Zara Phillips...Why put her down?


Well-Known Member
20 October 2006
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Totally agree with those above who said that she is hardly the only eventer who has come from a priviledged background...I mean, does anyone gripe at the whitaker dynasty?! Can't imagine Zara has any more advantages than they do! Plus comment above about working full time with horses....I think the majority of eventers at that level do don't they?


Well-Known Member
21 August 2005
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lol, I wrote a comment back but don't think it will get past the reviewing. I wasn't rude just direct. So pathetic though, she deserved to win and people should just get over it.


Well-Known Member
5 May 2005
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Exactly the sort of reason why I don't read the Daily Mail. I refuse to read anything other than the Telegraph, although I don't know what they had to say. Evidently he hates royalty - probably not half as much as the rest of the country hate completely ignorant journalists. What class does he suppose himself to be? He has shot himself in the foot - he evidently scorns the working classes because he has mocked a lack of Standard English but the rest of the article would isolate him from the middle class too - poor unwanted individual.


Well-Known Member
30 September 2005
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Zara has no control over who she is, who her parents are, or the position she finds herself in. What she does have control over is her own destiny, and she has chosen to pursue her dream of 3-day eventing. Not only has she chosen to follow that path, but she has done so to an extremely high level, and been very successful too. Sure, others have had great success...Pippa with her grand slam, WFP with all his achievements, and there are many others too. I think it is fair to say that Zara has had a fair bit of luck too. Her run of form upto the WEG was far from impressive, and I don't think she was exactly favourite to win the European title either...but she did on both occasions. Of course her name and position will provide her with opportunities that others may not have had, but get over it, that's life. In all walks of life there are those who have, and those who don't. The real difference is those who make the most of what they have....


Well-Known Member
6 November 2006
South East
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Hahaha A Natasha from Devon wrote a kick-ass comment!!......
"Zara is a talented sports rider - you are a critic with clearly no knowledge of sport let alone riding. Sit back and accept that she is good at what she does and get over it. If people didn't think she was good they wouldn't have voted for her. The fact that she is stunning is irrelevent. I don't think she got where she is now in her field by posing for pictures. Horse riding requires a great deal of skill - as does writing an article or criticism, as you are defficient in both skills I suggest you keep quiet. Also I don't think you can make sweeping generalisations about what people think, especially as the results show that people like her. Therefore the only finding in this article is your own arrogance and dissapointment which I hope you will get over in time."



Well-Known Member
14 September 2006
liverpool uk
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sorry i didnt mean it the way it sounded! i am sure the majority of people who or accoumplished riders could get on toytown and get a reasonable amount out of him, but judgeing by the clips they showed at SPOTY hes not the easiest of rides and she does a fab job in all three phases in getting the best she possibly can out of him