your routine?


Well-Known Member
26 January 2011
Somewhere in the middle!
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Hello! Don't post on here often, but thought I'd join in! I have two horses, my mare is on DIY and my gelding is at grass - I've just bought him and there aren't any stables free at the mo.

I work 9.30-6 Monday - Friday. Monday - Thursday I work in an office that is roughly between my house and the yard. Fridays I work in a different office, about an hours drive away so I do struggle with excersising on Fridays, so this tends to be their day off.

I get up at 6 each day and get to the yard around 6.30/6.45ish. Muck mare out, change rugs do haynets, water and get evening feed ready. Mares field is a small hike away. I will then check on my boy, make sure the fence is ok and break the ice in his water trough when neccessary. I'll get home from the yard about 8am, have a cup of tea and breakfast and then get ready for work.

Lunch at 1-2 so will go home and take the dog for a quick walk and have a quick sandwich and sort washing/housework out if I have time. I take my jods, boots etc to work so get changed in the toilets and head back to the yard, bring both of the horses in, ride/lunge and feed. I usually get home just gone 8 and hubby will have dinner ready.

I find it hard to fit housework etc in more than anything! Hubby is really domesticated so he's quite helpful thankfully!


Well-Known Member
18 July 2011
Probably in a field covered in mud
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I'm in school from 9-3.20 most days. Sometimes finish early so can't give exact afternoon times;
6 am: Wake up, change and go to yard. Horse lives in his turnouts and doesn't get breakfast so straight out to the field. Muck out quickly (shavings and rubber matting so very quick). If I have time will do hay and water too.
7am: Back home for breakfast, shower, hair, argue with mum over her taking too long in the bathroom :D then school for 8.45.
After school: Head up the yard. Finish any jobs I didn't do in the morning (e.g: Hay, water, wash buckets). Bring him in, groom and either ride or lunge. Back in stable, brush off, rugs on, feed and home around 7pm at the latest if I get distracted and stand around chatting to people :)


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30 November 2011
West Yorkshire
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I'm very lucky to have my chap on full livery and have indoor school. By the time I get to him from work (which is less than 10 mins away) he is dry and ready to ride. I love it all my time is spent with him. I have always done DIY but I'm too old to fight with mud!!!


5 January 2012
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I Have My Pony at DIY Yard i work half 8 til half 5.

Breakfast and Lunch are fed by YO and is included in price

My Friend and myself help each other out
she un rugs and takes stable wraps off and skips out for me in the mornings, Checks Water

My dad turns out at 4ish in the winter ( In The summer i turn out at 1ish)

i arrive at the yard at at about 5.45PM muck out properly, change water make haynets and feeds.

i get him in, wash legs, pick feet out and groom,
put pjs on and wraps, feed and hay.

i also skip out and rug my friends horse up for the night.

I get home about 8ish most evenings

weekends - i turn out in the morning ride after lunch and then finish off for the the evening about half 5.


Well-Known Member
22 November 2011
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Routine??? whats that??? You are all very lucky that you have a daily routine / regular work ours. I work long hours, travelling the country and even sometimes around Europe. There are days when i leave home for work at 5.30 / 6am to be at what feels like the other end of the country for 9am... On those days I might not get home until 7 or 8 at night. However, I do still go to the yard every night, no matter what time, to bring my boy into his stable, feed him, check his rug and make sure he is ok. Oh, and for a cuddle too of course! At the mo, that means walking across two fields in the pitch black to get him in and take him back out again, but that's ok - he's worth it.

Luckily he does, and always has, lived out 24/7 but occasionally if I am home and if the weather has been or is really naff, I will bring him in at night, and let him stay in his stable and munch hay all night! He knows those nights because when he gets in his bed is made and theres not only his tea but a haynet waiting for him. Im very lucky because he is happy to be in or out and is so very easy to do. Once I've done him, its back home, shower and cook the dinner... No rest for the wicked! I must have been very very bad in my last life!

Obviously because of the dark nights I am only able to ride at weekends, but like everybody else, I can't wait for the spring and for the clocks to change!!!


Active Member
30 November 2011
Essex girlie and proud.
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I Work in an office 9-5pm so here is my normal routine:
5am get up, walk 10 mins to yard (with dogs), quick brush off and tack up, school for 30-40 mins have to be off his back by 6.30 am. Brush off again rug up etc.
Feed both (have 2 one is a companion welshie for the big lad as my 2 are on their own), rug up pony do haynets, feeds for evening, waters whilst they are eating (Oh! and fill up bird feeders), turn out both by 6.45am, muck out and leave stables ready for the evening.
Leave yard by 7.15 - 7.20 am, walk 1/2hr round sea wall home with both dogs. Get home by 7.45am feed dogs,& myself, in shower by 8.05am, face on and dressed by 8.30am to leave to go to work for 9am (ish!!)
And breath...... enjoy being at work for a rest...........
5 pm leave work, drive striaght to the yard there by 5.30pm, bring in wash feet, change rugs put to bed and feed say goodnight and home by about 6.15pm, Hubby does the PM dog walk.
Weekends normally at yard by 7.30 am if not competing ride, muck out,feed at leisure and walk home at the moment back at about 4.30pm at the weekends to put them to bed.
Yes it is B****Y hard work and sometimes i really wonder why i do it, but I cannot afford nor want to put them on livery and when you get a ribbon at the weekends it makes it all worthwhile!!!!
Summer is easier only because they live out but the timing and routine stays the same.

Moo Wills

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17 August 2010
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I'm extremely lucky to have an amazing OH so our routine is -

Alarm goes off at 4:30am

Both of us get to the yard for 5am

OH does jobs while i get 1 ready to ride (we have 2)

Ride 5:15 - 6:00 in winter but in summer longer as not confind to the school

Both home for 6:30 for breakfast, showers and get ready for work

Work for between 7:15 and 7:45 depending on traffic (OH drops me on the way to his work)

Horses are brought in by YO around lunchtime

Leave work between 4:30 and 4:45, back to the horses to rind the second one and then usually home 6:15 - 6:45

Cook dinner, housework etc and bed usually 9:30pm

This is mainly the same routine all year round as don't turn out 24hrs and horses are happy to be out 6 - 8 hrs a day

Friday's i usually give riding a miss as finish work at 4 and it's nice to get home/ go to the pub at a reasonable hour


Well-Known Member
13 June 2008
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5.45 - get up, throw on some clothes and brush my teeth - take dogs out for 15-20 minute walk.
6.15-6.20 - jump in shower and get dressed ready for work
6.50-7.00 - go to yard, add on yard coat & chaps (although if i'm wearing a dress to work i tend to change at the yard - chaps and a dress is not a look i'd recommend!), turn out, muck out get stable ready for mare to come in to (I pay to have her fetched in)
7.30-7.40 - drive to work (while trying to put my hair & face back into presentable form!)
8 - 4.50 - work
5.30 (depending on traffic) back to yard, put night net in, check over and get a couple of bits ready so i dont have to do them in the morning.
6.00-6.15 get home - walk dogs (length depends on how tired i am and the weather) & then I finally get something to eat and sit down to relax!

I no longer ride regularly as Connie is retired, and a firend and i sometimes to alternate mornings so we get a slightly later start, although at this time of year we both tend to go to the yard in the mornings and then do alternate mornings & evenings during the weekend.


Well-Known Member
29 October 2010
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mine goes out at around 7am (YO does it :D )

i stroll up whenever it suits me fitting it between uni/cwk and normal work!

I drag in about 3pm nowadays before i go to work in the evening....

Im not riding at the moment but when i do it will be in the morning :)

Gorgeous George

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2 April 2007
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I have mine on part livery so don't have to do yard duties. I work full time in London 9-5.30 with an hours commute each way. I get to yard at 7pm, groom, ride, skip out, sort out hay etc. I usually leave about 8.45 to be home by 9pm.


Well-Known Member
16 July 2010
North East Scotland
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Compared to everyone else, we have it very easy!

At college 9-4, but get a lift with the girl I share the field with, so get to the field at just after 5 after she finishes. Check horses over, muck out shelter, fill haynets, feed. We do poopicking at weekends, or if I finish early from college, I'll cycle over and do some in daylight then.

Our 2 are out 24/7 with a huge field shelter, so it only takes about 20 mins! :D


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26 March 2002
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Blimey would just like to say HOW do some of u do it! You must be exhausted eating at 9pm at night! I have 6 but are onsite with office job so am lucky i can pop in and out, have to start riding 2.30-3pm to finish before it's dark! Start at 6.45am everyday. You guys working 9-5 they are some long days, well done u lot- spring is on it's way and lighter evenings too yay :)


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2 August 2009
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i work 9:30am to 7:30pm, luckily yard feed and turnout...i leave work at half 7, get to yard for just gone 8pm.muck out,do net,feed etc.
bring in put to bed and dont change rug or clean.
then shoot around corner to my rented land where my other two live out.feed and hay them in field and check over with torch...then go home.
get home for half 9 usually....

i have a sharer for ridden one so get two nights off a week from bringing him in.
the two who live out aren't in work...
i do waters for two who live out at weekend to last week to save time.i also make up 7 nets of hay foor week for them as this saves time to.

on the odd night im on an earlier shift i will try to ride my ridden boy..


Well-Known Member
25 February 2009
Plymouth, Uk
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Surely not all 40 others at my yard don’t actually work.

I'm sure it's the same at my yard! I don't see ANYONE!

5am - alarm goes off
5:30am - get to yard (always the first there, never see anyone), give mine her brekkie, change rugs and turn out mine and one other (10mins to walk from yard to field - horse with long legs walks fast, pony with small legs walks slow, doesn't put me in the best mood that time in the morning!).
6am - Muck out and do haynets for my girlie
7am - Get home, shower, get ready for work
7:30am - Leave for work
8am - 5:30pm - Work
6pm - At yard again (get changed in the car) after the pony's owner has got mine in at about 4pm. Not a soul there, all horses tucked up for the night. Ride/lunge/groom and give her her tea.
7pm - Home. Cook tea for husband and I, wash up, tidy up, shower, should get on with some uni work at this point but instead sit infront of tv/laptop...
11:30pm ish - Bed!

Pony owner and I usually play it by ear, I usually start the above about 9:30am and get everything done by 2pm ish then pony owner gets cowbag in about 3pm.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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I need a routine, as at the mo, it's chaos! I'd love to get to the yard early, but nobody else gest there until about 8am, and I'm a little scared of going alone (wimp!) The same with the evening, all are finished by about 4pm which puts me off doing anything other than finishing up quickly. Other than learning to 'man up', does anybody else mind going so early/late alone? (special admiration for those who manage a dog walk at 5am, again something I'd love to do but am too scared, instead try and cram everything into daylight hours!) :cool:

Fools Motto

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30 June 2011
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Aren't we all busy bees!!

My routine changes depending on school holidays.
But, Basicly I'm up at 7am, wake the kids, get breakie ready for all (leaving OH and kids to eat said breakie and hopefully get dressed) then I go checking/ haying (dependant on weather) the horses (out 24/7) soon after, giving the dog a walk in the process. Back home by 8.15, wave OH bye, then grab kids, argue about who has or hasn't brushed teeth, grab packed lunches and drive them to school. Come home for 9.10, grab my own breakie, and go to work. Sometimes work is 9.30 - 12.30/or upto as late as 2pm, whizz home, grab dog go to horses to feed and any odd farm jobs, then whizz back to the school to collect kids, back home for my lunch (always late lunch!) If I have run late at work, then I get kids first then with their joyous help, we all go to feed the horses and currently cuddle the chickens (it is the IN thing!) Some days I don't 'do' lunch.
During the school holidays it is more relaxed, I can start work earlier and therefore allow more time for my horses. I'm currently not riding mine, but will do when the weather improves. (fair weather rider? - oh yeah!)
Get home anytime around 4.30, where I do some housework, and get dinner on the go. We aim to eat at about 6.30, kids in bed at 7.30. I get to bed anytime dependant on if I've nodded off on the sofa!

On my days off, I can spend all morning pottering around the farm with the horses or doing any other jobs. I like days off, I get to eat lunch!!!

horsey mad matt

Well-Known Member
5 December 2010
dover, kent
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am: my friend who owns the field feeds mine along with hers and gives them hay.

pm: finish school 3.25
get on bus 3.45
walk up hill from bus stop
go and do the horses i get payed to do 4.10
go back round make up my feed and wait for friend who owns the field 5.15
go down the field feed, pickout feet and check over the horses
put hy in box
weight for them to finish dinner
give polos
walk back to shed
go home


Well-Known Member
26 September 2011
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horsesatemymoney - I am like that! Thats the one thing I am dreading about getting a horse, being alone at the yard in the dark!

horsey mad matt - Id love to see a picture of Jack, just the sort of horse I imagine getting :eek:

It is tuff ay! I figure I don't do anything with my life other than get up, hang around to go to work, finish work and just watch telly, go on computer til my eyes stream! Instead I could be out in this lovely weather enjoying my horsey. Preferbely with some freinds to help out!
This thread has made me want to save even more now! YAy, you lot havent put me off.. yet ;)

thanks for replies everyone :)


Well-Known Member
26 February 2011
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7.25am turn out horse
7.30am muck out and lift bed
8am work
4.15pm get to yard
put bed down
4.45 get horse in
give dinner
6pm leave and go home