Your horses imperfections

Fools Motto

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30 June 2011
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Penny won't stay in her stable on her own, she'll be out over the door before you can say boo to a goose.. we've got a full grille we put up when she HAS to be in, which this year has been once! After a temper tantrum, she does settle, but I wouldn't trust her to settle for a second IF so much as a bird flies past!! I can't blame her, she is still young and hasn't had to do the 'on my own thing' much.
Meg won't tie up. Doesn't bother me. Always managed! She can also be 'madam-tastic' when she chooses with the farrier, but even the farrier has got to know her so well over the years, we manage that too, even if it is bribery with polos - little witch!!

Madam Min

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2 July 2011
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Chloe is a diva, she's a grouch and although she's fine to turn out with other horses and goes out daily with a group of other mares, she hates other horses and will pull faces and lay her ears flat back any when riding with others!


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28 June 2007
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Squirrel is DEAD lazy to lead.
Bit lazy to ride too....

and he needs sedating to clip from the neck up.

Lexi is a bit handy with her back legs - doesn't intentionally kick people but will kick other horses if thry get too close.

Also used to cow kick when brushing back legs and hoof picking (much better now, just lack of handling I think), and at the hose but last time I hosed her back legs she was fine. Oh and at back boots. But she's still a baby and it's just lack of handling. Will def have to wear a red ribbon when she competes though!

Lacey is a lost cause...I'd be better off listing the good points! Doesn't load, doesn't do worming, dentist, vet. Can only catch her when she comes to the gate (luckily she ALWAYS comes but no point going to meet her). Rears. We've spent years trying to sort these things out with multiply pros (and all physical stuff sorted, she was in a lot of pain when I got her) but hey ho.

Willow bites when her front of her rug is done up. Also not good to clip but retired now so doesn't matter.


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5 October 2006
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Dex can be incredibly rude, lovely 98% of time but if fit and the work stops he can bite... . also can't understand the point of standing around in lessons waiting our turn (my fault as we have one or two lessons a year) he switches off and needs a big pony club kick to move on but when going is fine. He also shreds my mares rugs. My retired mare is of course perfect, only fault is a tendency towards gassy colic.oh and the fact she is permanently lame and has been for ten years plus.

Pie's mum

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16 January 2012
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Pie is an absolute sweetheart most of the time - until you try to clip him, then he fidgets and stomps around unless he's twitched. He's also ridiculously strong on the moors in company and won't walk quietly.
I'll forgive him for these as he's such a lovely lad!


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7 July 2010
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Oh too many to mention - which is why we say he is "quirky" . . . let's see - the current irritations are:

- he has "forgotten" how to hack alone . . . by which I mean he has reverted to his old habit of spinning, rearing and threatening to bog off (or actually doing it) . . . we are solving that by making him hack ON the bit and sending him forward

- he is very opinionated about when he comes in and will lap the field, shrieking until someone comes to fetch him . . . if it is raining/very windy/there is an R in the month/the moon in the 7th sphere, this sets him off

- although he will stand tied up on the yard beautifully with a human next to him/doing things to him, he gets very bored when tied up alone (even with hay and water) and repeatedly get his leg over his leadrope/the fence, paw the ground, empty his hay bucket all over the floor, get his foot caught in the haynet (tie-ups are far too low and his legs are far too long) . . . once he is in a predicament, he doesn't panic - just stands and looks at you and waits for you to come rescue him . . . I have tried shouting at him to stop, making a loud noise to distract him, ignoring him, rewarding him for standing still . . . sadly the only thing that works is not to leave him tied up on the yard without his own personal cabaret for longer than about three minutes :(

- if he is left in his stable with the stall chain up and the door open he will ransack any and all objects within reach of his very snaky/sneaky neck and head . . . including those belonging to my rather stroppy livery neighbour to the left of his stable . . . sigh . . . he has also been known to pinch the rug hanging over her horse's stable, drag it into his own and wee on it . . . oh, the shame

- his default evasion is to stand on his back legs because he knows I don't like it and will get off (under saddle only, obviously, he has NEVER reared in hand - he wouldn't dare . . . funny that!)

I am sure there are others . . . these are just the ones that currently drive me potty.



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27 February 2010
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Chester bucks! Other than that he's a pretty good boy. Oh and will only load on a lorry. He's also very nosy! And he is obsessed with Shetlands. I should get him one as a present.

Frolic is spooky! He thinks the world is out to get him. But if he's doing XC or jumping he's super confident. He also is not a fan of the dentist! And is a bit of a field hopper, always wanting the best grass.

They are good boys and I'm lucky to have them both.


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14 January 2011
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Lily can be an arse to load, she paws the ground when she wants attention & kicks the stable door at feed time :( she can also be a complete cow bag in a collecting ring at times & she dishes like crazy!!

However, her complete gentleness, laid back temprement, willingness to learn & sensible head for a 5yr old makes me forget all of the above ;)


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15 August 2012
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Bud hates trailers so needs lunge lines to get on. He's a rat bag to catch in the summer. And he's an absolute so and so for other people to ride and tanks off. He's petrified of bikes and motorbikes (getting much better though and went past both last weekend just doing a dragon impression), is allergic to pretty much everything and destroys headcollars. Oh and he's a box walker without lots of toys to play with. Other than that he's my superstar, I love him to pieces and wouldn't have him any other way :)


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24 June 2008
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Baby was incredibly stressful and could not be in without the lad regardless who else in barn. her life was strict routine routine routine to control her stress and my life revolved round that totally and utterly BUT i dont begrudge hrr a moment of that and she was so lovely sweet and keen to please. miss her desperatly x


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12 July 2010
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Mine is a mega door kicker and although very good to load and travel gets mighty impatient if made to wait on the trailer at arrival, it's a case of let me off noooooow! He also rips other horses rugs :(


Ah mud, splendid
6 May 2013
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Diablo's a tit. He is a horse who likes to be told what to do, in that he needs everything to be super clear and direct and doesn't appreciate fussing or dithering, but as much as he likes being told what to do he doesn't like being told how to do it.

For the most part he acts like he is a big lazy lump of a thing, but he is secretly a very sensitive soul. I think he is a joy to ride (though I don't think he would take to a tentative rider), but if you make a mistake, boy does he make you pay for it. He is also becoming picky about what work he likes to do and will act like a bit of an idiot (overly spooky) if you do something other than schooling or off road hacking with him (though this only applies if he's on his own).

He also chews fencing and will pick up and throw anything in his reach and is lethal with his head because he likes it being scratched and cuddled, and to this end will swing it into your chest with enough force to wind you.


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18 December 2010
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Fig box walks like it's an Olympic sport. He pulls his hay out of his trug and insists on sleeping on it. He uses his water as mouth wash so I have to empty, clean and refill it, every day! Unless hobbled, he kicks the living daylight out the lorry. He thinks piled up jumps are the scariest thing ever. He hates whips, more so when someone else is carrying it near him! He can't be trusted with his teeth near anything fuzzy or furry. He can't be treated too often or he nips, HARD.

But I still love him :)


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31 January 2011
On the South Coast
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Louis is the worlds biggest escape artist from his stable ! And 3-4 times a year he throws in a single buck !

Otherwise he is a saint, but if you're having a tea of coffee he will mug you to have the last inch in your cup !!


Well-Known Member
7 July 2010
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Oh too many to mention - which is why we say he is "quirky" . . . let's see - the current irritations are:

- he has "forgotten" how to hack alone . . . by which I mean he has reverted to his old habit of spinning, rearing and threatening to bog off (or actually doing it) . . . we are solving that by making him hack ON the bit and sending him forward

- he is very opinionated about when he comes in and will lap the field, shrieking until someone comes to fetch him . . . if it is raining/very windy/there is an R in the month/the moon in the 7th sphere, this sets him off

- although he will stand tied up on the yard beautifully with a human next to him/doing things to him, he gets very bored when tied up alone (even with hay and water) and repeatedly get his leg over his leadrope/the fence, paw the ground, empty his hay bucket all over the floor, get his foot caught in the haynet (tie-ups are far too low and his legs are far too long) . . . once he is in a predicament, he doesn't panic - just stands and looks at you and waits for you to come rescue him . . . I have tried shouting at him to stop, making a loud noise to distract him, ignoring him, rewarding him for standing still . . . sadly the only thing that works is not to leave him tied up on the yard without his own personal cabaret for longer than about three minutes :(

- if he is left in his stable with the stall chain up and the door open he will ransack any and all objects within reach of his very snaky/sneaky neck and head . . . including those belonging to my rather stroppy livery neighbour to the left of his stable . . . sigh . . . he has also been known to pinch the rug hanging over her horse's stable, drag it into his own and wee on it . . . oh, the shame

- his default evasion is to stand on his back legs because he knows I don't like it and will get off (under saddle only, obviously, he has NEVER reared in hand - he wouldn't dare . . . funny that!)

I am sure there are others . . . these are just the ones that currently drive me potty.


Just wanted to say that, despite (or because of all of the above), I love him beyond all reason and can't imagine life without him . . . almost all of his antics (except rearing when I am on board) make me smile . . . he is my sanity.



Well-Known Member
15 January 2011
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My cob hates anyone applying sun cream to her nose, she is pink skinned and goes mad when you get near.
Sometimes shes a bag to catch but she always comes in with feed!!
She has trouble bending but where working on this
She tires out too easily but again its yo do with fitness level
She wont let yoy near her mane when ahe had one to plait or comb that's why she is hogged - strangely tho she will let you hog it and brush it when hogged but never once it gets past a certain length?!
Oh yes she can give you a mean bite when she wants too! However its rare and normally reserved for the farrier lol
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12 July 2008
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Reading some of these it makes me realise quite how good my youngster is! He is so polite and willing it's unreal.

Things he's not good

Only one I can think of is:

He is a drama queen about injuries being treated and getting wet for a bath.

The rest are just him being a baby:

He cannot leave anything alone for even a second. EVERYTHING goes in his mouth to be chewed.

He's very fussy about his bit (just developed huge teeth bums so prob explains that)

He lunatics about the field and makes a mess.

There's very little else he doesn't do well. He was a bit excitable and bouncy initially but he's grown out of that.


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29 July 2011
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The brat pony is called the brat pony for obvious reasons. It's like dealing with an adhd child with the odd day reminding me he's knocking on a bit and he feels obligated to be a miserable git.

Any field he is put in, doesn't have to have 'good fencing'. It must be brat proofed down to centimetres of possible escape routes, adventure trails, paths to a 'better place to be in'...covered and then covered again. I have now sussed the mind of a houdini and can trap my pony in his assigned paddock (most of the time!)
Tied up we can have days of constant fidgeting, moving, untying himself, pulling and running his teeth along anything he can reach.
Children....HATES them. All liveries know he is a no go, if they have kids on the yard. They would have flesh removed or be on the floor within a flash.
Before i lost my cob (his best friend) he had horrific seperation anxiety. Couldn't be left on his own for any length of time even with hay, he had to know where cob was nearly every second of the day.
Apart from me and my field share who knows him well, he doesn't like other people touching him or pampering him. Cue an evil face, a jaws attack or a quick leg to warn you.
Having said all that, he's been a rock for me since losing cob, is incredibly loyal and loving(he's nicknamed Ponydog) and has become a very independent pony, being far less clingy to other horses. :)


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6 August 2012
Sunny Perth, Western Australia
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hmmmm, where to start??

GK -
Gives no warning when he is going to run out of a jump (always to the left, never the right), but only does it if he is unsure of the question... he never does dirty stops.
Bites like a trooper whenever he is being brushed (anywhere but his face) or having any body work/massage done.
When he's had enough of something, he barges off. Through people, breaks twine, etc.
Has no respect for any wire or tape fencing and will shimmy out under them, unless the fence is electrified.
Loves the ladies - was gelded as a 10yr old and is now 15.
Kicks when you try and dry off his back legs with a towel.
Doesn't like to stop when cantering, or galloping... He full on runs through your aids. He has been re-mouthed and schooled by a professional dressage rider (who is on the Australian National Dressage A Squad), nothing has helped. He now jumps and goes xc in a Pelham.
Will take your hand off to get to your bacon & egg burger.
Runs around like a tool when Bo is taken out of his paddock.
Is super in love with my friends mare to the point where we cannot take them to events together and need to seperate them at all times.

Runs around like a tool when GK is taken out of his paddock.
When he is stressed or excited under saddle he will rocking horse.
He is super lazy, laziest OTTB in creation. Getting him to walk is a mission, getting a nice trot out of him is a bigger workout for me than him and keeping him in canter is a absolute mission (unless we are doing fitness work and he is pacing my friends OTTB)
When his brain is fried he will rear... not little ones either, he goes vertical. *note - he hasn't done in ages. I now know the warning signs and ask him to do things in a different way. I have also done a lot of work getting him to disengage his hindquarters and also working on his 'go' buttons.
Will almost sit in your lap to get some Red Creaming Soda out the can if you have any.
Needs to be twitched when you are scrubbing his leg to treat his greasy heel, otherwise he kicks like a mofo.

Even though they both have their quirks, I wouldn't change them for a million dollars.
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Well-Known Member
3 May 2009
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My horse is a PITA to get a bridle on because he clamps his jaw shut. Have previously resorted to blocking off his nostrils so that he had to open his mouth to breathe.

Also, he can get very tense when hacking or when generally tense, resulting in lots of squealing and jumping about.


Well-Known Member
6 August 2012
Sunny Perth, Western Australia
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My horse is a PITA to get a bridle on because he clamps his jaw shut. Have previously resorted to blocking off his nostrils so that he had to open his mouth to breathe.

Just a note... Horses can't breathe through their mouths. The soft palate blocks off the pharynx from the oral cavity of the horse, except when swallowing. This helps to prevent the horse from inhaling food, but does not allow use of the mouth to breathe when in respiratory distress, a horse can only breathe through its nostrils. For this same reason, horses also cannot pant as a method of thermoregulation.
29 July 2005
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My Appy:
- Not brilliant to load... ok in a lorry but will not go in a trailer for anything!
- Not good to clip - have to get him sedated
- Cannot clean sheath without sedation
- Can't pull his mane (I solo comb it but have to do the sensitive bit near his withers whilst I'm on him!
- Likes to buck
- Sharp and spooky at times
- Is a real fidget to bath and isn't keen on it

But he is my horse of a lifetime and I wouldn't change him for the world! :D

- Can change when ridden from being calm and laid back one minute to sharp and spooky the next
- Will panic if he thinks he has done something wrong (although is growing in confidence and improving all the time)
- Likes to spook for the fun of it to liven up a schooling session and to try and get out of what he is supposed to be doing!
- Tends to 'hot up' when jumping on the right rein (one of his quirks!)

I also wouldn't change him for the world either - he is perfect just the way he is!