spooky mofo, literally scared of everything. Hacking is not pleasant, alone he's terrified of his shadow, in company its all way to exciting and like a rodeo show.

He's the softest thing on four legs, more like a dog than a horse, but turn those clippers on and he turns in to satan himself! (he does have quite pointy ears...should have known!)

He is extremely talented, pops 1.50 tracks at home for fun. Take him to a show and he shrinks to 12hh's and is so engrossed in everything around him he struggles round a 1.20m!

He's 8 going on 3

He chews EVERYTHING. Anything he isn't allowed to have in his mouth he does. Rugs, bandages, forks, brushes. I even had to rescue a lady from him whos coat toggle he had in his mouth and refused to let go! I'm starting to think more he may be a dog.....

He LOVES bucking when he's excited, I do find it funny too but sometimes it goes too far....

But, all of these things make him the beautiful horse that he is and I wouldn't change him for the world! :D
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Well-Known Member
19 July 2011
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My lad is a devil to hack alone apparently everything is scary when his pal isnt there to protect him lol

he is also a clumsy oath and has destroyed many buckets plus has an irrational fear of water :)


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2 August 2010
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T can be a typical baby spanish mare at times. Has the odd nip when she feels you aren't giving her enough attention. Likes to chuck in a huge buck when excited/feeling devious. Doesn't like standing around waiting for others. And can just be a cow in general. But... when she's good, she's amazing, which is most of the time :)


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3 April 2008
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Okay....My "perfect horse"
Windsucks and cribs causing quite serious damage to fencing and stables etc, Wont load 9 times out of 10- the other he plods on without being asked?!, Is ridiculously spooky even in company, can get a little bit strong and "forget what he's being told"
Rips my other horses rugs, has intermittent lameness problems, can be a little bolshy in the stable sometimes.
He sounds great hey! ;)
I love him to bits and the only thing id change is the lameness bit or he wouldn't be him!


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17 May 2012
NE Scotland
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My boy weaves, although he doesn't go side to side but bend and straightens his knees alternately, sometimes accompanied by stamping/kicking out of back feet and crossing his jaw pulling crazy faces - looks like an epileptic fit. He doesn't do it in a stable, but when tied up - he also does it when he's anticipating food or if he can see me giving another horse attention and I don't come over when he starts whinnying.

He is also sharp as a tack, normally not spooky at all but when he's having a sharp day he is just on his toes. He can bronc like you wouldn't believe, and does a combination of the sharpness, spooking and bucking whenever I try to compete him.

He hates other horses, makes warm-up rings a nightmare, have completely given up trying to show him as it DOESNT WORK. He is also a thug in the field, constantly bullies everyone else and shreds his and everyone else's rugs.

He's also a weird combination of very clingy and yet hates cuddles.

Actually, why did I buy him again?


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23 August 2010
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Pip has a bit of an attitude problem occasionally, depending on what mood shes in! After two years she has suddenly decided she no longer hacks on her own! shes is the most inconsistent horse i have ever met temperment wise. some days shes absolutly angelic to school otherdays i feel like getting off before i've even got on. some days you can clip her legs perfectly fine, otherdays you cant and you'll be swinging from the rafters if you even think about turning the clippers on her although is always fine with her body, some days shes an angel for the farrier others. . . you get the picture! Luckily i have a fab farrier who just ignors her untill she gives up! But shes fab to jump very easy and incredibly bold across country and straight as a die never wobbles - but this is also an imperfection because sometimes i dont get a say in what parts of combinations we are going over especially in complexes where there are several options! she will just go for the most 'direct' route! this is something we are working on!

She can be quite frustrating and can be a complete pain in the backside some days but i live each day in hope that today will be a 'good day' and the good days are good enough to keep me hanging on in there :)


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20 January 2010
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I shall start with the least imperfect and work my way up!

Tuffers - impatient like you would not BELIEVE when tied up. This comes from him cutting himself into the knee joint and needing four months complete box rest. If he's tied up, he's whinnying, weaving, and if he's really cross, bucking. This is his only fault though - he's absolutely 100% in every other way, so he can be as impatient as he likes.

Couloir - little witch to catch if you've done anything she deems "unacceptable" in recent weeks (ie - worming). Gets pus in the foot at the drop of a hat, but hates being in the stable, so canters round and round for the first two days. Since she lot her sight (understandably) she's an absolute sod to load onto anything. Her default response to anything she doesn't like is to stand up. She's funny about people she doesn't know and will rear and rear and rear if being led by someone new. If she's stressed, she flicks a back leg out constantly, and although she won't ever mean to kick anyone, if they're in the way, they'll get decked. She was a terrible mother and just left all her foals to fend for themselves while she went off to do something more interesting. All of this aside though, she was absolutely wonderful to ride, and is the best companion in the world. Never needs feeding, doesn't wear shoes, gets fat on fresh air, and is the BEST companion in the world. I can turn her out with anything, or on her own, take anything away from her, leave her on her own, and she never bats an eyelid.

Roy - the most complicated pain in the bum of a horse I've ever met, but the most wonderful horse on the planet so he can get away with anything. He's 29 now, so I'm not going to fix any of his problems, and after all he's done for me, I wouldn't want to change him. He's an incredibly poor doer, and needs four feeds a day all year round. He box walks if he's in a strop, he fence walks if I'm two seconds late bringing him in, if he's cross, or if a bird flies over the field the wrong way, he's extremely fussy about feed and will only eat a certain diet (Red Mills Cool N Cooked mix, Mollichaff Showshine, sugarbeet, Blue Chip original) and will only eat haylage, never hay. He won't load onto anything smaller than 6.5tonnes, he can be a ****** to catch, he hates being tied up and will spin around and around whilst tied up. In his old age he's gotten very naughty under saddle - bucks, spins, broncs, rears, snatches, tanks off occasionally, does a LOT of sideways, but is totally reliable in all situations. He won't spook at ANYTHING, will walk past anything, is safe out hunting, jumps anything he's pointed at, and looks after his rider in all situations. He's the best thing that ever happened to me. Warts and all.


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18 September 2012
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My gelding has a terminal case of the fidgets. He just cannot stand still when tied up and you're tacking up/ untacking. Hops from foot to foot, tries to walk in a cirlce (and so strangles himself), goes backwards, sideways, forwards. Does it at the start when tacking him up, and at the end untacking after a 4 hour ride. Drives me insane (especially AFTER a long ride -when I'm tired!). But then other days he's fine and stands no bother. But brilliant to load and stands in a trailer all day if asked to (as long as front door is open so he can watch the world go by).


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15 June 2009
Was Surrey, now West Berkshire
Cam is a lazy slob if he can get away with it. Strangely for someone so lazy he is also impatient and likes to be the centre of attention so he'll scrape his front feet or bang his door if he's being ignored. The rest of him is pretty perfect really, even if he is a bit of a cheeky clown sometimes. ;)

Raffy is fine most of the time unless he thinks it is past his bed time and thinks he has been starved. Then his Arabian blood comes through and he can be a drama llama - head and tail held high, lots of dashing around with his frilly knickers in a twist. :)

Milligan, well pretty easy to point out his imperfections - he's a little Welshie and has all the devilish attributes to go with it. :eek:


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28 May 2011
isle of skye, scottish highlands
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tego: grumpy old git, and always has been! Can be a little tricky to catch at times. squeals and throws her legs about when you brush her tummy.

whisper: bullys other people's horses... and mine sometimes! pulls very ugly faces at everyone but me! Has a narrow chest, and typical arab ribcage, so looks like a blimp from the front!

willow: walks slooooooooowly, had the mane and tail of 5 highland ponies. ridiculous.

could be a lot worse


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16 September 2013
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My old pony, used to buck bronc! and open her door.
My big stocky cob yearling when he is tied up outside his stable, if you are mucking out, he will barge the door shut and if you dont move your wheel barrow quick enough... the poop that you just picked up ends up on the floor again haha :)
And my new mare is really nervous and headshy and i think it will take a long time for her to pick her feet up :)


Well-Known Member
29 December 2011
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Imperfections? ..... Let me think .... Um .... Erm .... ............ Nope, sorry, just can't think of any. Oh, hang on .... Yep.... He's totally and unbearably cute! Other than that, totally perfect ..... But I'm learning to live with it ...


Well-Known Member
16 May 2013
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My lad just has 1! :D If he didnt have me on his back he would be perfect. Oh and he sort of spazes his neck to one side to try and avoid working on the bit.


Well-Known Member
9 April 2013
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my girl can be a bit grumpy and hormonal sometimes, she also does not like hacking out alone and naps when leaving, going backwards and occasionally upwards! but we have been working on it and do manage to hack out alone, she is just much more spooky than when in company.
currently she is really annoying me as she is wrecking her brand new medium weight rug by leaning over barbed wire fence to eat stuff on the other side, even though she still has plenty on grass. had it on 2 days and the neck is ruined!!

my boy gets very grumpy around feed time, especially in the winter, leg held up guarding it! if other people get near he will try to bite them, but i'm OK. grumpy with girth as well, very sensitive there, have to dope to clip his girth area, but can do everywhere else! gives saddlers and physios serious evils!

but luckily i could write a lot more things that are brilliant about them both :) have had other issues luckily we have resolved with time and come on leaps and bounds.